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"But think of it this way, Dejun, there's still someone out there that loves you for who you are." Kun softly uttered, tilting his head to make eye contact with the patiend on the chair that's looking down. "Losing weight is not the answer."

Dejun looked up and stared at the doctor, words to defend Kun's reply started clouding his mind - yet he chose not to say it aloud.

Kun noticed the way Dejun staring at him and sighed, "You can tell me about your thoughts. It's okay."

The patient shook his head and stood up from his chair, making his way to the door as Kun stood up from his seat, "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." Before Kun could ask him if he needed someone to come with him, the patient already closed the door behind him, making the doctor sigh and just let him be.

Hopefully he comes back.

Dejun passed the Irregular Ward, glancing at the small windows of the door to see the room quite peaceful - except for Yukhei and Donghyuck basically running around the far back of the room playing tag or something.

The male sighed and entered the bathroom, stopping in front of a mirror as he stared at his reflection from head to toe. The faint voice of his mother telling him he's fat echoed inside his head, making a tear roll down his cheek as he didn't even notice it. Dejun lifted his hospital shirt up, staring at his stomach that is very thin that you could almost spot no fat in there - but yoy don't hear that from Dejun.

The male pulled his shirt back down and walked to a cubicle, kneeling in front of the toilet seat as he stared at his fingers. Not even bothering to wash them, he stuck a finger inside his mouth down to his throat - making sure to touch the end of his tongue.

He felt the need to vomit as it triggered his gag reflex, but he salivated instead. Dejun rested his other hand on the toilet seat, putting his finger back on his mouth to trigger more of his gag reflex - which he succeeded on throwing up the 'fats' from his stomach.

He didn't even hear the bathroom door open as he was busy throwing up.

The male that just came in the bathroom frowned at the gagging sounds coming from a cubicle. He made his way to the opened cubicle, gasping as he saw a familiar figure on the floor - throwing up the liquids from his stomach.

"Dejun ge!" He made his way beside the older, kneeling down beside him as he pat his back gently.

Once Dejun calmed down, he rested his head on Yangyang's shoulder as the latter took some of the toilet paper and started wiping his mouth with it. "Ge, what happened?"

Dejun didn't answer, hot tears started to roll down his cheeks - he didn't know why he was crying. When Yangyang came and lowkey helped him stop from vomiting, or the pain he felt in his throat, stomach and head.

"Calm down, ge. It's alright." Yangyang stroked his hands on the older's shoulder as he rested weakly on it.

The chinese-german isn't going to joke, but you can barely feel Dejun's skin as he only felt bones and clothes. It may sound like he's exaggerating, but he isn't. Yangyang thought Dejun was just okay and he was originally skinny - but boy he thought wrong.

Dejun's very far from okay.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"Y-Yukhei, stop! I'm the it!" Donghyuck exclaimed as he jumped over his bed, running away from Yukhei who groaned under his breath as the younger got away once again. "The heck you mean? I'm the it!"

Donghyuck giggled, still running away from Yukhei when he suddenly came in contact with the wall. The tanned male groaned, touching the part of his head as Yukhei helped him stand up.

Both of them froze, seeing the new patient that moved in a day ago. They're heart started raising as the patient was sitting down on his bed creepily, staring at his chained arms while he radiates intimidating energy.

They kept on staring, not until the patient moved - making out the loudest clang it can make with the chains in his hands. Donghyuck and Yukhei panicked and backed away from the patient, earning stares from their other wardmates.

Donghyuck, who was very scared at the sudden action, mayhaps fell on the floor and banged his head on a bed. The person on the bed sat up, blinking at the sight of Donghyuck tearing up slightly while caressing a certain part on the back of his head.

"Are you okay?"

The sudden voice made Donghyuck flinch and stand up from his position, only to see Mark looking at him with worry present in his eyes.

The tanned male held his heart and nodded, "I-I'm okay.." Even if he doesn't.

Mark just stared at him and didn't ask further. He knew the tanned male isn't okay because of how he was tearing up and how he was anxious on his place when Mark asked him if he's okay. But he decided not to question it further.

"Be careful next time." Was all the canadian said before lying back down on his bed, attempting to fall asleep.

Donghyuck clutched his chest, feeling scared and hurt at the same time as he felt Yukhei escort him back to his bed. He was in shock to even say the truth that he wasn't okay.

─── ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ───

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