Chapter 46

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*Dan's POV*

Fast forward to the fall, the wedding was getting closer. A lot of great things were happening, Phil's dad was finally a free man, Ben was still in jail where he couldn't hurt Phil or anyone, Nina's pregnancy was going fine it was her ninth month. But at the same time some not so great things were happening, Phil and Peter still weren't talking and Phil was still ill, its just something he has to live with, he was in and out of the hospital a few times, he was okay for now but it still scared me. I was so scared to lose Phil, he meant the world to me, and my fear forced me to go back to something that I shouldn't have done, but it was my way of dealing with everything, I didn't know what else to do.

We were trying on our suits that we got fitted,Crystal wasn't with us, she was out of town for something and Vanessa was with her. "They look great" Phil smiled "Yeah they do" I agreed "I still think that we should get bow ties" he mumbled "No, you look perfect without it, it looks great this way" I said. Phil sighed looking at his scar as he opened his buttons to see how it would it would look "I don't like it Dan" he sighed buttoning his shirt "Babe you look amazing" I said pecking his lip. I unbuttoned his shirt and fixed his collar when his eyes fell on my wrist "What the fuck is this Dan?" He asked grabbing my arm "I-its nothing its old" I said quickly trying to pull my arm away, he moved my sleeve back "Dan these look like they're not more than a week old" he said sternly "Its nothing Phil" I said pulling my arm away. "That's it we're going home, change now" he said, he looked really pissed off. I changed and got in the car "Phil, I know you're mad but.." He cut me off "Of course I'm mad Dan! Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were cutting again? What made you even do it?" He asked "Fear.." I whispered "Fear? What kind of reason is that?" He asked raising his voice "Im scared to lose you!" I shouted he stared at me shocked "That's not a reason to cut Dan" he said "What the fuck am I supposed to do? I don't know any other way to deal with things. And you remind me all the time about how you're dying!" I yelled "Because I am Dan, I wanted you to be ready. you should have talked to me, how do you think I feel?" He asked "Im scared Phil, I don't know how to talk to you about this" I sobbed "I'm still alive Dan, I'm not dead yet" he said sternly pulling up in our driveway "But for how long? You've been in the hospital so many times!" I cried "That doesn't mean you cut! You know how stupid and fucking immature you sound? I can't fucking help that I'm dying you're making this all about yourself!" He yelled, I froze and stared at him in shock "No Dan I didn't mean that.." He said softly, I didn't listen I got out of the car and ran inside the house the front door was open I didn't bother thinking why it was unlocked, I just ran up to our room and cried.

*Phil's POV*

"Dan wait!" I called after him as he ran upstairs, I was about to run after him but I heard someone walking in the kitchen towards me, Peter. "How did you get in here?" I asked him "I know where you and Dan kept your spare key" he explained "What are you doing here? I don't have time for you right now" I said sternly. "Just listen to me please, I know you're mad at Dan and I know why too. I want to talk to you about me first and then him" he said quickly. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, he followed me and sat on the opposite couch, I looked at him and nodded so he knows he can talk. "Well, I'm mad at you" he said, what the hell "Yeah I'm pretty pissed at you too" I said rolling my eyes. "How dare you think dying was even an option for you" he said "I can't help I'm dying Peter, that's not my fucking fault" I said sternly "I-I know .." He said softly, there was an awkward silence but Peter ended it "I really miss you man" he said softly, I have never heard him admit something like that, truth was I missed him too "You pushed me away Peter, you looked at me like a freak" I reminded him "I thought if I stayed away, it wouldn't hurt so much if you died, but I can't do that to my best friend" he said sadly, I stared at him for a moment, I got up and sat next to him and hugged him "I missed you too" I said he hugged me back "Does this mean that we're friends?" He asked "Yeah we're still best friends" I laughed and he smiled. "Listen I need to go talk to Dan.." I said to him "Right Dan, I know he cut again, he told me a few days ago, he's just afraid Phil, please don't be mad" he said "Peter I'm not mad at him, I want to say sorry to him for flipping at him" I admit "I was unfair, I made him worry I thought I was helping him but I was hurting him" Peter put his hand on my shoulder "He'll forgive you, don't worry" he smiled, I smiled back. "and one more thing, please don't get mad, but your scar scares me a little" he said nervously I sighed and awkwardly took his hand and put it on my chest "Its just skin Peter, see?" I laughed slightly "Oh, that's not so bad" he said amused. "Know what's weirder than my scar? The fact that you'll be a dad" I laughed "Yeah but I'll be an awesome dad. Nina is due any day now" he laughed and his phone buzzed "Shit, um like now actually I need to get going" he said panicking "Hurry up! Dan and I will be there!" I called after him.

I went upstairs, the bedroom door was open, Dan was laying in bed sobbing silently. I sat on the bed and softly kissed his head, he looked over at me and I softly kissed his lips "Y-youre not mad at me?" He asked his voice was shaky I layed down next to him and stroked his cheek "No bear I'm not mad at you" I whispered "But everything you said.." I cut him off with a kiss "What I was awful, I made you feel upset, I kept saying I'm dying" I said sadly "You only said what's true" he whispered "No, I was just over reacting, I know what I have can't be cured Dan, but as long as I stay healthy and happy I will be okay, and that's only possible if I have you" I said pulling him close and kissing his forehead, he looked up at me "I'm sorry babe" he whispered, I held his hand and kissed his scars "Don't be" I whispered and he did the same by kissing my scar and then my lips "I love you" he whispered hugging me "I love you too" I whispered. He hugged onto me "Oh guess what, Nina is having her baby" I remember "Really?" He asked his face instantly lit up "Yes, want to go see them?" I asked smiling and he nodded.

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