first move

898 13 2

pairing: reddie

idc how short this is it's all i've been thinking about all day this is really more of a head canon than a oneshot

"i've been thinking about you, eds." richie said, pedalling effortlessly. eddie turned his head slightly, trying to stay biking forward. richie said things so easily, everything came so easily to him. good looks, talent, it was all there. 

"aren't you always?" eddie didn't always tease back, but he felt brave. maybe it was the wind, blowing leaves and their hair out of their faces. 

"good one, eddie. it's sonia that i'm always thinking about," richie joked, eddie rolling his eyes. 

"my bad." eddie responded, pedalling quicker. he tried to bike away from richie, pretending to be mad, but richie, a big grin on his face, caught up easily.

"but uh, i have been thinking about you." richie trailed off, as if he had something more to say. 

"what about me?" eddie asked, teetering on flirting. richie came to a stop on his bike, eddie stopping shortly afterwards. eddie noticed how the wind hits richie hair. he looked good. really good.

"just, y'know, you. i dunno, forget i said anything, alright? we're here." outside of bill's house (their target destination) richie got off his bike and stood beside it. richie closed his eyes and sighed to himself, feeling the wind.

eddie grinned, looking at richie, then looking to the leaves blowing around them. eddie played with his fingers, grabbing his pinky with his other hand. suddenly, eddie let go of his finger. he turned to richie and with one hand, grabbed richie's shirt, balled up in his fist. in the other hand he put his hand on the back of richie's neck and pulled him close. richie opened his eyes, widely, and grinned brightly. eddie connected their lips, richie surprised and eyes still open. their lips stayed connected for a moment, richie's lingering eyes admiring eddie up close, despite how blurry he was. eddie broke away and smiled shyly.

"uh, that. that's what i was thinking about. wow, i never thought you'd be the one to make the move, damn." richie confessed, giggling a bit with eddie about the situation.

"next time don't be such a pussy, rich."

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