Chapter 25

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*Dan's POV*

Crap I overslept again, I'm going to miss first period not that I actually care to be honest. It has been 2 days since Phil and I broke up, I just don't care about school anymore all I could think about was Phil, I went downstairs and no one was home my parents were probably at work and Phil already left for school. By the time I reached school first period was almost over, I looked into a classroom and saw Phil sitting there staring out the window, tears formed in my eyes I couldn't even look at him I walked away from the classroom and bumped into Peter "Woah careful, dude are you okay?" I shook my head, he helped me walk to the side and we sat down "What's wrong?" He asked me "P-phil doesn't l-love me, I-I can't make him happy" I sobbed, Peter put his arm around my shoulder and comforted me "Come on that's not true, I know Phil loves you" he said quietly "H-he doesn't, he broke up with me t-that night you found him and brought him home" I said, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my wrist where I cut, yes I cut again I couldn't help it I grabbed my wrist and Peter noticed " didn't" he said quietly "I-I couldn't help it, it hurt so much. I-I love him so much and he doesn't love me"  Peter just kept his arm around me, it was nice to have a friend there for you. "When was the last time you ate? Dan you're all bones" he asked concerned "I-I haven't eaten properly since Phil's second attempt, I've just lost my appetite" I sighed "Dan you need to take better care of yourself" he said, but I didn't care "W-why did he cheat on me, I didn't think he'd do that. And he's the one who decided to break up" I sobbed "Dan, I'm sorry. But you really need to look after yourself" the bell rang as soon as he said that "We don't have to go to class if you don't want" he said and I shook my head and wiped my tears away "No we should go, I wouldn't want my parents knowing I missed more classes" and I stood up, I felt light headed and lost my balance and Peter helped me keep my balance "Are you okay?" He asked he looked scared "Y-yeah its probably from crying I'll be fine" I gave him a small smile. We walked into Math class, I saw Phil sitting at his usual seat he didn't look at me. "Ah, Daniel, Peter how nice of you to join us, take a seat please" our teacher said, I was walking to my seat but I felt dizzy again I tried to regain my balance but all I remember is blank.

*Phil's POV*

I heard a noise as if something fell, I looked and saw Dan passed out on the ground and Peter shaking him "Dan? Dan? Someone call an ambulance quick!" He said, I ran to them and fell onto the ground, I put my hand on Dan's cheek he didn't have  a fever but he looked so weak and pale, the entire class was crowded around us "I-I'll call an ambulance" I  said "Oh so now you care" Peter said harshly "Now is not the time Peter!" I said dialing the number.

The ambulance showed up 10 minutes later, Peter and I went with Dan. We were told to wait in the waiting room while they ran some tests. "So why are you here? Its not like you care about him" Peter said coldly "Are you stupid? Of course I care" I said shocked "Sure you do, he loves you so much but all you care about is dying not caring how Dan will be affected" I can't believe he's doing this right now "I do love Dan! Its best for him if I die, I'm only a problem" I said "Know what you are? You're a coward Phil." Now I was angry "How the fuck am I a coward!? It takes courage to do what I tried" I raised my voice "It takes more courage to deal with your problems! You hurt the one person who would do anything for you! You cheated and broke him! He's possibily dying! He looks a little over 95 pounds!" He shouted at me "This is why I'm better off dead" I muttered "Wow. You're pathetic. Dan's right, maybe you don't love him" he said coldly. Wait, Dan thinks that? Had I hurt him that much, I was speechless. Before I could say anything the doctor walked in "Dan is really weak, he hasn't eaten will for a while. He's on drips, but he will be okay. He's very lucky I've seen people with worse conditions" he explained "Can I see him?" Peter asked and the doctor nodded. I followed Peter but didn't go inside the room, I didn't know how to face Dan, I had hurt him so much. I noticed Dan smile when he saw Peter "Honestly I think we should move into the hospital we're here like all the time" Peter joked and Dan laughed quietly. Peter gave him a friendly hug "Is Phil here?" Dan asked his voice was so weak "Yeah he was right behind me" I quickly hid so they couldn't see me "I guess not.." Peter sighed "So how do you feel?" He asked Dan "Exhausted, weak"he even sounded exhausted " Phil really doesn't care about me does he" those words hurt, I felt awful. "Dan, right now what's important is your health" Peter said softly "T-thank you, for brining me here for being here" his voice was shaky "Hey that's what friends are for"

I walked away from the room, I felt so awful for putting Dan through all this. I need to make it up to him now.

*Dan's POV*

"Dan honey you have to eat something" my mum said sweetly "I'm okay mum, I'm not hungry" I said "You only ate once since you got here yesterday, this isn't healthy" she said "I'll eat later" I said and she sighed. I heard a knock at the door and it was Phil carrying a bag "I'm not disturbing am I?" He asked "Not at all, I'll leave you two alone I have to get back to work" my mum said smiling before she left, thanks mum. Tears instantly formed in my eyes my eyes and fell down my cheek "How did you get so boney" Phil asked "Why are you here" I said in a bitter tone "I came to check up on you" he said wiping my tears away and I turned my head "As if you care" I said "I do Dan, I really do, I even made food for you" he said, I looked at him "I dont want your food. If you think this will make me.take you back" my voice seemed so weak I felt tired just talking. Phil grabbed my hand "I know I hurt you Dan, in the worst way ever. I know I don't deserve you or your forgiveness, but please give me a chance" he said softly. "You cheated on me, you broke my heart you made me feel like you didn't love me" I sobbed, he sat on my bed and cupped my cheeks "I do love you, I was being stupid, I was too busy thinking about the bad things, but I love you a lot" he kissed me softly but I didn't kiss him back, although I missed his kisses it felt good. "I-I need to sleep, I'm tired can you leave please?" I asked I wasn't sleepy but I know if Phil stayed I would keep getting the urge to forgive him to kiss him. "No, not until you eat" he said "I don't trust you right now Phil" I was being harsh but I had every right to be "Please Dan" he pouted, I tried to say no but I couldn't "Fine" I sighed he kissed me again and I didn't kiss him back "Please kiss me back" he begged "No, not yet" I said and he pouted before giving me a spoonful of rice. I ate quietly, I stared at Phil he looked so concentrated, he looked so cute,  I wanted to kiss him so bad. "Phil?" He looked up at me "When was the last time you drank?" I asked I know bad timing but I needed to know "I did once after we um fought, but not since that, I-Im not planning on doing so either" he said, that made me feel a little better, I got a little bored sitting quietly so I reached over and started fondling with the button on Phil's shirt "what are you doing?" He asked blushing looking down and I flicked his nose "Hey! Ouch" he said surprised and I laughed he smiled at me before giving me another spoonful of rice "I can't eat more" I said but he told me to eat I took one last spoonful "Seriously Phil its making me feel sick I can only eat a bit at a time" I said and he sighed "Okay" he said and helped me drink a glass of water " do you forgive me?" He asked me "Not yet, you gotta work harder" I said he looked down, "But Phil, thank you" he looked up at me and I smiled at him, he smiled back and leaned in to kiss me, I couldn't take it anymore I let him kiss me, I kissed him back, the kiss was soft I think he was afraid of hurting me, I put my hand on his cheek and I saw a flash, it was Peter. Crap he took a picture "Wow you two seem um busy" he said raising his eyebrow. Phil blushed and looked at the time "Oh I have my session in 5 minutes, I'll see you after that" he said and I nodded he left not even looking at Peter. "Don't tell me you took him back already" he looked pissed "N-no! No I didn't" I said "Dude you're basically chewing his face off" I blushed "Its complicated it just happened, he knows that he has to work harder" I reassured him 'He better, he needs to do a lot more than bringing food in" and I nodded "Wait so why did you take a picture?" I asked "Well when you do get back together I want to have something to go with the recording of Phil, these are good for blackmail" he joked and I hit him with a pillow and laughed. I'm so glad I have a friend like Peter.




Okay so we will do two updates per day we want to try to finish the fic before family day or at least have it close to finishing as I will be out of town for two days. In other words we can't stop typing xD I'll update again in a few hours! Xx

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