i know i'm handsome but..

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pairing: stenbrough

bill was stretched out across stanley's bed, talking about scooby doo and other elements of his childhood. stanley was studying for a biology test he had the next day. it was something they did quite often, stanley would work on whatever needed to be done, and bill would practice his talking with stan. it helped his stutter lessen. the boy had a knack for talking, it just became difficult sometimes with the speech impediment in his way. at first, bill felt bad for the nonstop chatter, but after a long period of stanley reassuring him that it was okay, he began to start this weekly ritual they had. and so it was there, on a particularly cold thursday night, that bill found himself, barely stuttering, talking about animal mechanicals.

"you know what i'm talking about, right? there w-was a unicorn and a lion and a m-muh-mouse and a t-rex? and som-mething else." stanley nodded along to bill's words, only half-listening.

stan had been struggling with biology lately, but bill seemed to make all of his subjects easier. it was just so nice to hear the boy's voice. calm and soothing, almost.

stan thinks that if bill asked him to murder someone whilst using that voice, he just might.

bill went on and on, stan unbothered by his presence. every time stan looked up, his heart raced at the sight of bill denbrough, and who's wouldn't.

since his freshman year, he had grown up quite a bit. he was now a whopping 6"2, making him taller than both richie and stanley, but only by 2 inches. his cheeks had hollowed out, almost, giving him a defined jawline that made stan just want to... well... anyway. his long eyelashes sat on eyes of green, and his smile? well, in stan's opinion, his smile was to die for. his arms and legs may be considered lanky, but the sheet of freckles covering them both made stan fall in love with them anyway.

"stan? i know i'm handsome but maybe you should get b-back to your biology?" bill snapped stanley out of his trance.

stanley flushed red immediately, he had just stared at bill for a minute straight. and bill had noticed.

"you're more pretty than handsome," stanley mumbled, hoping bill wouldn't hear as he turned his head down towards his textbook once again.

now it was bill's turn to blush. stan realized he had heard him when he stopped talking. stan just kept studying. cautiously, bill began to talk again, "so anyway, i also rememb-buh-ber a show c-called yo gabba gabba. at least i think it was c-cuh-called that."

as he wrote his notes and studied cue cards, stan realized the embarrassment of the situation.

stan had been so good at hiding his crush from bill for so long—or at least he thought he had—just to get ruined by stanley calling bill pretty. the mere thought of bill not wanting to be his friend if stan was gay made him want to throw up. he didn't want to go on without bill.

to be quite honest, stan's crush border-lined on love, but as he was still a teen, he didn't know what love was, and so he didn't know how to identify it. was he in love with bill? he didn't know. did he love bill? he didn't know. all stan knew was that he at least had a huge crush on bill denbrough.

stan's mother soon called them downstairs, it was time for dinner. it was only a mere 5:30, but stan had already told his mother that the rest of the losers club would be coming by at 6 so they could watch movies together. it was unusual for them to have a movie night on a school night, but most of them were busy the following day.

stanley and bill made their way downstairs, sitting down next to each other on one side of the table. his mother sat at one end, and his father sat at the other. dinner that night was a pot roast with mashed potatoes and cheesy broccoli, so everyone dug in without complaint. 

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