Chapter 14

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*Dan's POV*

(2 days later)

"Daniel, we really need to talk to Phil's father he deserves to know" my dad said to me as soon as I approached him "I-I don't know what to say to him dad, I feel like this is my fault" I do blame myself, and Ben, but myself because I shouldn't have left him to face Ben alone. "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself" dad put his hand on my shoulder "I've already called the station, we have to go now to talk to his father, your mother is here she will keep an on Phil"

We reached the station and a officer directed us to Phil's father he looked at us with confusion "Dan, what are you doing here? Where's Philip?" I looked to the ground I didn't know what to say to him "Mr. Lester, I'm Robert Howell Dan's father, Phil is in the hospital he tried killing himself" his father stared at us with shock, tears streamed down his face "W-why? W-what happened?" I felt a pain in my chest, no I can't cry right now. "He wanted to confront Ben about the truth, I told him to let me come with him but he made me go home, I don't know what Ben said to him but I know he beat him really bad and I got a text from him so my dad and I drove there and I stopped him from taking pills but he passed out from losing a lot of blood" I was crying now too "I-Im so sorry Mr. Lester I shouldn't have let him talk to Ben alone" my dad put his arm around me "Phil is in coma right now, but the doctors said he should wake up soon, it can be a few days, we got to the hospital in time" Phil's father looked up at us, I thought he was going to yell at me and tell me its my fault but instead he thanked me "You might have saved his life Dan" I couldn't respond I know its my fault. "Mr. Lester, Daniel also explained your situation with me, I've talked to the court and I will be meeting with you daily tomorrow to collect information, I am going to do everything I can to get you out of here and back to your son" my dad gave him a promising smile, while he started crying and thanking us again, Phil needs his father and his father needs him.

Later that evening I went back to the hospital I made my way back to Phil's room and couldn't believe what I saw, it was Zoe leaning down trying to kiss Phil "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" I said angrily before she could kiss him, "why the fuck are you here" she spat "He's my boyfriend Zoe, I brought him here" I really didn't want to argue but she was getting on my nerves now "Some boyfriend you are. This is all your fault! He was perfectly happy before you came into his life, this is your fault Dan." I was hurt but more angry "You have no right to blame me! You're too self obsessed to realize that Phil wasn't happy! Its his brothers fault he's here! You should've noticed but you don't care!" She stared at me disgusted "Uh is everything okay?" I turned around it was Peter "Yeah I was leaving" Zoe said coldly before leaving the room. "Can you believe her, even in this situation all she cares for is herself" I sighed "That's Zoe, well this Zoe she's a bitch" Peter smiled at me "Dude when was the last time you ate?" I guessed I looked exhausted, I was hungry but didn't want to eat "Since yesterday afternoon" I mumbled, my mom made me have breakfast yesterday but I didn't eat after. "Come on we're going to the cafeteria" Peter sighed dragging me away. He bought me lunch and said he won't let me get up until I eat "Phil would want you taking care of yourself" he reminded me "Don't blame yourself Dan, you were the best thing that happened to Phil, he got happier when you came into his life" I gave him a small smile "Phil is the best thing that ever happened to me, he saved me Peter, from myself, he's the reason I smiled the reason my parents and I talk again" Peter gave me smile, I'm glad I had a friend like him I'm glad Phil had a friend like him too. After I finished eating we went back to Phil's room and sat on the chairs next to his bed "Phil you need to wake up, your boyfriend needs a babysitter he wont eat!" Peter said, I laughed quietly and nudged him and grabbed Phil's hands "I miss you Phil, I miss hearing your voice and seeing you smile." We both were silent for a bit but then I felt Phil's hand twitch, I looked down and saw his hand moving slightly "P-peter.." Peter looked at me and then my hand "Holy, Dan stay here I'll get a doctor" he basically jumped out of his seat and ran outside. I felt relief, I grabbed Phil's hand tightly "I'm right here Phil"




Sorry for not posting yesterday I had people over and Christine wasn't on so I was kindah confused on how I should plan the chapter since I've never done this alone! Anyways enjoy :) x

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