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Heels clicking against the tiled floor, the lady flicked her hair and shifted her bag to somewhat flex her Hermés Kelly Rose Gold - earning the attention of the nurses and patients in the hallways. Her long, brunette hair stopped by her waist as she tugged her lips in a smile after seeing the main nurse station.

"Prof. Yoon!" A nurse recognized, standing up from behind the desk as she took a bow.

"Please, do call me Sihye." The lady said and leaned closer to the nurse, "And you can change it to CEO Yoon the moment I become the Chief Executive Officer here."

The nurse on duty smiled at her before nodding her head, "Should I call Dr. Ji for you?"

"Oh no, sweetie, it might be a burden." The lady smiled sweetly, "I'll just go to his office. Do you mind telling me where?"

"Of course not!" The nurse cheerfully replied, not wanting to waste the chance of helping the Yoon Sihye. "Third floor, second room to the left. Please do take the elevator that way."

Sihye smiled, creating a small dent on her left cheek, "Thank you."

The lady soon took the directions the nurse gave her, and the moment she turned around, her smile fell and she fished her alcohol on her bag - applying it on her hands and arms.

"What kind of a hospital is this, good heavens," Sihye gagged at the sight of the custodian cleaning the floor as she passed by. "It's so dirty and dull."

The hospital isn't dirty at all, she's just really disgusted and dramatic over "dirty" things - don't get her wrong, she isn't mentally ill or what. Despite being the face of Neo City Hospital for about three months now, she's still not used to always seeing the dull colors of hospitals.

Sihye took a deep breath before going inside the elevator, pressing on the third level. The lady placed the bottle of alcohol inside her bag before hearing the elevator beep, indicating that she arrived on the third floor.

She fixed her top and pleated her sleeves, taking a step forward as she looked on her left to look at the second door.

"But still, Hansol, we don't know where to send Yangyang. He's an adult, yes, but he just turned one weeks ago and add the fact that he's dyslexic." Kun tried to persuade the older, "And I don't want him to go back to his paren-"

Three knocks snapped their attention to the door as it opened after, seeing a rather familiar face come inside.

Kun blinked. "Yoon Sihye?"

"Ah yes, Prof. Yoon!" Hansol beamed, making Kun frown at his actions, "Ms. Boah informed me about your presence. Please come inside."

Kun is the owner of the hospital and made Hansol the CEO, but why is another professor doing here? Not just that, the face of Neo City Hospital?

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"My skin's burning." Taeyong gulped the pain he was feeling as he rubbed the sore spot, applying alcohol every second as it created more red hue on the skin. "What the fuck,"

"Hyung," Yangyang appeared, sitting on the chair beside Taeyong's bed as the older didn't even bother looking at him. "How do you know about the new guy's mental disor- hyung, stop!"

Yangyang exclaimed, abruptly standing up as he tried to prevent the older male from rubbing his skin too much. The younger took the alcohol from the table and threw it on the floor, earning some of the other patients' attention - especially Jaehyun's.

"N-No, l-let me clean it! I-It's dirty!" Taeyong yelled, shaking his head as he tried to free from Yangyang's grip from behind. "L-Let go of m-me!"

"Hyung, you're hurting yourself!"

"Yangyang, let me g-go!"

Just when Yangyang is about to free Taeyong because it's hurting both his arms, Jaehyun came and sat in front of Taeyong - holding the older on his shoulders.

"Taeyong-ah, look at me, look at me." Taeyong didn't and just tried to free himself out of Yangyang and Jaehyun's grasp. "Look, cleaning it won't do - it will become worse."

It doesn't look like it was helpful as the oldest among the three used all his strength to push Yangyang back and push Jaehyun to the floor. Taeyong's eyes darkened, and Jaehyun noticed this, as he stood up from his bed and took the laying alcohol on the floor and ran out of the door - not caring the IV stand fell and the dextrose disconnected from his body.

Jaehyun groaned and went to Yangyang, "Are you okay?"

"I-I am. Just shocked," Yangyang breathed out, hiding the slight wound on his arm.

The older sighed, "Don't try to stop him next time. He might kill you."

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