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"Paging Dr. Qian to the psychology department immediately." The speakers called off, making the said man groan as he put the first aid kit down as well as his sterile gloves. It's the fourth day here and everything isn't going well.

The main point of why Ms. Kwon asked him to go and help this hospital is because many employees have been resigning and apparently there is someone who is sabotaging every single emergency room in this hospital except the main one.

Currently, there was just a car accident and all the doctors and nurses rush to the main ER to rescue every single one injured, but everything became more frustrating when Kun was paged to the psychology department.

"Qian, where are you going?" Another doctor called who just passed him, "We need you here."

"The psychology department asked for me, I'll be back as soon as I can!" Kun replied before running off to the other side of the hospital.

Usually, people should go to the psychiatric hospital that he owned and would just go to the psychology department in this hospital if it is really serious since this is nearer than his hospital. It made Kun sigh, he was tired these past few days but Hansol was fortunately there to cuddle with him by the end of the day.

Upon reaching the psychology department, he was immediately greeted by the head of the department with a file in her hand.

"We got a code yellow on room 12. Diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, missing since approximately 8:16 am this morning." The head of the department, namely Dr. Kang, stopped for a moment to read more of the files, "The nurse just found the room empty when she was about to give her breakfast."

They soon arrived at room 12, opening the door only to see scattered things on the floor as well as the bedsheets on the ground – already disregarded from the bed.

In short, the room was a mess.

"When was the last time anyone saw her?" Kun asked and entered the room, taking notice of everything to get her habits.

"Last night, before she was going to bed." Dr. Kang replied shortly, staring at the other doctor's face to read his facial expressions.

"She had an episode, are your walls soundproof?"

Dr. Kang shook her head and turned her attention back to the room, it was a visible sign that the patient did have an episode but how come they didn't hear any bang in the walls or screams like she usually does?

Kun took a piece of paper scattered on the floor, reading the word written on it. The psychologist's eyes widened and turned to look at the head of the department, "She's within the building. The rooftop, to be exact."

Dr. Kang's eyes widened.

Barging the door open, Seulgi was the first one to ran towards the patient standing at the edge of the building, looking like she was about to kill herself.

Meanwhile, Kun panted by the door to the rooftop, hands placed on his knees since the elevator was broken and they had to take the stairs – not to mention the psychology department is located on the first floor.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay.." Dr. Kang pulled the patient in a hug, which isn't really the professional way to do but it's the only way to comfort the patient that is thinking about suicide.

Kun recognized this scene very well, but it was different in a way from the time when Taeyong wanted to do the same thing this patient is about to do. He was glad they arrived here in time. Who knows what happened to the patient if they were a minute late, right?

"I-I need to die, e-everyone is having a h-hard time because of m-me..." The patient mumbled, staining Seulgi's labcoat with tears as the doctor caressed her hair.

"No.. Don't think that way, okay? You're going to be alright soon, just hold on and believe you can get well soon." Seulgi hushed.

Kun curved his lips up in a small smile, still panting but not as worse as before, and attempted to take a step forward only to feel his thigh muscles give up. He did climb up to flights of stairs after seeing a sign of the elevator that needs to be repaired.

They should really find this someone who is sabotaging every single thing in this hospital.

Kun's phone rang, diverting his attention from Dr. Kang and the patient before answering the phone call, not even bothered to check the caller ID.

"Hi, this is Kun speaking."

"You finally picked up," A familiar voice rung through Kun's ears, distancing his phone from his ear only to see the caller ID was Hansol, "I was calling you since this morning, you didn't tell me you had to report before I even woke up."

The chinese sighed, "Han, I'm sorry. Things are getting pretty tight in  the hospital right now, I don't think everything will be okay in just two weeks."

A pause was heard from the other side, causing Kun to feel his heart beat at a rapid pace out of nervousness. "Hansol?"

"I-Is everything okay there?" Hansol's voice was shaky, Kun could already tell that the older was worried.

"Yeah, don't worry—"

"Kun, stay safe, please. As much as possible, just be with someone you trust. My gut feel sensed something isn't right there." Hansol bit his lip out of worry. Kun may not see it, but he chuckled because he knew Hansol's tactics whenever he's worried.

"I will, okay? For now—" Kun's attention turned to Seulgi who was standing there with the patient dead asleep on her back, god knows how did that happen. "Hey, I have to go. Take care there also, okay? I love you."

Kun didn't even wait for Hansol's reply before ending the call, about to take the patient off of Seulgi's back and help her when the lady refused to do so.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Don't you like have to go to the ER? There was a car accident, right?" Seulgi reminded, making Kun curse under his breath.


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