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That engulfed their atmosphere in the rooftop. It wasn't awkward, neither was it comfortable. Kun didn't know where to start, explain everything to Hansol? Let the older comfort him? Make him go back to the mental hospital? The chinese was too overwhelmed by his emotions to even utter a single word.

Hansol watched his state, still contemplating whether to give him some time alone or just stay with him. He also didn't want to say a word since he left the mental hospital in Wendy's supervision.

The silence was going on for a while until Hansol could hear soft sobs from the chinese whose elbows are leaned on the handrails, head lowered as he tried to contain his sobs. It obviously didn't work as Hansol opened his labcoat, tucking Kun in his arms as the chinese buried his head on the taller's shoulder.

They still haven't uttered a single word, probably just loving each other's existence and Hansol comforting his lover from sobbing to which he didn't know what was the reason why.

It was three in the morning, and Kun is supposed to get his sleep during this time but the amount of stress was overwhelming, and the fact that he can lose his hospital that he worked so hard on getting never left his mind.


Hansol was the first one to break the silence – and he didn't know what happened but it made the chinese cry even more.

"Hey," Hansol softly uttered, pulling Kun away from him as he stared at his glistening face from all the tears, "It's okay, you're going to be okay."

Kun managed to shake his head and wrapped his arms around the taller male, "I- I don't think I can..."

"Yes you will." The older comforted, tugging his lips up in a small smile as he locked the chinese in his arms. "Calm down first, okay?"

"H-Hansol, they're going to get t-the hospital from me.. I-I wasn't even slacking off—" Kun's breath hitched as he sobbed, hugging the older male tighter. "I-I don't want that to happen..."

"Hush now," Hansol said, rubbing circles at Kun's back to hopefully calm him down.

He had so many questions, but he'd rather keep them to himself and let his lover calm down before bombarding him with questions that might stress him more.

"Just tell me when you're ready, okay?" Hansol pulled a soft smile to feel the chinese cling unto him.

Honestly speaking, he's always the one asking for hugs and cuddles in their relationship and seeing Kun go all soft and stressed at the same time, he didn't know what to feel.

"Hansol, I'm scared," Kun whispered.

"There's nothing to be scared of, Kun. You'll be okay," At least that's what Hansol would think.

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"You know, I am genuinely worried at this plan of yours, especially when our mental health is on the line." Jeno whispers to Jaehyun, and judging at his words and the tone of his voice, it should be one of Jeno's alters that took over.

"Whoever you are, shut up for a moment, please." Jaehyun bit his lip, the urge to run to the nurse that has her hair disheveled and fix it was taking over him, he badly wanted to fix her hair but they can be caught.

"Yoonoh, you're shaking," Yuta points out, hands crossed over his arms as he finds everything annoying.

"Gee, thanks for pointing out the obvious, your highness," Jaehyun replied, disregarding the thought of how does Yuta know his birth name as he fished the same handkerchief Yukhei gave them a while ago and wiped his sweat, "Fuck. Hendery, can you roll this up in a blindfold way? I'm going to bird box shit tonight."

The only chinese in the group flinched at the sudden call of Jaehyun but nonetheless took the hanky and rolled it in a blindfolded way, "Do- Do you want me to help you put this o-on?"

"Uh, that would be appreciated." Jaehyun could feel his palms sweating which is quite rare, but that usually means he couldn't help but fix whatever imperfections he could see.

Hendery didn't even finish tying the hanky properly around Jaehyun's head when they felt that they were pulled inside a room, yelping at the sudden action.

"You guys are absolute dickheads, why the fuck would you do that in plain sight?" Yuta gritted his teeth and closed the emergency door slowly as much as he wanted to slam it close.

Ignoring the japanese's constant tantrums, "Are you done tying it?"

"Yeah," Hendery replied, can't help but stare at Jaehyun's weird figure of standing up confidently despite being blindfolded as if he was a crazy person.

Technically, he is.

"God, I knew I shouldn't have come." Yuta facepalmed before sighing and walked down the emergency stairs to the ground floor.

And at the sounds of their footsteps behind him, he could feel them following him as he stopped at the emergency door, eyeing the other side of the door from the small window only to see the hallways packed with nurses. Well, it wasn't really packed but a couple of nurses were walking around.

"Shit," Yuta cursed under his breath and turned to look at the others, only to facepalm at the sight of Jaehyun being escorted by Hendery and Jeno whilst Sungchan and Jungwoo were minding their own business and not uttering a single word ever since they came out of the ward.

"Yoonoh stop with the blindfold shit, I'm starting to think you're kinky," Yuta grunted, "And Sungchan, Jungwoo, what in the world are you guys doing?"

"Sungchan here just won't stop laughing at me," Jungwoo says, unintentionally scratching the same spot on his arm even if it isn't itchy, "Because I may have slapped myself not too long ago."

Yuta just stared at them weirdly as Jeno and Sungchan stifled a laugh when Jungwoo accidentally hit Hendery on the head, though it wasn't that hard.

The male could only sigh in frustration, "Great, now I'm stuck with a roleplayer of bird box, a not so suicidal but seems like it person, a bloodsucker, a misfit, and a group of people in one body."

"Sungchan, shut the fuck up, please."

"Damn, Hendery are you okay?"

"Somebody please tell me what's going on,"

Yuta was about to yell and shout at them for being noisy when he saw a clear view of someone by the top of the staircase, looking straight at them weirdly.

"Jungwoo, stop hitting yourself!"

"I can't help it!"

"Guys, how about shut your fucking mouths up because we're in trouble." Yuta cut them off in a small yet stern voice, recognizing that someone as a doctor working at this hospital.

That's it, they fucked up.

The other four, excluding Jaehyun since he's blindfolded, stopped talking and looked at Yuta who looked like he just saw some not so scary ghost behind them. They averted their gaze, only to yelp from their spots to see a doctor.

"What? What is going on?"

The doctor stared at them, raising a brow. "What are you doing here?"

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