Chapter 13

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Dan's POV:

"Dan, you owe us a explaination". My dad said sternly. I look to the ground. I still have Phil's blood on my shirt. "Dan, tell me whats going on" dad says. Where do I begin?

"Well, Ben abuses Phil. He lives with Ben because his mother killed herself. His dad was wrongly accused. He didnt want to go to foster care" I explained.

My father seemed concerned.

"What do you mean falsely accused?" My father asked.

"Mr. Lester fingerprints were on the gun. But he didnt pull the trigger. Ben lied to police. Dad please help. I am begging you." I plead.

"It won't be easy, considering that Mr. Lester's fingerprints were on the gun. I will review the case and speak to him. Also, I am going to do this for free. I feel responsible for Phil." My dad says. I run up and hug him. Its the least I can do.

"Dan, I have a sierous question. Did you know Phil was suicidal?" He asks. I hate when he wants explaintions. Its his lawyer side.

"N-N-No." I stammered. My father turned away. We waited for what it seemed days. I wanted to see Phil. The doctor caring for him finally walked out. He walks up with us.

"Do you want to see Philip? He's still in a coma. I recommend you speak to him. He may or may not hear you, but you will never know if you dont try." He says. I get up and walk to Phil's hospital room. My father follows me. When we reach his room, I walk in very slowly. When we walk in, I notice Phil is on oxegon and has a IV. I also notice the other little tubes connected to his body. I hated to see him like that. I lean down and kiss him softly. I was careful to not knock his oxegon tube out of his nose. I kinda hoped he would remember what my kiss felt like and wake up. It didnt happen. I pull up a chair next to his bed.

"Hey Phil" I begin to say. I am running my hand through his hair and fringe. "Why? Why did you want to die? I didn't know you were in such pain. I am sorry I didnt notice. I am so sorry" I put my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat. Its a weak heartbeat but atleast he is alive. I am careful to not move his stitched bandaged wrists. I dont want to cause him anymore pain. I begin to cry. My father walks up and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Son, you have to stay strong for him." My father says. He walks to Phil and whispers something to Phil.

"Phil, I promise you will get your father back. No matter what it takes I will get his name cleared. I will also do whats right. I will lock Ben up for abuse" My father whispered.

My dad walked towards the door to walk out

"I think im going to the cafeteria, I will let you have some alone time with Phil" my dad says. I nod. My father leaves the room. I am crying again.

"There is something you need to know. I havent cut since we have became friends. When we began dating, I promised I would never cut again.." I couldnt finish what I was saying. I kissed him as carefully as I could. I climbed into the hospitial bed with Phil. I buried my face into Phil's neck. I was careful to not pull out Phil's IV and Oxegon. I pulled out my phone and called Peter.

"P-P-Peter, I need to talk to you." I say.  I explained what happened to Peter. We say goodbye and hang up. My father walks back in the room. I see Ben walk in from the corner of my eye. I sit up in the hospital bed.

"Who are you? Why is Phil brusied? Why is there cuts on his wrist? What happened." Ben said innocently

"You know very well-" I say, but my father cut me off.

"Dan, we have to stay calm for Phil's sake. And Im Robert Howell, Dan's father." My dad says. I stare at Ben.

"Your brother attempted suicide, Dan and I brought him here" Dad says. Ben snickers a bit.

"Who said you were allowed in my house?" Ben says a bit rude.

"Why dont you go fuck-" I tried to say. My father cut me off again.

"Phil is the most important right now Dan. I can take care of it." He says calmly.

"Ben, My wife and I will take care of everything. You dont need to worry." Dad says calmly. I want to say something.

"Im his fucking legal guardian, I have to take care of him." Ben says angrily.

"Right just like how youve always taken care of him right Ben" I yell.

"Phil is now under my care. You should leave. This isnt good for Phil's health. Dad says calmly. 

"Make me leave" Ben threatens dad. "Doctor. Can you escort Mr. Lester out of the hospital? He is disturbing Phil. " Dad says calmly.

"D-Dad? Why didnt you confront Ben?

"Its not the time yet. Its a issue I will have to bring up in court. In the meantime, I must speak with Phil's father. I must discuss his case. He also has a right to know that his son attempted suicide and is in a coma." Dad says.

Mum walked into Phil's room with flowers and extra clothes. She put flowers in a vase and placed them on Phil's bedside. I completely forgot about Phil's blood on my shirt and quickly changed. I laid down next to him. I buried my face in his neck and feel asleep.

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