Chapter 19

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*Dan's POV*

(1 week later)

Phil was finally feeling much better physically, he got his stitches removed and was able to do things himself now. He still had his sessions with a therapist but he didn't enjoy them, he said he didn't need to talk to anyone because he's doing fine and he just had a moment. I wanted to believe that Phil is okay, he seems okay, the only thing I'm worried about is Ben, but if we stay away from him he can't do any harm.

"Dan, I need to go home" Phil said one day "Are you crazy!?" I gave him a strange look. "No no, I just need to get some things, there's a few things over there that belong to my mom I want to get them" I looked at Phil with sad eyes, there's no way I could say no "Alright, but we need to have back up with us" he looked at me confused "Well you can't go alone, its not safe. Peter said to tell him if we ever needed to go back and he will come along, and Hunter said he owes us and to tell him whenever he can help" Phil just sighed "I can't drag them into this Dan, I've already dragged you into this" I grabbed Phil's hands "Phil its not safe for you to go by yourself, not after what he did to you. Now no buts, I'm going to call them we'll be in and out real quick" I kissed his cheek and he gave me a small smile.

Peter and Hunter showed up half hour later, Hunter came in his car so we could get there and leave faster, its nice what he's doing, he actually felt bad for what he put me through. We reached Phil's place in 5 minutes "You guys stay here, Dan and I will get the things and come back" Phil said "Uh no, I don't think so, we're coming with you" Peter said getting out of the car and Phil just sighed. We quietly went inside, no sign of Ben, we all went upstairs to Phil's room where he got his moms things that he had kept "Your house is nice Phil, too bad your dick of a brother has taken over it" Peter said, Phil just laughed silently and we left his room and went downstairs. "The faggot's back huh?" We all jumped and turned around it was Ben "Haven't you heard of the phrase breaking an entry fag?" I grabbed Phil's arm so we could just leave but he stood there "This is my house too Ben. I have the right to come here whenever I want." Ben just laughed in his face "You know something, you would've been better off dead, that way you wouldn't be a problem for anyone" Phil looked hurt he was going to say something but I spoke up "Why don't you fuck off Ben, we don't have time for someone as sorry and worthless as you" Ben just gave me an angry look "We should just leave Dan" Hunter said to me "Know what Howell? You're just as worthless, the world would be a better place without you and the disgrace of a bother of mine" I had it now, I pushed Ben he fell back and his face turned red from anger "I've had with you two" he got up and pulled something out of his back pocket, a gun, shit maybe this wasn't a good idea, I tried my best not to show any fear, I looked at Phil who just froze with shock. Ben pointed his gun towards me "Dan look out!" Phil shouted, before Ben pulled the trigger I felt myself being pushed away and I heard someone scream in pain. Peter pushed me away and got hit with the bullet in his side, he fell onto the ground clutching his side in pain "PETER" I shouted my eyes started to tear up, that's it I've had it with Ben. Before I knew it Hunter had tackled him I ran to help him I couldn't let anyone get hurt I grabbed the gun away and threw it to the side as Hunter punched Ben in the jaw and pushed him down, he fell to the ground and didn't get up. Phil was at Peter's side "W-we need to call an ambulance" he said his voice was shaky "No that'll take too long. We can take him in my car" Hunter and I supported Peter and got him into the car and rushed him to the hospital. "We need help!" Hunter yelled as we brought Peter in who was dizzy and loosing consciousness, the doctors came running and so did my mom "Dan what happened?" She said shocked "I-it was Ben, mum, he shot Peter" I couldn't speak my voice was shaky, they took Peter in and the police came and asked us questions before going to investigate Phil's house.

Phil stood in the waiting room, he was crying now "T-this is a-all my fault. P-peter is h-hurt and its all my f-fault" I wanted to hold him and tell him everything will be okay, but I was so scared myself. I put my hand on Phil's shoulder "Babe it's not your fault" I said softly, Phil slapped my hand away "DON'T TOUCH ME" he yelled and I just stood in shock "YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO ME. PETER IS HURT BECAUSE OF MY BROTHER. I WISH YOU NEVER FOUND ME I SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT NIGHT" I didn't know what to say, Hunter came into the waiting room after he heard the screaming "Phil, don't say that.." I was crying too now "I'm just trying to help.." Phil took a deep breath "I don't need your help. I don't need you. Just leave me alone" he said coldly but in tears, those words stung. Phil just lost control and started crying, the doctors came in and tried calming him down."  I didn't know what to say so I just quietly left. Hunter came after me "Dude he's just afraid because of what happened. He doesn't mean it, give it time" he said "I-Im just going to go home" I said "I'll drive you" I was too exhausted to argue and say no so Hunter drove me home and I just ran up to my room. I sat on the floor and cried, had Phil and I broken up? I wasn't even sure, all those things he just said did he mean them, I was so confused the pain was unbearable. I looked under my bed and found the box where I kept my blades, I couldn't take it anymore I needed this. I grabbed my blade and made three cuts on my arm, for some reason it didn't seem right I instantly threw my blade to the ground and sat back down crying. I heard someone knock and open my door "Dan honey? Oh my god, Dan what have to done" it was my mom she ran to her room and got a first aid kit and sat down next to me and examined my arm. "P-phil and I broke up mom, it hurts" I cried "Oh honey he's just frightened, he had a breakdown, they're keeping him in the hospital over night" she cleaned my cuts with an alcohol swab, I winced in pain "B-but everything he said mom, h-he wanted to die, he doesn't want me.." The emotional pain was horrible "Dan, he doesn't mean it. This is your first fight in a serious relationship, but these things happen before you figure out what you want" she bandaged my arm, I saw tears in her eyes "I just want Phil, mum" I sobbed "Give him some time, I promise it'll be okay" and she hugged me, I hugged onto her and just cried, this was the first time I ever felt so close to my mom

*Phil's POV*

The next morning I woke up in the hospital, the doctor arranged another appointment with my therapist. I waited for her in her office she came in and smiled at me "Phil, how are you feeling?" She asked "I am fine. I don't need a session" I said blankly. "We just want to make sure you're okay Phil, the doctor told me about your breakdown" I looked out the window "Why would you say those things?" She asked me "My best friend got shot because of me. Everyone is getting dragged into my shit and getting hurt. I am better off dead" I said coldly. "I heard you also said some things to your boyfriend" Dan, I thought about what I said I felt bad "I didn't mean when I said I don't need him. But I wish he didn't find me, I'm better off dead like I said before" my therapist just looked at me and wrote something down "Why do you think dying is the only option? Are you saying you'd end your life?" that was a ridiculous question "Because my friends and loved ones are getting hurt because of me! If I was dead they won't have to worry. And as for ending my life, I-I don't know I want to die but can't bring it upon my self to think" she wrote something down again "Why is that?" I took a deep breath "Because I then think of Dan, he makes the thoughts go away. I still think he'll be better off if I wasn't around" tears started streaming down my face. "Phil, from what I've heard Dan loves you a lot, he didn't leave your side at all, he had to be forced to go eat and sleep, I don't think you being gone will be good for him" I wiped my tears "He's better off without me, I ruined things anyways" I really did, I was too hard on him "You should talk to Dan, I know he will forgive you. Listen I want you to come in weekly now okay?" I nodded "This is all the time we have for today, I will see you next week. You're a bright kid Phil, you need to realize it" I quietly left and saw Dan's dad standing there, he smiled at me "Feeling better Phil?" He asked "I-I don't know Mr. Howell" I said sadly "Come on let's get you home so you can get some rest" he put his hand on my shoulder and guided me to the car, we drove back to their place and Dan's mom opened the door and hugged me, I hugged her back and tried not to cry "I was so worried Phil" she said "I-Im okay" I said with a shaky voice it was almost 9 pm she gave me dinner and I ate quietly "Where's Dan?" His dad asked "He didn't sleep well last night so he went to bed early" his mum said. It was my fault he couldn't sleep "Oh Phil, Peter is recovering really well, you can see him tomorrow" she smiled at me I gave her a small smile back "I'm going to go sleep is that okay?" They both nodded and I went upstairs. I don't know why I felt the need to go into Dan's room, I just needed to check up on him, he was fast asleep, I wanted to leaned down and kiss him apologize for everything I said and just fall asleep next to him and then I noticed his arm it was bandaged. I knew he cut himself, this was my fault, I was too hard on him after everything he did for me I was so awful to him. I quietly left his room and went into the guest room they set up for me. I layed down onto the bed, I felt horrible for what I did to Dan, how will I apologize or fix things. I wanted to be with Dan I felt safe with him but I couldn't. I noticed the stuff lion he got me on the bed side, I hugged onto it and cried, it comforted me, all I remember before falling asleep is hugging the lion and crying.

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