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"I told you patient 0107 couldn't control himself a while ago, the neurons weren't cooperating," Sooyoung stated, pointed at the part of the scan as Kun and Hansol nodded.

The owner of the hospital shoves his hands inside his labcoat pockets, shifting his weight on his other foot. "I see no brain damages, we can proceed to give him TMS."

"Do we really have to do it now?" Hansol asked. He did suggest giving him DBS – but Sooyoung said that TMS is better – but he was still uneasy.

"Seeing that he's in the hospital for four years now and both psychotherapy and medication doesn't work, I think it's about time," Sooyoung said before placing the iPad she was holding since a while ago and stretched her arms.

Hansol shrugged, Sooyoung does have a point.

"I'll set up the–"

"Goodness, no. Not right now," Kun massaged his temples as Sooyoung broke giggle. "Let him cool down first, then get his permission."

Hansol might have been tired to even think straight (as a bent ruler) and Kun understands. The oldest blinked and sighed, slumping on the nearest chair as both Sooyoung and Kun chuckled at his action.

"You can take a rest at the lounge, a lot happened today and it's still–" Kun took a look at his watch, "Three in the afternoon."

Wow, a lot happened today, huh?

Hansol didn't say anything and just nodded before walking out of the place. Sooyoung also volunteered to bring Taeyong back to the Irregular Ward while Kun stayed behind. He sat on the chair where his lover had slumped a while ago and checked the scan of Taeyong's brain – the neurons may not be visible, but Sooyoung does have a point.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

It was half past four when Kun went out of the place and decided to check what was happening in the Irregular Ward. He sighed upon holding the doorknob, resting his head on the door as he thought for a while before opening it.

"Dr. Qian, there you are! I was so worried when I heard what happened at the rooftop a while ago." Wendy greeted the moment Kun stepped inside the hospital. "No one was hurt aside from the patient, right?"

The doctor shook his head, "The nurse who saved 0107 probably hurt his arm but other than that, everyone is okay. How is he anyway?"

"Knocked out," Wendy replied, heaving a sigh. "Do you still want me to watch over them? You can rest for a moment,"

The chinese yet again shook his head, "No, thank you. I'll take it from here, you should take a rest."

The canadian smiled and nodded before patting his back and walking out of the ward – closing the door the moment she walked out. Kun sighed once again and stared at the sleeping bodies, it was a good thing that Yukhei is getting his sleep after almost being awake for a week, and it also made the other patients rest completely.

He walked around, shoes creating soft sounds every time it hits the floor – echoing inside the quiet room. The corner of his lips rises in a smile every time he sees one of them asleep. Well, not until he came across Renjun's bed.

The doctor frowned, noticing Renjun's body trembling. He made his way at the side of his bed and sat slowly on the given space, placing his hand on Renjun's arms as the patient was caught off guard.

"Shh, calm down, it's just me," Kun reassured softly after seeing the patient act like someone was about to kill him. "It's okay, Renjun-ah."

The patient calmed down somehow and wiped his tears before sitting up as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

"Do.. You want to talk about it?" Kun started, seeing how the patient was trembling as he tried to stop his tears from falling.

Renjun took a deep breath, "I-Is Jeno going t-to kill Jaemin?"

Kun blinked, he wasn't expecting that of course. The incident happened weeks ago (or probably days) but Renjun was still thinking about that— oh right, he almost forgot the patient is schizophrenic.

The doctor gave him a reassuring smile and ran his hand on the brunette locks of Renjun, "No, don't worry. How about you take a rest—"

"N-No, someone's b-by J-Jeno's bed– i-it's trying to k-kill him.." Renjun panicked, blinking away the tears in his eyes as he could make out a hazy figure of someone holding a knife – walking slowly but surely to the patient across him.

Kun looked at where Jeno is – which is across Renjun – and didn't find anyone there. It was just Jeno and his sleeping figure, no signs of someone while holding a weapon was around. Surely this is one of his hallucinations, the doctor thought. Kun turned his head back to Renjun who was clutching his labcoat sleeves real tight,

"S-Save him, h-hyung.. Y-You have to‐" Renjun hiccuped, closing his eyes as he burring his head on Kun's arm after seeing the 'someone' lunge the knife onto Jeno's skin and hearing his faint scream at the back of his head.

The doctor hushed him down, "Renjun, calm down, stop crying. Jeno's okay– he's fine, he's not hurt."

Kun patted his head, "You're just hallucinating, Injun-ah. You're fine, Jeno's fine, we're fine, no one's around. It's just your ward mates sleeping, okay?"

"H-Hyung, I-I'm scared.." Renjun gripped his sleeve tighter, "T-They're still there, I-I can feel it."

Kun heaved a sigh and knew more than to argue. He shifted his position and pulled the patient in a hug, patting his back and caressing his hair as he uttered faint 'it's okay's and 'you're fine's.

Seeing that Renjun isn't calming down anytime soon, he decided to just hum a tune – since he doesn't have anything else to distract the younger.

It somehow made Renjun calm after a few minutes, soon settling himself in the warm arms of the doctor. Kun didn't even notice that the younger had fallen asleep already, he just kept on humming the sweet ballad his mother would often hum him to sleep.

─── ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ───

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