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It was half past ten in the morning, as what the clock in the car read.

The people inside the car were knocked out, energy drained from their little trip from the psychiatrich hospital to the main hospital. Of course it was tiring considering that they were awake the whole night.

Sihye's phone started to ring, the loud sound echoing against the car which made the lady flutter her eyes open. The lady eyed the male beside her, still dead asleep despite her phone ringing rather loud. She also eyed the rearview mirror, not even one budged.

She ran a hand through her hair, clearing her throat before looking at the caller ID - and boy was she screwed. Sihye pursed her lips in a thin line, her orbs slightly shaking as she nibbled her bottom lip, her index finger making its way to press the answer button.

Sihye took a deep breath, "Prof. Son-"

"Prof. Yoon Sihye, where are you!? From what I know, your shift doesn't end until twelve!"

The lady had to pull the phone away from her, scrunching her face at how loud Wendy's voice is through the phone. And there she knew, the canadian doesn't usually yell unless really necessary. And she also knew she's risking her job to help this seven men that has a vague plan.

"I- uh," The lady bit her lip and glanced over at Jaehyun who stirred in his sleep. "I- I had to go back home, because my- my uh, personal reasons, Prof. Son. Is there anything wrong?"

Wendy groaned, "Qian is going to kill me for this. We got a code yellow in Irregular Ward, six of them are missing and neither one of the remaining patients knows where they are."

"Oh, in Irregular- wait in Irregular Ward!?" Sihye knows how bad she is acting right now but she had to, biting her inner cheek as she tried her best not to snitch. "Holy shit- do I need to go there?"

"If you can, yes please." Wendy sighed from the other line, "But for now- Miss Yoo, to the ICU now please!"

That was the last words of Wendy before Sihye could hear the phone beep - signaling that the call ended. The lady sighed and wrapped her fingers around the steering wheel, leaning her forehead to the leather-wrapped helm.

"So what's the plan?"

The lady shrieked, heart dropping at the one who suddenly spoke just when she is about to adapt with the silent atmosphere. "What the fuck- please don't scare me like that!"

Jeno blinked, "All I did was speak, did you even drink coffee?"

Sihye glanced over to the one who suddenly spoke, a hand clutching over her chest and the other tightly gripping on the steering wheel. "No, but what the fuck. At least inform me next time,"

"How am I supposed to inform you without speaking?" Jeno deadpans - well, not really Jeno but an alter of Jeno.

"I don't know- tap me?" Sihye runs her hand to her hair to hopefully calm her down.

Jeno could only eye her with an 'are-you-kidding-me' look, before proceeding to tap her, only to hear a flinch from the doctor. Rolling his eyes, "You really did overdrink caffeine."

"Shut the fuck up," Another voice joins, adjusting his position as he glared at the two that obviously didn't care about the other people wanting sleep in the car. "People are asleep."

"No, it's time to wake up," The doctor responds, head still leaning on the steering wheel, "Do whatever you need to do here because we don't have much time."

Yuta only stared at the doctor with his usual resting bitch face, rolling his eyes before leaning back again on the car seat, about to close his eyes and drift back to the world inside his mind when Sihye's phone rang once again.

He was so close to losing his shit.

The lady sighed and closed her eyes for a while after catching a glimpse of the called ID, internally collecting her small group of sanity left before answering the call for the second time.

"Prof. Son-"

"You motherfucking stinking bitch, I want your ass to come here with the six of them right now!" Wendy yelled, snapping Jaehyun from his sleep at how loud it is despite the phone not being on speaker.

That's how angry the canadian is.


Just before Sihye could make up with excuses, Wendy's shrilly voice already cut her off from making up excuses, "Don't even think about making up excuses, you dipshit. I know you know what I mean, now get your ass over here with them or I'll track you down myself and get your license terminated."

Sihye's lips pursed in a thin line as the call ended, eyes traveling to Jaehyun with evident fear written on her face. The one sitting on the passenger seat, still processing the things happening as he just woke up, only stared back at her, baffled.

Jeno and Yuta stared at each other. It was pretty quiet inside the car which is why they heard every single word the other doctor said from the other line. The other four, still sleeping soundly.

"We're dead."

"No shit, we're dead since we left."

"Shut up, Nakamoto."

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The man paced back and forth, eyes wandering up and down the document with an annoyed look on his face. It was pretty obvious that he didn't like the file that was given to him as it didn't even get a single update since days ago.

A disappointed sigh escaped his lips.

"Fuck Qian Kun."

Just after he said the sentence, knocks were heard from his office door, catching him off guard. He immediately dropped the document on his desk, shoving his left hand on his pocket as he voiced a low 'come in'.

And speaking of who he was talking about.

The office door opened, revealing Kun, bowing the moment he locked eyes with the superior. He could only roll his eyes mentally as he tried his best not to show his obvious burning anger with the psychologist, tugging the corner of his lips up in a forced smile to seem friendly.

"Mr. Jung,"

"Dr. Qian," Ilsik says, stretching his hand out to point at the seat just by his desk to gesture to the chinese, to which Kun followed.

"What brings you here?"

"Well," Kun started, his hand making its way to his nape, not knowing how to start the topic. "Um, I just have a small question."

The superior raises a brow, "Ask."

"Ilsik," Kun immediately dropped the formalities, and Ilsik already knew it was kind of serious because they tend to talk to each other formally if they are comfortable and call each other by their bare name if they are serious.

The complete opposite, right?

Kun's eyes held no emotions as he stared right through the superior's eyes, "Why did I hear that... That you were sending Ms. Kwon reports regarding my hospital that just doesn't make any sense?"

Ilsik knew this day would come, and he was fully as in fully prepared.

A sly smirk made its way across the superior's face, sitting down on the office chair and crossed his arms while doing so. "Tell me, Kun. Why do you think so?"

The chinese could only purse his lips in a thin line. Was Ilsik ruining his name on purpose?

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