Chapter 31

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*Dan's POV*

The entire week went by really well, Phil and I were back and forth with trying to set up our new house so we can move in, it was hard work we still have so much to do but we aren't able to spend too much time because of classes as well. Most of the people we knew in school were very kind and supportive, except for Zoe but honestly I didn't care about what she had to say. "Its valentines day tomorrow" Phil reminded me wrapping his arms around me "Any plans for tomorrow?" I asked snuggling up to him "Peter told me that he has a surprise for us early tomorrow, he won't say what it is" he said "Knowing Peter, God knows what it is" I laughed. "Dan honey a friend of yours and Phil wants to see you, she's downstairs" my mom knocked on the door, I got up and opened the door "Who?" I asked "Shes a friend from school, I'm sorry I'm in a hurry I'm needed at work, dinner is made and your father will be home soon" she gave me a quick hug before heading downstairs and out the door. I looked at Phil and he got up and headed downstairs, I was shocked to see who was sitting on my couch, Zoe. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked and she stood up "I need to speak to both of you" she said plainly. "What is it?" Phil asked "You two are making a serious mistake with this engagement" she said we just stared at her "Why do you even care so much?" I asked in a harsh tone "Your marriage isn't going to work" she said raising her voice. "Do you understand how crazy you sound? You're coming here just to say that? You're ridiculous" Phil said, he seemed really pissed "You honestly think it'll work?" she laughed "Yes I actually do think that Zoe. You know I would've loved to make up with you and have you at the wedding but you're not making that possible" he said coldly, she just stared at him and then looked at me "What are you going to if he kills himself again?" I felt like my heart dropped "He's tried it so many times before, what makes you think he won't do it again?" I had that sudden feel of fear again, I didn't know what to say, I was speechless "What's going on here?" My dad asked coming in "N-nothing Dad" I said quietly "Its not nothing Daniel, young lady I'll have to ask you to leave" he said sternly to Zoe, he must have heard everything. Zoe without saying another word left, she really knew how to ruin someones mood. What she said hurt so much, she's right what if Phil has another moment and tries again what would I do, I didn't want to cry in front of anyone so I ran upstairs I heard Phil call after me but I ignored him. I sat on my bed and cried hugging my knees, I was scared to lose Phil. "Dan? Are you okay?" Phil asked coming into my room "I-Im just thinking about what she said" I said and Phil sighed "Come on don't take whatever she says seriously" he said "What am I supposed to do Phil? I'm terrified to lose you" I sobbed "You're supposed to trust me Dan. Don't you trust me?" He asked and I looked down "Jesus Dan. You need to trust me! How can we get married if you don't even trust me?" He sounded frustrated and fed up "I-I need to be alone, excuse me" I said getting up and headed downstairs, I took my ring off and put it in my pocket, I need to think this over.

"Dan what's wrong?" My dad asked sitting next to me on the couch "Nothing" I said quietly "You're not thinking about what that girl said are you?" I nodded "He's tried so many times already dad, how can I trust he won't do it again" I sobbed "Well you have two options, you don't trust him if you don't want  to marry Phil then that's fine" I looked at him confused "Or you choose to trust him, he loves you enough to be honest with you, its up to you if you believe him or not" he explained "I want to marry him, I love him so much dad but I'm scared to lose him" I said quietly "You need to trust Phil, trust that he won't leave you" I nodded. "So why aren't you wearing your ring?" My dad asked "I took it off so I can think" I said, I reached into my pocket, it was empty "My ring, I lost my ring" I started to panic but my dad laughed and handed it to me "I found this on the ground, you're lucky I found it" he smiled "Thanks dad, I should talk to Phil" I said "Okay and make it quick its almost time for dinner you need to eat" he ordered.

"Phil?" I called knocking on his bedroom door "Hey Dan" he gave me a small smile, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him "I'm sorry" I whispered "I'm just really scared all the time" he hugged me back "I don't blame you, after everything I put you through, but Dan you need to trust me, I promise I won't leave you" he whispered kissing my head "I do trust you" I said looking at him he smiled and pulled me into a kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. "Boys! Dinner!" I heard my dad call from downstairs, I groaned "Can't we just stay here" Phil asked kissing me "Yeah and have my dad walk in on us?" I laughed and he pouted "Later" I promised kissing him again and we headed downstairs.

*Phil's POV*

I woke up next to Dan next morning, I had my  arm around him, I smiled to myself as I remembered last night. I checked the time it was 10:30 am we were late, Peter wanted to meet up at 10 am. "Dan wake up" I whispered he opened his eyes "what?" He asked sleepily "We're late, Peter is going to kill us" I laughed softly and Dan groaned "But I'm tired" he whined "Get up you dork" I laughed hitting him with a pillow he wouldn't get up so I kept hitting him. He then grabbed the pillow from me and tackled me "Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry" I laughed he hovered me "You better be" he laughed and leaned in and kissed me. "Hey guys what's taking so..OH GOD" Peter yelled covering his eyes and Dan got off me "Jesus Christ Peter, ever heard of knocking!?" Dan shouted his cheeks were red, I could feel my self blushing too "Well I will definitely knock from now on! I can't believe I walked into you doing it" he still covered his eyes "Technically we weren't doing it" I corrected him "Ugh you guys are naked!" He exclaimed "Is that a problem?" Dan asked him raising his eyebrows "Yes I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life! Now get up and get dressed I'm waiting downstairs" he said leaving. As soon as he left we started laughing "That was embarrassing" I said covering my face "Yeah well at least he'll knock from now on, let's get up before he comes back upstairs" Dan laughed. We got up and got dressed and headed downstairs, we heard Peter talking to some girl "Um so who's the Victoria Justice look alike?" Dan asked confused "Finally you're down and dressed" Peter said "Dan, Phil this is Nina, she's my girlfriend" he smiled we both looked at each other confused "Wait. Since when?" I asked "Well for a week now, I didn't want to say anything until you know it was official" Peter blushed "Are you blushing Peter?" Dan teased "Its nice to meet you Nina" I smiled "You too" she smiled at me. "Aren't you in my English class?" Dan asked and she nodded "She's also head cheerleader just putting that out there" Peter nudged me "We're really happy for you" I said and Dan smiled "Hey did you know Nina kicked Zoe off the squad?" Peter laughed and she gently hit his arm "I don't ever do that to anyone, but Zoe always acted up, she was rude to everyone and sleeps around. She was never like that before but I can't stand her now" Nina explained "Don't worry, she used to be our best friend but she proved herself not to be a great friend" I said. We all went to Starbucks to get breakfast "So what took you guys so long?" Nina asked, I looked at Dan "We slept in.." I said and Peter laughed "Yeah that's exactly what I walked into" he winked "Hey did you know your boyfriend has a crush on me and Phil?" Dan joked and she gave Peter a odd look "So does that make me your beard?" She joked "Yup basically does you caught me" Peter laughed "Its so obvious Peter" I laughed "Yeah like you're so obsessed with our sex life" Dan said, I was at first worried all this would make Nina uncomfortable but she laughed and joked along "So like how did you manage to get the head cheerleader?" Dan asked acting surprised "Well you rejected me and got engaged" Peter pouted "Sorry but Nathan Sykes isn't my type" Dan joked "But he's Phil's type isn't he?" Peter said "Yeah definitely Peter" I laughed rolling my eyes. "Oh by the way congrats on the engagement" Nina said "I'm happy for you" I smiled at her "Thanks Nina" We started talking amongst ourselves and Peter kissed Nina "Wait let me get this straight. You two can make out but we can't?" Dan asked laughing "Exactly, because I've seen too much of that the past two weeks, I need to bleach my eyes" Peter said and we all laughed.

We had a great afternoon with Peter and Nina, she was really sweet and I was happy for Peter, he deserves all the happiness in the world. We went home at around 4 "I'm exhausted" I yawned "Same" Dan said sitting down "Nina's nice, I'm happy for Peter" I said and Dan smiled. "Hey before I forget I have something for you" Dan said taking my hand and heading upstairs, we went into his room and I sat on the bed "What is it?" I asked him "You're always getting me gifts so now its my turn, happy valentines day" he smiled handing me a box, I opened it, it was a watch just like the one I got for him except the color was different "Dan you shouldn't have" I said "Well I did so shush! Now we watch" he said smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning.I set the box aside and pulled him into a hug "I love it thank you" he kissed my cheek "And I love you" he said as I released him "I love you too" I whispered before kissing him.

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