Chapter 27

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*Dan's POV*

Peter and Phil had been keeping an eye on me ever since I got sent to the hospital, they always nagged me about eating but I appreciated that they cared so much. Things with Phil and I were finally going really great, to be honest its never been so great even he seemed happier. Peter spent a lot of time with us too, he called it "third wheeling" but I liked having him over it was great that the three of us were hanging out again. I woke up Saturday morning in my room, last I remember was watching movies with Phil he must have brought me up to my room before I fell asleep, he was laying down next to me fast asleep, I got up quietly trying to wake up him up "Dan?" he said sleepily "Sorry go back to sleep" I said softly "Its okay, are you alright?" He yawned and I nodded "Yeah just going to freshen up" I smiled I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower and then Phil did the same after me. I went downstairs and waited for him, as I waited there was a knock at the door I went and opened it, it was Peter "You know you should just give me a pair of keys to your house, I'm basically here everyday" he joked. "So have you eaten?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes "Not yet mum" I joked "Yeah well you really need to eat" he said his voice getting serious. "Dont worry I got it covered" Phil said coming downstairs smiling. He went to the kitchen and made pancakes "I don't want to eat" I sighed "You never want to eat" Peter said "Because I'm not hungry" Phil put two pancakes on my plate "Please just eat this Dan, you need to" he looked at me sadly and I nodded. I forced myself to eat now just need to keep it down. We all sat on the couch and decided to watch a movie, this is how we usually spent our day since I couldn't really do much without getting tired so quickly, everything was going fine but my stomach started feeling weird "I don't feel good" I said before running to the downstairs bathroom Phil ran after me and held me over the toilet as I threw up. "What's wrong? Oh shit that's nasty" Peter said as he came into the bathroom. Phil patted my back "Yeah I'm fine" I said sitting on the ground, he helped me up "Dude that is disgusting" Peter said again making a face, what a baby, I went to Peter and started talking really close to him to gross him out "Its not so bad" I said breathing on him "Dude brush your teeth!!" He said covering his nose moving back and I laughed. I brushed my teeth and Phil got a huge blanket he set it on me as I sat on the couch. He sat next to me and I snuggled next to him, Peter being Peter said on the other side and hugged onto both me and Phil "What are you doing?" I asked laughing "What I want some love too" he pouted, I elbowed him gently before sitting up. We continued watching the movie, Phil took my hand and intertwined our fingers "Dan?" he said quietly, I looked at him "Were you serious yesterday? Would you actually marry me?" he asked "What kind of question is that, without a doubt" I smiled at him "even after everything I put you through?" he looked sad "That's the past Phil, the only thing that matters is now and how much I love you" I said softly and he smiled "So why are you asking?" I asked "no reason, I was just curious" he said, I leaned in and kissed him and Peter coughed really loudly "Still here guys" he said, Phil's cheeks went pink "Why don't you two get married now, you're basically an old married couple" he teased us. "You need a girlfriend Peter" Phil laughed "Nah I like third wheeling you guys. I'm basically the third person in this relationship" he joked and we all laughed. My phone buzzed and I checked it was my mom "I'm waiting outside for you, you have a doctors appointment I need to take you there x" I sighed "I have an appointment guys, mum is taking me" I said "Want me to come?" Phil asked, I shook my head "You two stay here, mum is taking me" I got up, quickly kissed Phil and said goodbye to Peter then grabbed my jacket and went outside and into Mum's car.

The doctor appointment didn't go too well, Mum told the doctor how I threw up a lot, he said that's only happening because of the gaps between my eating times. He then weighed me, I lost two pounds, awesome. "Daniel you need to be more careful and fix your eating habits" he said to me "I'm trying, I just don't get hungry" I sighed, he wrote down some medicines saying they'll help me feel better after eating. "Sweetie you need to fix your eating habits" My mum sighed, she looked so sad, I squeezed her hand "I know I'm sorry mum, I'm trying" I said "Dan you're 93 pounds, that isn't healthy" she said "I know mum.." I sighed. I really was trying, but I just found it so difficult.

*Phil's POV*

"Sooo, why were asking all those questions about marriage" Peter asked winking, I felt my cheeks turn pink "No reason" I said "Yeah sure, nothing. Tell me!!" He poked me "Its nothing" I laughed "Dude I've known you for years, I'm your best friend I know you're up to something. Now tell me!" He said, he's not going to stop till I tell him. "Okay so, Dan's birthday is in two days, I-I was thinking about proposing to him" I said quietly looking down, Peter's mouth dropped open "Are you serious!?" He said "Y-yeah, I know we're young but like it'll be a promise to him that I won't ever leave him.." Peter cut me off "That's great! I don't care what anyone says I support you 100 percent" I smiled at him and gave him a friendly hug. "Thanks. I just want to ask his mum and dad first" I said "Ask us what?" Dan's dad said walking in holding some files, I froze "Uh..I have something I need to tell you" I said nervously "I do too! Me first though you'll like this" he said smiling "I was talking to your dad and he told me about a will your mother left for you for when you turned 18. You know your parents come from wealthy families. Well your mother left behind, a lot of money, like a lot of money for you. And a nice little house under your name in London" my mouth dropped open "Seriously?" I was shocked and his dad nodded, Peter was speechless too. "So what did you need to ask me?" He asked "Oh right um, so you know how it's Dan's birthday in two days?" He nodded "Well I was thinking about asking him to marry me" his dad just looked at me "I wanted to ask for your permission. I know we're young and things just got better, but this will be like a promise the wedding doesn't have to be till a couple of years. I truly love him and want to marry him" his dad cut me off "Phil, I support you. You two love each other and that's all that should matter. I already see you as a son" he smiled and hugged me "But let's keep this a secret, I need to go ring shopping and I was hoping we could plan something nice. Its a good thing you told me about what my mother left for me" I laughed nervously "Don't worry I won't say a word" he smiled.

Peter and I went ring shopping I texted Dan saying Peter needed me to help him with something so he wouldn't worry. "So you're sure about this right? You better not get cold feet" Peter said "Don't worry, just help me look" I laughed. We looked at a bunch of rings it was hard to pick "Hey Peter, thanks for being here and being supportive, I know I was a dick to you" I said "That's all the in the past, you learned your lesson let's leave it at that" I smiled at him "Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Nathan Sykes?" I asked randomly and he gave me a weird look and laughed "Dude you're about to get engaged! Stop flirting with me" I hit his arm "I'm not! But seriously you look like Nathan Sykes!" I laughed "I second that" the salesperson said laughing "Can I help you two gentlemen?" He asked us. "Um yeah I was just looking for rings" I said "These are engagement rings sir, maybe you can look on the other side" he looked confused. "I am looking for an engagement ring, for my boyfriend" I explained and he looked at Peter "Woah no not me. I'm his best friend, I'm sure there was a time when he totally wanted me but he was never so lucky" Peter joked and I rolled my eyes and laughed. "If you don't mind me asking, aren't you a little young? You look 18" the salesperson asked "Yeah, but I love my boyfriend so much, I know I want to marry him" I smiled and he smiled back at me. "So I wanted something nice but not too extra" I explained "It has to he perfect" he thought for  a moment "I have something perfect" he pulled out a pair of engagement rings, they were beautiful, and simple, just how I thought, it was perfect. Everything was perfect, now all Dan had to do was say yes.





Ok so we know Dan's birthday is in June and Phil in January but this is a fanfic so hush xD We were thinking about what Peter, Hunter and Zoe looked like so as mentioned peter looks like Nathan Sykes from The Wanted, Hunter looks like Zac Efron from his HSM days and Zoe looks like Zoe Sugg (we love her even tho the Zoe in our fic is crazy) xD

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