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"Yoon fucking Sihye, what is this? You're defending Qian Kun after what he did to my work- to my brother? And now you almost told his disgusting of a boyfriend about my existence!?"

The lady could feel her blood boil, "Can't you see that this is wrong!? Everything has already happened, you're going to make everything worse than it already is!"

"Sihye, I thought we agreed on throwing that heck of a psychologist out and make you a CEO there, what are you doing!?"

"But listen to this; Kun used his money to build this hospital, why in the world would it get out of his hands? And to me? I want to be a surgeon, you dick, not a fucking psychologist!" Sihye groaned in annoyance, this man really is using the things he did for Sihye to go this far.

Especially when he managed to tell Ms. Kwon that she deserved to be the face of the hospital despite only thinking about her looks.

"Watch your mouth, Yoon. You're forgetting your place here."

Sihye pressed her lips in a thin line. What did she get herself into?

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"Hyung, can't you let go of that broom?" Yukhei eyed the obviously shaking male with a confused face, he was hugging the broom since he came to their group therapy session from the toilet looking like he saw some crime a while ago.

Jungwoo hastily shook his head and tightened his grip on the broom with his two hands; it made him look like a freak that was scared when people would come closer to him. Yukhei could only do two things: look at him weirdly, or laugh his ass out and gather the attention of the people around them.

"What even made you hold that broom?" Yukhei stifled a laugh, watching the older male point the broom whenever he passed by nurses.

He couldn't tell if it was his disorder or he was just scared.

Jungwoo could only sigh, wanting to let go of the broom yet he couldn't, "Trust me, you wouldn't want to hear it."

"Sure," Yukhei hummed sarcastically and crossed his arms, making sure to tell the people that they pass by not to mind Jungwoo and distance themselves from him since he looked like he would pounce at anyone who scared him.

Once the two arrived at the elevator to from the first floor, Jungwoo sighed in relief that he could finally let go of the broom after trying so hard to let go of it. His anxiety rose the moment he saw Sungchan walking out of the toilet with a trembling Shotaro in his hold - not to mention when he saw dried blood on the walls the moment he entered the toilet.

Damn, that even trigerred his disorder.

Right now, they just came from their group therapy discussion for about two or three hours - they didn't actually care about the time since they were too busy wanting to get better. It was getting late and the two were sure they're going to get ready for their dinner and bed time.

"Hold the door!"

Both Yukhei and Jungwoo knitted their brows, gazing over at a distance to see Jaehyun running over to the elevator whilst holding Taeyong's hand - seemed like they were running.

"Hold the door, hyung." Yukhei says as soon as he saw the elevator door about to close.

Jungwoo immediately pressed the button, eyeing the two other males from the ward that looked like they were exhausted from all the running. Once they arrived at the elevator, Jungwoo almost immediately pressed the button that closes the door, probably because of his antics.

Yukhei fished a handkerchief from his pocket, which didn't know was there until now, giving it to the panting male beside him at they looked at them weirdly.

"What happened?"

Jaehyun panted and took the handkerchief from Yukhei's hold, "T-Taeyong came from his TMS session... And I happened to pass by and see him walking out of it."

"And?" Jungwoo questioned.

"And-" Jaehyun's breath hitched, "No reason at all, I just wanted Taeyong to exercise." The male watched the said male wipe the sweat that were rolling down his face.

"Then you must have been called out by the nurses?" Jungwoo pointed out, making Jaehyun chuckle and nod his head. "You guessed right,"

And they ran as if they weren't sick and in a mental hospital.

The elevator soon dinged, and they expected the floor to be quiet since a few staff only come up here, though it doesn't seem like their expectations.

"Wendy, I'm telling you, watch over them your whole shift, I have to go."

"But Hansol-"

"Look, Kun's in trouble for who fucking knows why and I have to go there now. Sooyoung's having an appointment right now and you're the last choice. I'll be back as soon as I can,"

Hansol said and turned around, taken aback at the four males that were by the elevator. The doctor could only give them an apologetic look since they saw a side that Hansol rarely shows.

After a second more of staring, Hansol hastily scrammed to the elevator, pressing on the buttons rather harshly which made both Jungwoo and Taeyong flinch at how the doctor pressed it.

"Uh, I'm sorry you had to hear that. Let's go to your ward and prepare for your night activities?" Wendy gave them a small smile and led the way, slightly fearing that they might do something about Hansol since she knows how their minds work.

Helping the people who already helped them.

The three of them, excluding Taeyong, looked at each other before following the doctor, sharing the same thought in mind.

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