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"I'm the worst," Wendy muttered under her breath, eyes gazing over the streetlight that flashed a deep shade of red as she tapped continuously on the steering wheel.

She didn't know why the fuck did she bring them, but she knew she'll also get her license terminated because of this.

Her eyes traveled to the rearview mirror, regret entering her veins as she saw how both patients react to the outside world after staying inside the hospital for about three or four months or so. The doctor bit her bottom lip, why did she let them come again?

Right, they mayhaps took their blackmailing on the next level and guilt trip the shit out of Wendy.

Plus; Jisung mentioned about those patients planning everything out and Sihye was originally out of it.

If only she knew what Jaemin and Jisung is capable of, she shouldn't have underestimated them just because they're mentally unstable. The female sighed and let her hands fish her phone on her labcoat, passing it to the white-haired male that certainly looked annoyed at the amount of car honking from the outside.

"What do I do with this?"

"Dial someone named Aeri," Wendy replied, pressing on the accelerator the moment the street light flashed green.

"What will I say?"

Composing herself from snapping sonce she was annoyed from early this morning, Wendy took a deep breath, "Just dial her number and I will do the talking. And whatever you do, do not say a single word."

Jaemin raised a brow, suspicion rising in his veins but did what was told nonetheless. I mean, they did kind of blackmailed the doctor just to come with her so might as well do what she was told. With slight suspicion flowing in him, the white-haired male responded nonetheless. It took a little while, but he managed to dial the phone number and held the gadget closer to the doctor that's driving.

A few rings passed, that honestly irritated Wendy, but she managed to compose herself the moment this Aeri responded, "Uchinaga Aeri, what did I tell you about answering the phone immediately?"

"I'm sorry- uh, I had to run errands and left my phone-"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, "Alright, alright, enough." What's done is done, anyway. "I want you to send an ambulance to the Neo City Hospital- right now. I'm on my way as well, so please send it now."

Silence invaded the other line, the canadian creasing her eyebrows as she carefully focused on both the road and the phone call. Moments passed by as Wendy's jaw fell when the call suddenly dropped -- catching her off guard. She muttered a few curses under her breath as Jaemin only stared at her with an unreadable expression, questioning if that's how his doctor acts out of work or when stressed out.

"Might as well hold tight if you're not wearing the seat belt," Wendy says in a calm manner, yet you could feel the slight rage and anger dripping from her words as she forcefully stepped on the accelerating -- speeding up and overtaking a few cars that were in front of her.

Well it surely did catch Jaemin and Jisung off guard.

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Kun's grip tightened on Hansol, biting his lip as the older brought them behind the table to at least hide themselves from the sick superior that knows absolutely nothing about psychological shit. He was utterly nervous, for both him and Hansol, as well as Sungchan who somehow found his way here. A small part of him was relieved as well; if it weren't for that bloodsucker that seemed to be drunk, they would've been dead by now with Ilsik completely getting away from murder.

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