two is so lonely

496 8 3

pairing: stozier

a/n: little drabble while i'm trying to remember how to write again without it all feeling cringey. stan's pov.

i'm waiting for it to hit three am. i'm not entirely sure, but i think the moon might be too. i've (unfortunately) made the habit of staying up until around four am every night, because the moon shows up in front of my window at about three. don't ask me how that works geographically, because i truly have no idea.

anyway, it was a little coincidence that you said you'd show up at three. maybe you are the moon. pale, bright, and something that comes with me wherever i go. is that too cheesy? anyway.

you said that even though three am was late, all you really wanted to do was wake up next to me (you missed me that much). and hey, who the hell am i to argue with richie tozier? and completely honestly, i've missed you just about the same amount. i know it hasn't been that long since i saw you, but seeing you and having you wrapped around me under the covers are kinda different things. 

so now i'm sitting at my desk rather than lying in my bed, waiting for you to come over. the bright light from my phone (i'm on instagram--surprise) is flooding out my window to my street. it's okay, anyone walking by will survive. plus, it'll help you know i'm still awake. you said you left a couple minutes ago, god, where are you?

i've been theorizing why the moon waits until three. i don't think these things are as simple as they appear. yeah, clouds. the earth spins. i don't give a flying fuck. i think the moon waits until it turns three because every number before it is too lonely. i know there's the whole third wheel argument, that three's a crowd and two is more friendly than three, but i don't agree.

look at it like this, alright? i'm about to be a little pretentious, but i think you can stomach it. the moon is used to threes. it's just her, the earth, and the blinding light of the sun. if you take away the fucking sun, there's no moon to be seen, and if there's no earth then the moon is effectively inexistent (as it applies to our view of her, obviously). so maybe, just maybe, three is her lucky number. 

convenient that you'll come around just as she does. what a trio we'll make, you me and the moon.

don't tell her i said this, but personally rich, i think you outshine every floating rock in space.

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