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"And what happened next?"


"Dr. Ji, I need solid answers."

"Wood, metal, stone—"

The officer sighed for the nth time of the hour, he already knew it was a bad idea to interrogate a subconscious witness, yet his boss just had to tell him to ask permission from Hansol -- and the doctor nodded without thinking much about it. He also didn't want Kun to stress much about this, so he just let the chinese rest while he answer these questions.

However, tiredness and fatigue mayhaps overtook his system.

The officer placed his hands on his hips and stared at Hansol; shoulders slumped, head down, eyes drooped, body already shut down yet his mind was obviously fighting to stay awake.

Rolling his eyes, the officer shoved his hand on his pocket and grabbed a piece of lollipop that was probably staying there for a few days and placed it on the table, in front of the doctor. Hansol managed to stare at the candy before giving a look at the officer across him, face screaming tiredness and 'what the fuck am i supposed to do with the candy'.

"Take this and at least rest. We'll interrogate you if you got enough sleep and has recovered from the previous events." The officer says and leaned his back on the wall, waiting for the doctor to move or say anything.

"W... What about them?" It came out as a whisper, but it was fortunately quiet enough for the officer to hear as they were inside the CT scan area for some privacy.

"What about what?"

Hansol lazily forced his hody to move forward, dragging his hands to take the piece of candy given by the police. Sweet, salted caramel. "The patients? Yuta, Jungwoo, Sungchan..."

The officer could only sigh, "They're fine, alright? Aside from the surgery for Jungwoo, they're doing okay. So enough worrying about them and eat that, take a rest as well. I'll just ask Dr. Qian about this as soon as he wakes up—"


Damn, the man didn't know Hansol was hard to talk to at this state. "I beg your pardon?"

"Let him rest, don't question him..." Hansol paused for a moment, opening the small candy and popping the salty treat in his mouth to at least wake him up for a few more seconds.

"That's what we're gonna do. You're tired as well, we'll sort things out later or tomorrow. For now, rest." The officer was about to go out the dark room and just wait for some witnesses to compose themselves or get some rest, but Hansol's tired voice stopped him from doing so.

"Can you..." His voice faltered, chewing on the sticky candy slowly as he eyed the ground. "Can you do me a favor?"

The tall officer didn't say anything and just turned around to face the doctor, keeping a mental note to call some of the nurses and let him rest in a room later on. Hansol looked up, his eyelids fighting to stay awake.

"Just question me tomorrow... I- I don't want Kun stressing about this ever again."

The man inwardly sighed and just nodded, turning around to leave the room. Hansol sighed in relief, leaning back on the leather seat as he felt his consciousness slowly seeping away. He was thankful that there are no major injuries, aside from Sungchan and Jungwoo, to the other people who witnessed shit like this. The only downside is that their mental health is damaged yet again.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"Dr. Park mentioned you can be discharged any day this week as your current records from the recent brain scan showed that it was healthy enough to meet the outside world once again. However, it doesn't mean exactly mean that you're fully recovered," The nurse smiled, replacing the small wound that once held his IV with cotton and tape. "We still have to get Dr. Qian's confirmation, as well."

"I... I still have to stay here?"

The nurse nodded, making sure to clean his hand with alcohol to eliminate any undetectable bacteria. "For a couple of days, yes. But your body is healthy enough for the IV fluid, so we have to disregard the dextrose right now to prevent overdosage."

Mark let out a small sigh, looking at the back of his hand that was stinging a little (he didn't mind, tho). It was a new feeling as he was wearing the IV for a couple of months now, though he didn't mind. He could finally feel what's it like to be outside in a few days time. But...

"Am I the only one that will be discharged?" The canadian gathered courage to ask the nurse that was wrapping things up.

"Patient 2511 can too, I think. The ones diagnosed with phobias, most likely. The others? Not quite sure." The nurse shrugged, discarding all the possible trash on the basket and applied alcohol before placing the tray of medicine on the table beside Mark. "Instead of thrice a day, like you used to, you'll only take it twice. After breakfast and dinner, to be precise. If you need anything, the bell is always open to press. You did well, Mark."

The nurse smiled before bowing at the patient, taking the basket filled with trash and Mark's previous IV stand as well. Until now, he couldn't believe that he's actually free -- free from the IVs, from the scans, from the therapies, he was feeling more than happy inside.

However, he didn't know where to go home to. He didn't know how to live and take care of himself. He didn't know how to express his feelings.

Those are the things that's bothering him.

"Things do come to an end."

The canadian snapped out of his trance and looked up, meeting eyes with a certain tanned male that has a wide smile on his face.

"I guess we'll be saying goodbye in a few days time."

Donghyuck may not have an IV connected to him, but he was still up for therapy and to stay in the hospital for a couple more months (at least) because of his uncontrollable mindset to lie always -- just to avoid consequences.

"We're you eavesdropping?"

"Pretty sure everyone of us are." Donghyuck skipped towards Yuta's empty bed, sitting on the not-so-soft mattresses and faced the depressed canadian. "I mean, that nurse's voice was pretty loud, and I'm sure a lot of us here envy you."

Mark raised a brow.

The tanned male chuckled lowly, "We also— uh, they probably want to go but I still want to stay. This ward pretty much became my home the past few months."

Donghyuck's facial expression didn't match his statement at all. His mind probably messed up with him yet again and told another lie, to which the canadian was more than lucky to not be so dense and understand what the tanned male was going through.

The room once again was filled with silence. There wasn't much of them around, a lot of them aren't around especially the ones who planned a stupud trip to the main hospital, Doyoung and Taeil, plus probably a two or three of them that went to their therapy sessions for that day.

"Please, just kiss already." Someone spoke softly, breaking the thick silence that was forming between Mark and Donghyuck.

The canadian looked to the other side, furrowing his brows to see a skinny Dejun laying flat on his back on his bed, just after Hendery's, eyes looking at the ceiling as if there was something interesting happening in there.

"Don't even give me that look, I just feel like you guys are attracted to each other romantically." Dejun defended.

"Nah, I wouldn't like a foreigner," Hyuck retorts, though the tone of his voice just had to tell that he was lying -- the tone almost all twenty-two of them recognized when the tanned male is lying.

"Not you lying!" Yukhei yelled from across the room, making the other occupants laugh as Dejun snorted.

Donghyuck could feel his cheeks heat up, blood rushing to form a faint tint on his upper cheeks. He really didn't like Mark that way, he only liked him as a friend, no more no less. Though he wouldn't deny the canadian is attractive.

"So," Mark pulled up the courage to form a teasing smirk on his face, eyeing Donghyuck with a certain gaze. "You like me, huh?"

And Donghyuck couldn't help but show his middle finger, damn did he want to wipe the smirk off his handsome face.

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