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"Don't you realize that Irregular Ward is too crowded?" Another doctor at the hospital, Sooyoung, told the owner that is slurping onto his noodles.

"I'm completely aware." Kun replied, wiping his mouth with a tissue. "I have reasons for putting them together."

Sooyoung sighed and shove her hands on her labcoat pocket, leaning back on the waist-height table. "And what is that?"

The chinese took another spoonful of his noodles, "Not telling you."

The lady groaned, obviously confused at why the owner of this hospital is refusing to tell his reasons of putting all twenty two psychopaths together in one room to anyone in particular– not even his close friend knew about it.

Kun soon finished his bowl of noodles and proceeded to throw it on the trash bin, wiping his hands and mouth with tissues and cleaning himself from his lunch. Sooyoung just stared at him with confusion present in her eyes before standing uo amd decided to clean as well.

"You know, I'm really bothered at the fact that–" An emergency button interrupted the lady and the two of them inside the room looked around, wondering what is happening.

The older male proceeded to exit the room and question the nurse that is panicking by the nurses' station.

"What is happening?" Kun managed to calm down the nurse as she held onto her clipboard tightly.

"Patient 2404 in Irregular Ward is starting a ruckus there. From what I know, he's trying to choke someone to death, Dr. Qian." The nurse informed making the said doctor alarmed.

He immediately left the nurse and proceeded to run to the second floor and saw how a lot of nurses are inside the room. Kun's doctor instincts kicked in and managed to push himself in between the pile of nurses that are trying to free the patient from choking another patient–

Which apparently is Jeno to Jaemin.

"Jeno, let go." Kun said calmly whilst motioning for the other nurses to back away. "Calm down, Jeno, he's not doing anything."

"Clearly, he does and that's for touching what's mine." Kun immediately knows it's not the normal Jeno– it was the possessive and aggressive combined.

It wasn't the first time this side of Jeno took over his body, it wasn't the second time either. But it never came to the point where he would choke a fellow patient, which is Jaemin, just to show him or everyone what's his. Let's add the fact that Jeno's normal state likes Renjun which also triggered his possessive and aggressive state– to let everyone know that Renjun is his.

And Kun already thought about how this side of Jeno was triggered– it was probably how Jeno woke up at the sight of Jaemin cuddling with Renjun.

The doctor turned to look at a nurse behind him and ordered for it to call another psychotherapist since he knew Dr. Ji is dealing with Yuta. He turned back to look at Jeno and calmly placed his hands on Jeno's arms that are wrapped around Jaemin's neck.

"Jeno, I want you to remove your hand on Jaemin's neck right now. You're going to kill him."

"Oh I would." The male replied, gripping it tighter as Jaemin started to cough and slap Jeno's arm.

"S-Stop. I.. No," Renjun tried to stop the male from killing Jaemin but he can't seem to say any right words as familiar people started to appear on his sight. "W-What.. No, d-don't come! I-"

Kun looked up to see Renjun talking to no one in particular– and this is a huge red flag.

"Someone call Dr. Park and Prof. Son!" Kun yelled out to the nurses before turning back and trying to stop Jeno from killing Jaemin.

Once Kun started yelling, the nurses immediately knew something is serious and he needs help immediately. Usually, he handles the Irregular Ward alone but not at times like this.

"Hyung, I can–"

"Yangyang, stay out of this!" The doctor spoke, stopping the patient from coming closer to the scene. He even saw Doyoung from his peripheral vision walking towards Renjun that's losing his mind– to which he yelled out not to come closer to the latter.

"Dr. Qian!" Two familiar voices were heard in the room and Kun was quite relieved.

"Dr. Park, please take patient 2303 to a psychotherapist and Prof. Son, please close all the windows properly." Kun said and the doctors immediately responded to what he said.

"I'm here, what is happening?" Another voice stepped up and the chinese doctor looked up, surprised to see the psychotherapist he saw a while ago that took Yuta to a session.

"Dr. Ji?"

Hansol shook his head, "No time to explain." He said before turning to Jeno that is turning Jaemin's head purple. "Jeno, I want you to focus. Remember our session a day ago–"

As if time was running slow, Kun stared at how Hansol was managing Jeno to let go of his arms tightly wrapped around Jaemin's neck. He was so immersed not until he felt aggressive taps on his shoulders– only to realize it was Wendy's.

"Prof. Son!"

"Get the oxygen tank, 1308's clearly not going to make it." Wendy told the chinese doctor before letting him nod and run outside to get the said thing.

Once Jeno's hand softened, Wendy pulled out Jaemin from Jeno and called a nurse to escort him in another room.

Not only the ward was a mess, the whole hospital looked like there's a tornado going on inside at how busy everyone is. Today is clearly going to be a long ass ride.

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norenmin tea

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