not anymore

854 24 7

pairing: stenbrough

tw: decently severe violence and use of switchblade

"bowers, please," stanley's voice was cracking, something it barely ever did, as henry bowers and his goons pulled him into a back alley against his will. despite his struggling, henry and belch had too strong of a grip on stan to let him go free.

pushed onto the ground, his knees were scraped against the pavement, and suddenly stan regretted wearing shorts. his elbows were protected from the long sleeve shirt, but that was about all that wasn't hit. his arms being held back, he was punched and kicked in the gut. he screamed and wailed, but no one heard. that, or no one paid enough attention to care. he kept screaming anyway until patrick stuck his fingers in stan's mouth, which promptly shut stan up.

stanley was pretty sure he was bleeding now, a little from being punched in the face by henry's rings, a little from scraping his knees, and a little from henry's ever-so-loving knife. the knife was the worst, by far, because stanley was petrified of moving whenever patrick clicked henry's switchblade. he felt vomit (or was that blood?) bubbling in his throat. he accidentally spat out whatever that happened to be onto henry's face, who growled. it was an accident, honestly.

"you fucker!" henry spat back, beckoning patrick with his knife. he took stan's arm, pushed up the sleeve, and let patrick carve a line into his wrist. wriggling and screaming, stan kicked henry in the balls. it was henry's turn to scream, and he threw stan onto the ground, leaving him to open his knees up further on the concrete.

once they were out of sight, stanley started to cry, from pure pain rather than anything else. he brushed the rocks and dirt out of his cuts and slowly stood up, spitting out whatever was filling his mouth. looking at his hands slowly, he ruffled his hair to get out any loose rocks.

as he had been so rudely interrupted on his way to bill's, he decided to continue to bill's despite the bleeding and stuff. his arms and knees were stinging and he felt a little lightheaded, and very, very out of breath. his face hurt a little too, and he kept accidentally smudging blood on his face. he probably didn't look the greatest, which is not the dream when you're off to visit the boy you're in love with.

at bill's door now, stan felt extremely lightheaded, and his vision wasn't doing too great. he figured a lot of blood had been lost. his hand shook as he raised his fist to knock on the door. he banged his fist once, maybe twice, he wasn't completely sure, and he stumbled back to wait for bill to answer it. after what seemed like forever, but may have only been 10 seconds, bill did not answer. stanley decided that maybe bill wasn't going to answer. turning away, the door finally opened.

"stan?" bill watched as stanley turned back around to face him, and gasped.

"holy shit! wh-wher-wha--come with m-me" bill took ahold of one of stanley's burning hot hands and pulled him into the house. stanley stumbled along, following bill to what he believed to be his bathroom. stan was put down on the toilet lid, thinking hard about how cold the toilet lid was on his thighs.

"what happened?" bill asked, though he knew that stanley couldn't really answer, considering bill was inspecting the split parts of stan's face. bill didn't exactly have a first aid kit, but he had antibiotic. first off, though, he was to wash his hands. after washing his own hands, he was trying to stop stanley's arm from bleeding. applying pressure with a cloth, previously white turned red, stan's arm's bleeding stilled. the lightheadedness was subsiding, and stanley's vision was essentially back to normal.

"bowers" stan finally answered, and bill took the cloth off of stan's cut. bill sighed empathetically and held stan's hands in his own. a moment was shared where they simply sat in silence. bill sat on the edge of the bathtub to be on the same level as stan.

"i'm s-suh-sorry that happened," bill then ran water over each of stan's cuts, to clean out anything left behind. stanley hissed a little, but he withstood it for the majority of the time. they stayed in silence for most of the time, apart from the water running from the tap.

"thank you" stan replied eventually, meaning thank you for both the fixing up of cuts and the apology. bill understood and nodded. he spread antibiotic over the cuts, and left all of them uncovered, save for his arm. he wrapped the arm in gauze.

bill hadn't yet really acknowledged it, but he was very aware of how stanley had been staring at bill's face the entire time, specifically his lips. stanley figured maybe bill couldn't tell since he was since he was so focused. he was wrong. bill had also been occasionally glancing to stan's lips, but he had reason to, stan's bottom lip was split down the middle.

after having taken care of the rest of the cuts, bill soothed his thumb over stanley's lip. stanley smiled softly as bill ran his thumb over the cut gently. it didn't hurt anymore, stan thought.

"i'm sorry he beat y-yuh-you up. i want to fucking kill him, i sw-swuh-swear to god—" bill cut himself off, feeling his face heat up in anger. stan took bill's other hand and squeezed it. bill's hand trailed away from stan's face.

"it's okay, bill. thank you, but please don't kill him." stanley's voice softened and bill looked down. he smiled, though. stan leant his forehead on the top of bill's head softly. 

slowly, bill tilted his head up, until their foreheads were resting on each other, and their lips were millimetres away. bill could feel the breath coming from stan's slightly parted lips on his own.

"i..." stan breathed out, his free hand travelling to bill's waist. bill felt butterflies dance where stan touched him, and he parted his lips, too. bill felt a little awkward with his one hand empty, so he slipped it onto stan's neck. his hand felt the warmth leaving stan's skin, and his fingertips brushed against stan's curls at the nape of his neck. 

whispers left in the air, they both knew the intention of what they wanted. so why wait?

bill was the one to close the gap, his fingers pulling stan's face towards him, and leaning his lips in to kiss him. their eyes closed gently and their foreheads disconnected to connect their lips. they kissed, and bill could feel himself heating up from the sweet, simple exchange. the heat stan had enclosed in himself heated up his cheeks, turning them red. for the short moment, bill pointed his entire foot on the floor in excitement. after the initial shock of the euphoria, there was a gap in between them again. stanley was smiling, and bill then noticed the hue that had appeared on stanley's cheeks. 

bill felt stanley's fingers tap on bill's waist, and they had leaned in again. stan felt chills fall down his arms from the way bill kissed him. his lip hardly hurt at all, overpowered by the sheer joy of kissing bill. stanley's thumb subconsciously ran over bill's, in time with their movements. bill's other hand advanced to the back of stanley's head, getting his fingers caught in stan's hair. bill let out a giggle in between kisses, and stan smiled into the kiss. the noises of them kissing seemed to echo in the bathroom and bill hoped to god his parents wouldn't come home anytime soon. bill's leg nervously bounced, but he ignored it to keep his lips on stan's. stan's fingers somehow slipped underneath bill's shirt, and his they rested on bill's back, an opposite to bill's newfound warmth. bill felt a little lightheaded after that, but he didn't want it any other way. stan tilted his head the other way and kept kissing bill, their noses briefly bumping into each others. stan's hand pushed bill's hip a bit, motioning for him to move.

bill broke away for a second and moved onto stan's lap, craving more of the addictive touch from stanley. his thighs thickened on stanley's, and stan took back both of his own hands and put them on bill's thighs. "you're beautiful," he muttered, kissing bill again. bill was blushing red now, and his insecurity faded with each kiss. both of bill's hands had been placed on the back of stanley's head, one on his neck and the other still tangled in his hair. stan's hair felt feathery and light as bill ran his fingers through it. when bill really thought about it, stanley tasted a little iron-y, probably the aftertaste of blood in his mouth. stanley backed away for a moment to take a big breath, and bill admired the way his shirt stretched up around his chest as he inhaled. they kissed for a minute more or so, bill melting into stan's touch. 

afterwards, they just sat in silence for a moment, overthinking their next move or statement.

"d-duh-does your arm s-stuh-still hurt?" bill's hands slid from stanley's neck to his shoulders, where they rested on the soft fabric of stan's shirt. 

"no. not anymore." and maybe it did, but god, was it small compared to what he had just experienced. 

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