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"Ilsik, what are you-"

The superior leaned back, still not breaking eye contact with the chinese in front of him as he stared at Kun's orbs that held genuine confusion. He might not be a psychologist to read him accurately, but he could sense that Kun really had no idea -- yet he wanted him to realize himself.

"Dr. Qian, one last time. Little Channie, you remember him, right?" Ilsik questioned, his hand silently making its way on the files he took from the psychology department not too long ago and grabbed it, scanning at it from top to bottom. "Jung Sungchan."

Kun's eyebrow twitched as he could feel Hansol's hand take his, attempting to calm the chinese down since he looked like he would snap anytime soon. "I do remember him."

"Well, you see," Ilsik let out a little sarcastic laugh before dropping a deadly expression, slamming the files on the table.

Sungchan's medical records.

Everything was still blurry to Kun, he couldn't connect the dots from the past and the present.

"Still couldn't get a grip?" Ilsik, now annoyed at how slow the chinese is, fished his phone from his pocket, unlocking it as he pressed on the photos -- showing him the familiar family gathering when Sungchan was still in middle school. "How about this?"

As if he could remember everything like it happened yesterday, Kun's back straightened. He didn't know what Ilsik meant by him showing Sungchan a bunch of criminal documentaries, but all he could remember was the kid bugging him to watch it with him.

Not to mention Sungchan was thirteen -- thirteen.

"That's right, recall every single thing about that family gathering."

The superior could only stare at Kun's eyes with pure hatred, though the chinese male couldn't see that because one, he was so confused about the whole situation and two, he just wanted to get things over with.

But as for Sungchan's files on the desk, is he lowkey blaming Kun for the reason of his illness?

"Ilsik," Kun started, brain still processing as the whole situation is very vague and baffling. "Are.. Are you blaming me because of their mental state?"

Ilsik's lips tugged up in a dangerous smile, "Bingo."

Hansol's grip on Kun tightened as he could feel the younger shake a little in anger. He didn't want him to lose his shit because it could damage his carreer -- especially when Kun is facing a co-CEO of a high-ranking hospital in the city.

"Well, I don't generally blame you," The superior added, turning his heel to face the open window of the office that captures the cityscape perfectly, "Since you're the exact reason why my nephew is mentally ill."

"Ilsik, your family left years ago!" Kun yelled out, catching Hansol off guard which made the latter stand up and pull him away from the table, since Kun is about to throw hands, "How am I responsible? Heck, I don't even know you're related to Sungchan's family!"

The superior's smirk fell, pasting on an annoyed yet angered expression on his face before turning around to face the chinese that was ready to throw hands at him base on his current position. "Kun, I was at the family gathering seven fucking years ago. We were both in college and you didn't even notice me in there because you give most of your attention to my older sister's youngest child, which is Sungchan."

Ilsik paused for a moment, gazing over at Hansol who just wrapped his arms around Kun in attempt to calm and hold the chinese down before gazing back to Kun's orbs.

"I saw how you showed Sungchan those crime documentaries," Ilsik slammed his hands on the table, "And that is how I came to the conclusion why he was acting all weird the moment he turned fourteen."

"Details, Ilsik," Kun pleaded, grabbing Hansol's hands and unwrapping it atound him, "I don't understand why am I involved in this."

Ilsik could only roll his eyes and take a deep breath to calm himself down, "You're still the same, old Qian Kun, huh? The one who thinks of no one but himself,"

"I never said-"

"He fucking helped you in your position and you're calling him a self-centered person?" It was Hansol's turn to speak, pulling Kun behind him to face the superior as he could no longer feel safe at this kind of aura Ilsik was emitting.

"Oh so now your boyfriend is defending you?" Ilsik snorted in disbelief, "You even brainwashed him."

As Hansol was about the one to throw his hand, Kun tightened his grip on the older and pulled him back to face him, "Let me handle this, please."

"He's clearly out of his-"

"Ji Hansol,"

The older male pursed his lips in a thin line, his fiery eyes softening at how Kun showed him a pleading look -- he knew it was hypocritical of him to calm the chinese down moments ago, and now he was the one being calmed down. If it weren't for Kun then he would've threw a punch at that one heck of a chief.

Loosening his grip around his lover, Kun heaved a deep sigh and turned to face the annoying face of Ilsik, "I never centered myself in my life, it's always the others first. If you think of the other way round, then what are you exactly implying at?

"Kun, don't you get it," Ilsik grabbed something under his desk and sneakily slipped it on the holster before walking around. "Sungchan lost his mind months after that family gathering, killing both his parents and his siblings just to satisfy his needs- and who's the motherfucker who started that?"

The superior stopped just beside Kun and turned his heel to face the latter, grabbing the pistol that was resting on the holster on his belt, "The one chinese I'm facing right now."

Hansol instinctively pulled Kun behind him, obviously taken aback st the sudden action the superior just did. Even Kun was surprised; this isn't the Ilsik he knew. The Ilsik he knew was kinder, more considerate of the people around him, more caring.

"Do you understand now, Kun!?" Ilsik cocked the gun, making both Hansol and Kun flinch at the sudden sound, "My fucking sister and her family died because of their youngest son. They could've been alive right now and I wouldn't be pointing a gun at you if it weren't for you!"

"Ilsik, I'd never do such thing!" Kun yelled out in fear, his anxiety rising every second as he could feel himself shaking. "Sungchan bugged me into watching those videos, I refused but he really wanted to!"

"You're saying that right now? I don't want to hear any more lies." Ilsik's hands started to shake, his finger grazing over the trigger -- the urge to pull it growing more and more every second, "Everything, every evidence, is pointing at you for killing my family."

"Psychosis," Hansol whispered as he felt Kun grab his labcoat from behind, "He's showing signs of psychosis and a psychotic episode is occuring."

"Fuck, Hansol, I don't think he's mentally ill-"

"I'm not saying he's mentally ill, I'm just pointing out the possibilities of psychosis based on the symptoms he's showing." Hansol explained, his hand making its way to grab Kun's hand, interlocking it to hopefully ease the chinese. "If I yell out 'duck' do it with me, okay?"


"Just do what I say if you still want to get married!" Hansol panicked, tightening his grip on Kun's hand to calm himself down.

"Now what if," Ilsik's face lit up a little, lips tugging up in an playful smirk as his fixated his finger on the trigger, "I pull this trigger, let the two of you create a pool of blood on the floor, and call my little nephew to clean it for me?"

Well, that escalated quickly.

As if everything happened in a blur, Hansol yelled out a loud 'duck' as soon as he saw how Ilsik's finger pulled the trigger -- creating a loud ass bang around the four walls of the office and disregarding the sound of the door bursting open to reveal a group of messy boys witnessing a failed murder.

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i finally lost my mind.

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