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"Ugh, can you just.. I don't know, quiet the fuck down?" Yuta groaned and rolled his eyes, plopping onto his bed as he used his pillow to cover his ears at how loud Yukhei and Donghyuck are.

Days passed and everything is going on pretty well inside the Irregular Ward. Not much is going on after the Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun incident – aside from the fact Yangyang and Dejun as well as Johnny and Ten getting close these days.

Well, everything is going on well – but you don't hear that from Yuta.

Every single time Yukhei and Donghyuck are playing, he gets irritated at the tanned male's giggles as well as Yukhei's loud voice inside the room. He didn't know how Jaemin was okay with them being noisy despite his illness.

Across Yuta lies Sicheng quietly using the earphones and phone his older sister gave him the moment he entered the asylum. At first, the doctors didn't agree as he needs to focus on overcoming his fear of public speaking but after his sister explaining that it's his way of calming down, Kun just agreed as long as he can focus on overcoming his fear.

With Yuta's voice booming through the earphones, Sicheng looked up across him and stared at the irritated male. He also took a look at Yukhei and Donghyuck – who didn't quiet down and just made the room even noisier.

Deep inside him, he felt bad for the japanese across him. He knew how ODD works and he knows it's hard for Yuta right now. He took a deep breath, hopefully, he can talk to him without getting overly nervous.

Yuta clenched his hands on the pillows, he was so close to snapping and to lose control. He felt irritated and he was just trying his best not to.

Not until he felt soft taps on his arms which he lost it.

"What!?" Yuta angrily sat up and threw the pillow on the ground, eyes soon softening at the sight of Sicheng standing there that just flinched at his sudden outburst.

That made the two patients that are playing stop what they are doing and turned to look at who screamed angrily – with the other patients doing the same.

Yuta pursed his lips in a line and stared at him from head to toe before lying back down and faced the opposite side of the chinese – not caring if he doesn't have a pillow. Sicheng blinked and took a deep breath – "It's not his fault, Sicheng. Calm down." He thought to himself.

"H-Hyung.." Sicheng's soft yet deep voice echoed the silent room – earning soft gasps from some of their ward mates.

Sicheng, just like Johnny whom they thought was mute, never speaks. He only speaks if someone talks to him, and he's not fond of starting a conversation.

"What do you want?" Yuta asked rather harshly yet softly.

Sicheng didn't say anything and placed his phone and earphones on the bed, wiping his sweaty hands on his hospital gown as soon as he let go of the gadget.

"T-This might uh.. H-Help you calm down."

That was all Sicheng said and turned his heel, walking back to his bed as Yuta turned around to look at the thing the chinese gave him. He sat up and took the phone in his hand, giving Sicheng a look that is across him. He unlocked the phone which fortunately doesn't have a password and saw the chinese's playlist filled with a lot of calming songs–

A lot of them are Lany's songs. He liked a lot of the artist's songs and he was surprised Sicheng likes him too. He immediately looked up at the Chinese who was now lying down comfortably on the bed– attempting to sleep.

It's been a while since he heard Lany sing, and this is the very first time in years that he smiled genuinely.

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