Chapter 16

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*Dan's POV*

My parents woke me up I had my arms around Phil who was still asleep and they sent me to another room to get rest and so I don't accidentally move the oxygen tubes, the next morning I woke up and freshened up before going to Phil's room. Phil was awake, he looked bored but his face lit up as soon as he saw me "Morning" I smiled at him I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips "Hi" he said said quietly, I noticed he didn't have his oxygen tube meaning he was recovering well which calmed me down, I took a seat on the side of his bed and grabbed his hand "How are you feeling?" I asked softly "In a bit of pain but okay. Dan..I'm so sorry I-" I cut him off "Ssshhh its okay, what's important is that you're okay now" I kissed his hand and he gave me a small smile.

"Look who's awake" my mom came in smiling "Good to see you in your senses Phil" Phil smiled at her "Thanks Mrs. Howell" "So I got orders that I should advise you to walk around a but it's important for you to get proper exercise" Phil seemed happy to hear that "Dan honey you can help Phil walk its better if he has someone near him" I nodded and helped Phil get up he looked like he was in pain, he took a couple of steps but then winced in pain and nearly fell over but I grabbed him so he wouldn't fall "are you okay?" I asked "My ribs, they hurt a lot" We called the doctor and he took a x-Ray Phil had a few broken ribs and needed surgery, as the doctor was prepping for it I sat with Phil. "D-dan I'm scared" his voice was shaky I sat next to him on his bed and wrapped my arms around him careful not to hurt him "I'm here its okay, you will be okay, I will be waiting right here for when you come out" I said quietly. "And I will be in there with you" my mom said entering the room "you might be unconscious but just know I will there holding your hand the entire time" we both smiled at my mom, I'm so thankful for my parents they're doing so much to help Phil.

The surgery seemed like it took forever, Phil was now moved to his room and was asleep "Dan I was able to talk the station into letting Phil's father visit, he'll be here in a hour with officers" my dad said "He's still asleep, but maybe he will be awake by then" I said. Phil needs his father, I'm so glad my dad was able to get him to come and visit. The officers brought his dad over in an hour, I went into the room with him and noticed Phil had oxygen tubes again, it made me worry but I remembered its probably to help him breathe without causing pain. "P-philip.." His dad said quietly, I stood at the end of the bed as his dad sat beside him holding his hand, he looked scared his eyes were tearing up. He sat there quietly for 10 mins just holding Phil's hand he didn't say anything I think just being with Phil made him calm "You have 5 mins Lester" one of the officers said and he sighed, he moved Phil's fringe away from his eyes "I love you Phil" and kissed his forehead still holding his hand, Phil's eyes opened slightly "D-dad?" He whispered grabbing his father's hands "I'm here son" he whispered "D-dad please don't leave me.." Phil opened his eyes and his dad looked at officers they looked like they felt bad "we will give you 10 minutes, we can't give more than that" His dad nodded. "I'll be outside" I said giving them a small smile leaving them to talk.

*Phil's POV*

I can't believe it, my dad was here, I tried sitting up but I was in so much pain "Don't get up Phil" my dad said quietly I looked him I didn't know what to say. "Philip, what were you thinking!?" My dad asked he was crying "I-Im sorry dad, I-I don't know" I was crying too now, my dad grabbed my hand and squeezed it "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything it was too much for you" he was blaming himself "are you alright tho?" He asked me "Y-yeah but it hurts a lot dad" I said quietly in pain "You're strong Phil, you'll heal fast" he gave me a small smile. "It's time to go now Lester" the officer said and my dad nodded, I tried getting up but the pain was unbearable and my dad made me lay down, he kissed my forehead "Don't get up, we will see each other again soon, we will be a family again Phil, I love you" he said before leaving "I love you too dad"

5 minutes after my dad left Dan and his parents came in the room "You okay?" Dan asked me sweetly "Y-yeah. Thank you for everything, all three of you" I said smiling at them "We care about you Phil, we want you to feel better" Dan's dad smiled. "PHIL! You're awake! You have to see this..uhhh" Peter came in laughing holding his phone but then got quiet after Dan's dad gave him a stern look "you have to see..uh..this card Hunter got you!" He said grabbing the card from the side and Dan laughed "Hunter huh?" I asked "Yeah he apologized, but if he says anything then I'll kick his ass" Dan smiled at me and I laughed. His parents left the room and Peter ran and closed the door "Dude you have to listen to your self I recorded you when you were high on medicines" he laughed and pressed play on the recording. "Whi ish tere thingsz in mu armies" Peter laughed hysterically my face turned pink but I laughed and Dan laughed along too. "No-no sunshine, don't pull out your oxygen" did Dan call me sunshine? "Okay thats enough" Dan said trying to take Peters phone away he was blushing "Wait you gotta hear this too" Peter laughed dodging Dan "Put I hat oxegeon" I laughed at how awful I sounded "but you have to breathe babe" Dan turned bright pink, and Peter just kept laughing "Babe" he said laughing, I laughed with him and Dan started laughing along too, I felt happy with them here. Peter had to leave a while after so it was just me Dan. "So does the oxygen tube make it easier to breathe?" He asked, I took it out of my nose and put it on him "Yeah see!" I laughed and it was true it hurt me a bit to breathe without it "My ribs kindah hurt now without it" I said,Dan laughed quietly and adjusted it back on my nose and then kissed me passionately, he was being careful not to hurt me and I kissed him back. He leaned back and smiled at me "So, since when do you say babe and sunshine?" I laughed. "Shut up" he said laughing "it was cute, I liked hearing you say that" I admitted peaking his lip and he blushed "well then if you like it then I will say it more often, babe" he smiled and gave me a wink, he's so cute I'm glad he's smiling again, I feel awful for putting him through so much this past week. "I love you so much Dan" I said stroking his cheek with my hand "I love you too Phil" he said before kissing me again.




So we decided to post two chapters today since we didn't update on Saturday! Enjoy :) xx

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