kiss me through the phone

576 12 9

pairing: bichie

bill's phone's ringing woke him up. well, less the ringing and more so the buzzing. his first conscious thought was that he regretted putting his phone next to his bed last night. opening his eyes, he expected to see a random phone number, but instead, saw a name that lit the tiniest smile onto his face.

richie (big dick tozier) is calling...

laughing softly, bill picked the phone up and clicked accept.

"rich, it's fuh-five am, please," bill mumbled as an answer, acting as though he was chewing out richie when he wasn't displeased to hear richie's voice. after a moment of quiet, bill could tell richie was someplace busy, and it occurred to him that it was probably the afternoon for richie, and he might be on the way to the subway station.

"hello william, you've won a free cruise!" richie responded in his most monotone voice, attempting to sound like a telemarketer. bill, however, knew richie's voice all too well. richie was, in fact at a subway station (one that was rather empty). 

"oh boy! and huh-here i was, thuh-thinking this was my b-b-boyfriend. silly me. g-guh-goodbye now," bill played along, hearing richie scramble.

"no! no, it's me, billy, good morning," richie wished him the good morning that bill had been assuming was coming. a loud whizzing noise came from richie's end, one that bill recognized as a subway train. richie, however, didn't catch it, because he didn't want to hang up so soon after calling him. instead, he sat down at a bench.

"i know, rich. good afternoon. why're you cuh-c-calling me?" bill sat up in his bed, taking a sip of water from the glass on his counter. richie hums pleasantly into the phone, and bill puts the glass back down.

"i miss you. isn't a fella allowed to call his southern gal on a sunday morning? 'm surprised you picked up. i was gonna leave you a cute voicemail to record in your audio messages." richie replied, going in and out of accents. bill smiled sheepishly, thinking about the voicemails richie had left him before. several of them had been drunk richie, and wow was drunk richie a sentimental guy.

"s-s-s-sap," bill told him, richie chuckling. then, after a moment, "i miss you too."

"oh man, the things i would do to you if we could be together right now." richie mused, bill flushing red and shaking his head. bill scratched his head briefly. richie put his other hand in his pocket.

"aren't you in a puh-public place right now?" bill asked, richie humming back and forth. 

"maybe i am, sweetcheeks, what's it to you?" richie replied, and bill's grin grew, just imagining the shit-eating grin on richie's face. an endearing shit-eating grin, but one nonetheless. 

"don't get a boner in public, that's a-a-all i'm saying," bill joked, richie barking out laughter from the other side. 

"oh bill, if only you knew what my dick does for you," he replied, attracting a strange stare from the few people around. richie ignored them, thinking about bill and nothing else.

"g-gross!" bill yelped, "...what d-duh-does it do though?"

"oh bill, you dirty devil, you. we'll find out the next time i see you, yeah?" richie teased him, and bill sighed through his nose. 

"y-yeah. god, i miss you, rich," bill said, pulling his knees to his chest. bill wished so bad he could kiss the boy through the phone, but alas. richie sighed sympathetically.

"i miss you too, baby. so bad." richie repeated.

there's quiet for a moment, and bill reflected on the last time he had seen his boyfriend. it had been around four months by now, and while richie was planning a trip to come see bill, neither of them really knew how long it was going to be until they could see each other.

it was worth it, though. it was worth it for the days bill could see richie, really see richie. where they could just be with each other, as close as humanly possible. it felt so nice to just be together. kisses felt good too, though. 

"did i tell you stanley texted me?" richie broke the quiet and bill perked back up again.

"no?" bill said, curious and also scared. stanley was bill's best friend and while him and richie got along, they hardly talked recreationally.

"he said that i should come to see you as soon as possible, because you complain about missing me so much," richie told bill, who groaned in embarrassment. in mention of bill missing richie though, god he was wishing he could bury his head in richie's chest. 

"i-i-pretend you d-didn't hear that, that's s-so embarrassing." bill sighed, knowing he shouldn't complain to stanley so much, but it was really just impossible for him not to talk about it. 

"no! that's so cute, please, bill, you're the cutest," richie said, imagining bill blushing and laughing. 

"... thank you. i kn-nuh-know." bill replied. 

"oh-ho-ho getting cocky, are we?" richie asked, crossing a leg over his other leg as he leaned back on the bench he was sitting on.

"yeah, oh no, you m-might have to c-cuh-come here and k-k-kiss me to calm my ego!" bill said dramatically, essentially begging richie to come over.

"on my way!" richie said, lying but wishing to god it was the truth. "okay, fuck, the subway's here, i got to go baby," richie stood up and he swore he could have heard bill frown.

"oh n-no, don't go?"

richie has never been more heartbroken in his life than when bill said that to him. the tone in bill's voice was so sad. he didn't want to go. he wanted to say fuck it to this fucking subway on the way to work and run as far as he could until he could hold bill denbrough in his arms. 

"i'm sorry, bill,"

"it's okay, i kn-nuh-know you h-have work. we'll talk luh-later, rich. i love you." bill said softly, his hands wishing he could just hold richie's. or his face. or... anything of richie's, to be honest. "i'm going to go p-pu-put on one of your ho-huh-hoodies." 

"i love you too. talk later." richie sighed sadly as he stepped onto the subway, hearing bill hang up. he sat down on a seat and closed his eyes briefly, imagining bill in his head. this could get him through work. yeah. 

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