Chapter 29

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*Dan's POV*

My alarm woke me early next morning for school, I groaned and turned it off, Phil was fast asleep next to me, I took my pillow and threw it at him "Dan" he groaned "Wake up, we have to go to school" I said softly "I'm too tired to" he said sleepily and I shook him "Get up Phil!" He got up and pulled me close to him and layed down again "Let go Phil" I laughed he opened his eyes and stared at me "So, did you have a good time yesterday at the dinner?" He asked me sleepily "I had an amazing time, it was the best birthday ever. I had more fun after we got home" I winked at him "What do you mean?"  He asked innocently "You know what I mean you dork" I laughed "Are you saying that we had sex but I forgot about it?" He laughed "Phil you're such a dork" I rolled my eyes getting up and Phil pulled me back and kissed me "I'm just kidding of course I remember, it was great" we both smiled at each other. I still can't believe that Phil is my fiancé now, he proposed to me and now we're engaged. "Dan honey are you up" I heard a knock at the door it was my mom, I shushed Phil "Yeah mum I'll be down in 10 minutes" I said, I heard her walk downstairs so we quickly got up and got ready for school. We went downstairs and mum had made pancakes for us "Where's dad?" I asked "He had to go to work early today" she said "So, Phil you weren't in your room this morning" Phil's cheeks turned bright pink "Well uh..I woke up early to wake Dan up.." He lied, he really was an awful liar. "Right so as your mother Dan its important we have this talk, its the perfect time to as well since you're engaged now" oh no, not the sex talk "Have you two done it?" I chocked on my pancake "Jesus Christ mum. We didn't do anything" I felt my cheeks go pink "There's nothing wrong in it Dan! I'm just asking its important to have this talk with your child" I could tell she was trying not to laugh "Mum, we're going to be late for school" I said getting up "Daniel I'm going to ask you till you tell me honestly" she said "Jesus Christ, okay we have mum. Now we gotta go bye" I quickly kissed her cheek and she laughed while Phil and I grabbed our bags and jackets and left.

"That was so embarrassing" Phil laughed and I nodded "Its snowing" I pointed out "Maybe its snowing to celebrate us" Phil said kissing my cheek and I smiled at him. We walked for  a bit and I picked some snow up and made a snow ball and threw it at Phil "Hey!!" He said and I stuck my tongue at him before I knew it we were having a snowball fight. Phil ran up to me and tackled me to the ground, I fell into the snow and Phil was on top of me, we stared at each other for a few seconds and he kissed me "Can I get up now? Its cold" I asked laughing "Wait not just yet" he said before kissing me again but this time longer before helping me up. "Our hair looks so messed up" I laughed as we reached school, we tried fixing it up "Why do you two have sex hair" Peter asked approaching us "Its from the snow Peter" Phil laughed rolling his eyes "You seem so interested in our sex life Peter, you wanna join in on the fun?" I joked. "No, but your fiance was flirting with me while we were ring shopping telling me I look like an attractive celebrity" he winked "You just want me agreeing with that dont you" I laughed "Yeah maybe, but just saying your fiancé secretly wants me" Phil hit Peter with his bag as laughed trying to shield himself. "Fiancé? Wait are you serious?" We heard someone say, it was Zoe. "Yeah, we are serious" Phil said taking my hand she stared at our rings "Daniel you really think this is a way to keep Phil? You guys are crazy to think that this will work" she rolled her eyes "Actually Zoe I asked Dan to marry me, it was my idea" Phil said getting defensive "It might seem crazy, but we know it'll work, we love each other" I added in "Let me know how that goes" she said bitterly before leaving. "Wait so you two are really engaged?" Hunter  asked "Yeah" I smiled at him "Well congratulations" he said smiling.

The entire day we had people come up to us congratulating us for our engagement, I felt awkward the entire time as I didn't know half these people. Our math teacher even told us to see her after school "I would ask about your rings but I already know the answer" we looked at each other nervously "All I wanted to say is congratulations, I'm happy for you both. But this doesn't mean you stop doing work for this class you understand?" She said laughing we laughed and nodded our head.

"So we only have one thing left to do" Phil said taking my hand as we left the school "What's that?" I asked "We have to tell my dad, we're going there now"

*Phil's POV*

"Hey dad" Phil smiled "Philip, good to see you, and you too Daniel" he smiled at us "So everything is fine between you both?" He asked "More than better dad, we have news for you" I said, I looked at Dan and took a deep breath "Dad, yesterday was Dan's birthday so I talked to his father and asked for his permission and asked him to marry me" My dad looked at me and then at Dan "And..I said yes" Dan smiled awkwardly blushing. "R-really?" My dad asked and I nodded "My little boy is getting married" he had tears in his eyes "I want you there Dad. The wedding will happen once you're out of here, you will be there right?" I asked nervously. "I wouldn't miss it for anything" my dad smiled "I-I just wish mum could be here" my eyes filled with tears and my dad hugged me "She will be son. She will be there in spirit" he whispered "Y-yeah" I said smiling.

After seeing my dad I decided to go to my therapist, I was  scheduled to see her today anyways. "Good luck, I'll wait out side" Dan said kissing me. "Phil, good to see you! How are you?" She asked "Honestly, I'm great" I smiled at her "Really? Why is that?" She asked "Dan, he forgave me, and things are great. I haven't had any dark thoughts since then and I'm in a happier place" I explained and she smiled "Is that a ring?" She asked looking at my hand "Yeah, its an engagement ring" I smiled looking at it "Don't you think you two are a little young?" She asked "Yeah we are young but that doesn't matter, I love him and I want to be with him for the rest of my life" I smiled. The session went really well, she told me I didn't have to come anymore but I should still drop by occasionally as it would be good for me.

After that we went home, it was time for dinner we all sat together and had a nice dinner and talked about our day. We then decided to watch TV for a while. I turned it on and the news channel came up I was shocked when I saw the headline "Dan.." I said and he looked. Ben's picture was there, he had killed a small family of three and was caught on security camera. "Dad..Did you know about this?" Dan asked he looked terrified "I found out today, Ben has gone crazy they're trying to find him" his dad said quietly "I don't want you two worrying so much, but also be really careful" and we nodded. We went to sleep in our own rooms tonight, I tried my best not to think about Ben and get some sleep. "Phil?" I heard Dan whisper waking me up "What's wrong?" I asked "I-I had a nightmare" his voice was shaky, I sat up and saw he was crying "Come here" I said softly, he sat on my bed an layed down and I held him close "What was the nightmare?" I asked "It was B-ben hurting you a-and your first attempt, e-except I didn't find you and Y-you" he couldn't finish talking "Ssshh its okay babe, its just a bad dream I'm here" I whispered kissing his forehead "P-promise you won't ever leave me? " he sobbed "I promise Dan, I'll never leave you" I whispered wiping his tears away I kissed him softly "Go to sleep bear, I'm here" I kept my arms around him "I have a surprise for you this weekend" I said as he drifted off to sleep.

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