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Everyone in the room turned to look at the policemen that just abruptly entered the room, with their doctor, of course, and another person they can't seem to recognize.

Their eyes just followed them, bringing the unknown face at the far end of the room and began chaining him to the wall which is quite unusual, because not even one of them are chained on the wall and the new face does?

Kun approached the japanese that is looking at the commotion happening beside him, tapping the japanese male softly which caught him off guard.

"Shotaro, can you please stand up? You'll switch places with Yangyang." The doctor said in a soft voice, making the patient nod his head and slipped out of the bed.

Once the two of them switched places, the police made sure to put a divider in between Sungchan and Yangyang, making sure the criminal – as described by the police – is away from people's sight.

"Doctor Qian, who's that?" Kun heard a soft voice not far from him and turned to look at the patient that spoke.

"It's just another patient, Chenle-yah. Don't worry about it too much." Kun smiled about to pat his shoulder when he remembered about his state as he noticed how Chenle flinched when he stretched his hand out.

The doctor awkwardly took his hand back and cleared his throat, "As much as possible, don't come close to him."

"Shouldn't he be in another room?" Another voice echoed in the room– which Kun immediately knew who it belongs to. "It's too crowded in here."

Kun is so close to losing his patience,  but calmed himself down as he knew about his disorder.

"Yuta-ssi, calm down please." The doctor says softly with a hint of annoyance heard in his voice.

"Calm down?" The patient cackled. "Listen here, doctor, don't you realize there's no more space in here yet you still placed that douche here?"

"He's not a douche."

"–I don't care if he's a douche or not but for me he is, and if you're not moving9 him or anyone around, at least move me to the other rooms!" Yuta raised his voice, earning a flinch from a good amount of people.

"Hyung, some of us are asleep. C-Can you please keep it d–" Yangyang flinched when the japanese banged his hand on the table between his and Mark's bed.

"Don't fucking cut me off, bitch."

"Nakamoto Yuta." Kun said, sternness present in his words that honestly creeped out the other awake patients in the room. "Officers, is everything okay now?"

The police nodded, making sure Sungchan doesn't go anywhere or do anything before making their way out of the room. The doctor gave Yuta a stern look, as much as he didn't want to get angry, he still did and that's not really a trait for doctors.

Kun sighed and made his way to the entrance and pressed a button, "Hello, this is Doctor Qian, can I please get paroxetine for patient 0107? Please deliver it at Irregular Ward. Oh, and please get the psychotherapist ready, there's someone here who needs help. Thank you."

Right after he said those words, a familiar clang sound pierced through the room, making them turn their attention to the far back of the room.

"Get me out of here!" The person that's behind the divider yelled out, and Kun knows he's in his insane mode.

"I'm sorry about him. He's always like that and I hope it doesn't really bother you." The doctor sighed, making his way to the back of the room.

"Oh it does." Yuta rolled his eyes and lay back down on his bed, cursing under his breath as he did so.

Kun stopped by the divider, trying to calm his beating heart as he knew Sungchan will go wild when he sees a person. The rest of the patients awake watched the doctor, anticipating on what's about to happen. Kun took a deep breath and took a step forward, making sure to be steps away from Sungchan.

The doctor stared at the patient's calm yet scary position, he was just sitting down on the bed yet he felt so intimidated by him.

Just when he is about to approach him, the door of the ward opened making Kun look at the person who entered the room. He sighed in relief after seeing the psychotherapist, giving Sungchan a last glance before walking off to where the psychotherapist is.

"Dr. Ji." Kun smiled.

"I heard someone needs an appointment?" The older doctor says, scanning his eyes around the room.

"Patient 2610. I almost lost my temper yet again."

Hansol just gave him a smile before patting his back, "Control. That's one of the traits of a psychologist. Anyways, I'll take Nakamoto. Here's the paroxetine,"

"Thank you, Dr. Ji." Kun mirrored his action once again before walking out of the ward.

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