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"You don't look so bad, don't you?" Kun says as he patted the hazel haired male's shoulder who just went out of the room after he changed.

The good thing is Sungchan is on his sane side for the mean time, but he would probably break out anytime from now. Kun ran a hand through Sungchan's hair and fixed his hospital clothes.

"Okay, you'll break out anytime soon. I just want you to know that we'll place you in a room with twenty one other people," Kun says and placed his hands on his labcoat pocket.

"I want you to control yourself for a while. And if you can't, it's okay." The doctor says, reassuring the giant baby.

Kun was about to leave the rook when he suddenly heard soft whimpering. He immediately turned his head to look at the patient and saw him crying, his body was shaking a lot. The doctor walked to him slowly, placing his hands on his shoulders as he caressed it softly.

"K-Kun h-hyung.." Sungchan mumbled, a wave of urge to kill the doctor and drink his blood entered his veins once again but he tried to control himself.

Keyword; tried.

The doctor's eyes squinted, seeing that Sungchan's shaking of his body is not so close to crying – more like he's laughing.

Kun immediately knew what it was and detached his hands away from the patient, making a run to the door and got out of the room – locking it as he did so. He heard constant banging from the other side of the door, sighing in relief as he got away with that quickly.

"Doctor Qian?"

Kun jumped on his position, gulping as he cleared his throat and fixed his labcoat. "Officer. Do you need anything?"

"How's the criminal?" The cop asked, obviously not paying attention to the constant banging of the door.

"Patient." The doctor corrected. "He's ready to be transferred in a room, just not now. His urges was triggered." Kun sighed.

The officer nodded, heaving a deep breath before walking away. Kun sighed and fixed his labcoat, walking to the opposite direction to enter a certain room.

He took a deep breath, placing his hand on the doorknob before twisting it open – eyebrows creased at the silent and calm ambiance vibrating off the room.

Once he entered the room fully, he looked at the people inside – noticing that a few of them are awake.

"That's so unusual for you to be quiet, huh?" Kun approached the nearest bed, seeing that the patient is fixing the table beside his hospital bed and aggressively cleaning the hint of dirt he could see around him.

"Yukhei's asleep." The patient said, not sparing a glance at the doctor.

"That's good," Kun commented before looking around once again, making his way out of the patient's bed and proceeded to walk further in the room, looking at his sides to see that some of them are in one bed– probably cuddling to sleep.

It's still in the middle of the day, but it looks like everyone's getting their sleep that they lost last night just because of Yukhei. Though that kid was hard to calm down, at least they managed to make him shut up– especially Yuta.

"How's Renjun?" Kun approached that one bed with Jaemin and Renjun near the end of the room, checking up on the small, sleeping boy that is currently in Jaemin's arms.

"He's fine for now, but he threw a tantrum a while ago." Jaemin sighed, caressing the chinese's hair as he cuddled with him.

The doctor smiled, he was quite grateful Jaemin was there to help him calm the others down– as well as Doyoung and Yangyang– as their disorders are not that strong compared to the others.

"There's a new patient moving in that spot," Kun pointed at the empty bed next to Shotaro's, "But we have to move Shotaro away from him."

Jaemin furrowed his brows. "Why's that?"

"It has something to do with his disorder." The doctor sighed before moving away from the hospital bed, "Anyways, I'll get going. If something happens–"

"Press the emergency button, got it." The white haired male smiled, still not moving his hand away from caressing Renjun's hair. "Go do your work, Dr. Qian."

Kun smiled, he knew he could trust Jaemin with this. He turned his heel before walking away, making his way to the door and closing it tightly as he sighed in worry and relief at the same time.

─── ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ───

i do not know how these disorders
work so i'm so sorry if i put
something that might offend people
who knows how the disorders work
:( thank you once again hihi

and yeah, happy lele day !

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