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Jisung subconscously puffed his cheeks out, seeing the little bottle of sedative and an unopened syringe on his hand as he made his way to the stairs since the elevator was on the first floor, and he didn't want to wait. Besides, it was only one level up which meant two flights of stairs.

He also considered himself 'genius' when the nurse asked him why did he need it; to which he replied "Dr. Qian asked me to get it" so casually as if he's stable. Though don't get Jisung wrong, he's probably the most stable out of the twenty-two of them as he asked for CBT at least four or five times a week, one or two sessions a day, but he's not yet ready to face the society alone as the crime rates these days to their city are a bit high because of we all know who.

He hummed softly, a familiar melody that Chenle would sing softly ever since the latter asked him to help him overcome his trauma.

Jisung opened the door, since he took the emergency stairs as it was the only one connected to the last floor along with the elevator, and immediately flinched when he could feel loud yet vague sounds coming from the other side of the hall. He also caught Jaemin running up to him, footsteps echoing loudly against the empty halls as the white-haired male abruptly paused in front of Jisung, placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath (as he wasn't used to running after being admitted).


"Whatever you do, stay here if you don't want to die." Jaemin uttered softly yet sternly and took the objects that Jisung held, catching the younger off guard.

Death is something Jisung least wanted, but for some reason it made him curious.

"At this point all of our licenses will be terminated," Wendy muttered and applied pressure on Hendery's shoulder whilst Hansol made a call with the police with Wendy's phone.

Kun was inside the room, just watching Jungwoo and Sungchan throwing each other on the other side of the room as they fight over who gets to kill this old man (which apparently is just a year older than Kun). And the doctor couldn't do anything because one, he's afraid he'll make it even worse if he gets in between them, and two, he'll die.

And Ilsik is in the verge of dying -- plus Sihye whom Kun failed to notice.

"What the fuck do I do..." Kun rambles, shaking his hands anxiously and jumped slightly when Sungchan tackles Jungwoo on the ground, hands wrapping around the latter's neck.

Jaemin panted and leaned his hand on the doorpost to support his figure, guess staying in bed and refuse to exercise at least once a week was a bad idea. He looked up only to meet with a room that looked like a tornado just passed when he left for like a minute or two.

"Jaemin-ah!" Kun exclaimed after seeing the male by the door, giving a last glance at Sungchan and Jungwoo before running off to get Jaemin. "Fuck, how did you get here!?"

"H-Hyung," The white-haired male stuttered and didn't even notice what he called him as those little noises were piercing his ears slowly and it's making him crazy. "Here, please... just make it stop."

He handed the doctor the set of madicine and covered his ears to at least lessen the thuds and loud breaths coming from the room. Kun immediately grabbed the objects and never did he feel more relieved than right now.

He'll ask everything later on. For now, he needed a hand.

He looked back at Jaemin only to catch him walk away from him, stumbling a little since he's evidently hating at the sounds resonating. He also turned to look inside the office once again, it was Jungwoo's turn to be on top of Sungchan -- trying his best to choke him as well yet failing to do so, which made him just pin the male on the ground.

Kun's expression turns from worry to panic, he quickly looked around and luckily saw Jaehyun on the other side of the hall, taking care of a shaking Jeno and a passed out Yuta, and Yangyang that was obviously still worried for Hendery as he refused to tear his eyes off of the latter.

"Jaehyun, Yangyang!" He called, motioning his hands to quickly come over to the doctor. It was not good to ask a patient, but Jaehyun was the only choice he could see as the others were occupied. Plus he knew him and Yangyang couldn't do it alone. "I need help, now!"

Jaehyun hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the two before heaving a troubled sigh, taking off his jacket and wrapped it around Jeno's trembling body. He looked at Yuta once again and just prayed that this guy wouldn't gain consciousness before running off to where the doctor is, tapping Yangyang's shoulder in the way.

He really said fuck atelophobia (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Kun took a deep breath and opened the syringe; and since there was only one syringe, he'll use it on Sungchan as that kid is way crazier than Jungwoo. He also opened the bottle of sedatives, hastily filling the syringe up with the drug as Jaehyun stood beside him, Yangyang trailing behind.

"I need you two to tear those two apart," Kun said in panic, holding the syringe up and swore that his heart would leap out of his chest at how hard and fast it was beating. "I know I'm a dick for asking help from you two, but everyone is occupied right now and we have two patients who wants to kill each other because they want to kill someone for themself, forgive my words."

The doctor paused for a moment as a loud thud echoed against the room, and he knew there was no time to spare. "So please, questions later and actions now!"

"Yang, are you good with Sungchan? I'll—" Jaehyun halted when he saw the younger flinch at the bloodsucker's name. "Okay, I'll take Sungchan then. Make sure to hold Jungwoo down."

"Sihye!?" Kun exclaimed as he neared a certain area, finding the lady having a hard time. Sihye looked up as well, pain escruciating from every part of her body but did you see her complain? "W-Worry about me later, get those two a-apart!"

Jaehyun prayed to the heavens above and inwardly whispered a small 'take care' to Taeyong before tackling the twin towers down, hoping that Jungwoo let go of Sungchan already.

Yangyang, on the other hand, froze at hiis sudden action. It successfully made Jungwoo let go of the bloodsucker, but the latter already headlocked Jaehyun his mind still lingering over his dangerous cravings.

"Jaehyun hyung!"

"F-Fuck, Yangyang take Jungwoo!" Jaehyun groaned in pain, voice slightly straining at how tight Sungchan's arms is that was wrapped around his neck. "D-Dr. Qian!"

Kun turned around and panicked once again. There was Yangyang trying hhis best not to let go of Jungwoo that's suddenly having a tic attack; and Jaehyun that's badly needing air.

He was contemplating whether to put it on Jungwoo or Sungchan, as he only has one syringe.

"Kun, put it on Sungchan!" The doctor heard Sihye yell, biting his lip in this kind of decision.

Why the fuck am I contemplating about this!? He thought before running off to Jaehyun, hastily rolling Sungchan's sleeves up and held the hand tightly.

He just prayed he could insert the needle on the correct nerve.

Without hesitation, Kun thought of an apology before piercing the needle on Sungchan's skin, transferring the drug inside him.

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