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lucas x jungwoo

"Damn, never knew that short tempered dude would go soft over someone that doesn't really speak." Yukhei stared at how Yuta and Sicheng were quietly conversing on one side of the room, unconsciously pouting. "I am sad that he finds me annoying."

"Yes you are," The half chinese looked at the bed beside him, seeing Donghyuck eating his food with a tired look on his face. "You're quite annoying, honestly."

Yukhei doesn't believe a single bit of what Donghyuck is saying – especially with the word 'honestly' in it since he knew the male can't help but feel bad whenever he tells the truth. Though he admits, it hurts when he heard that especially to his buddy inside the hospital.

Usually, Yukhei wouldn't mind the negative things said about him since he believes that everyone should be neomu happy and don't let the insults get the best of themself – but this time it's from Donghyuck, the wardmate he always plays with. He knew the male was lying since he could've just said to him that he wasn't fun to play with in the first place, but he still can't help but feel hurt.

Yukhei didn't reply and just continued to eat, suddenly finding himself lose appetite and just play with his food.

Yangyang, Shotaro, and Jungwoo noticed this, looking at each other as they noticed how Yukhei's bipolar self is kicking in.

"I- what the fuck.." Jungwoo cursed under his breath after feeling himself punch his own face – which made Yangyang snort and Shotaro look at him with a worried look on his face. "Hyung, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I am," Jungwoo reassured, rubbing his cheek. "I'll go to him, hopefully, he won't become the second Yuta hyung."

Slipping off his bed, completely ignoring the touched food, Jungwoo made his way to Yukhei's bed and sat on it, catching the half chinese off guard – with the older staring straight at his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

Yukhei's bipolar self is showing and Jungwoo doesn't like it if he's like this – damn, he knew that Yukhei knew Donghyuck was lying since it was part of his illness and Jungwoo honestly didn't knew it would affect Yukhei very much when he received criticism from Hyuck.

"To not let your menopausal self show," By menopausal, he meant the angry side. And just before Jungwoo could say anything, he suddenly clapped his hands out loud which gathered the attention of the other patients. "Ah fuck- sorry about that."

And no, Jungwoo didn't do that to at least make Yukhei smile – he did that because he couldn't help it. But the half chinese thought otherwise, though it made his lips curve up for a moment.

"If you did that just to make me smile, then it didn't. Please leave me alone," Yukhei said.

"I-I didn't–"

"Please, before I make you."

Honestly speaking, this level of Yukhei scared Jungwoo but that doesn't stop him. He was determined to not let that side of Yukhei show, but he didn't know how to.


"You know, when I was young, I was really bored and tried to find something interesting since my sister didn't want to play wi–"

Which resulted in Yukhei rolling his eyes and kept his attention on his food. "Keep it."

"Uh," Nice try for Jungwoo, though.

How did he get here?

"My parents started to think I was mentally ill because of those random, purposeless movements. Turns out I am, and I'm quite glad they didn't find me a useless freak–"

"Shut up." Although it seems interesting, the useless freak part made Yukhei remember the things in his past, and he didn't want to remember what happened.

Jungwoo pursed his lips in a thin line, what else can he say? Interests?

"I like snoopy a lot and my parents–"

"Can you please shut the fuck up and just go!?" Yukhei slammed his hands on the bed desk tray, causing some of the food to fall out of its plate and caused Jungwoo to freeze in his spot.

Yukhei didn't even know why he was feeling like this, it was just a small insult that he knew Donghyuck didn't mean. Jungwoo blinked, not even tearing his eyes off of Yukhei's eyes as he felt eyes on them.

"You're–" And just as Jungwoo wanted to say that the half chinese was not annoying, he just had to slap himself. "Ah shit, this hurts."

Yukhei was even more irritated, "Get out, now."

"No, I won't." The older says, rubbing his cheeks as he looked at Yukhei with determined eyes. "You're not annoying, you'll never be."

Yukhei wanted to tell him to fuck off, but Jungwoo raised his hand in front of him, signaling that he should talk first. "You told us to be neomu happy, right? Get yourself together, Yukhei. This isn't the Wong Yukhei I know, he is more energetic, happier, more smiley."

This actually made Yukhei shut his lips, he started getting conscious of his behavior, "This Yukhei is more annoying than the usual Yukhei that plays around. Donghyuck didn't mean what he said, so stop trying to get it to your emotions."

The half chinese stared at Jungwoo's round orbs, sharing silence for a while. "Am.. Am I really annoying?"

Jungwoo tugged his lips in a small smile, "No, you're not. But your playful self is better than this."

─── ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ───

happy doyoung day!

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