you aren't very subtle

735 19 0

pairing: bichie

"could you... could w-wuh-wuh-we... do you wanna cuh-cuddle?" bill asked, looking away from richie. yet richie knew he was talking to him anyway, being the only other person in the room. 

richie blushed a little, a small smile on his face. he turned to bill and waited for bill to look back over to him. 

"yeah, billy, i'd love that," richie said, his voice much softer than normal. he wandered over to bill, who was sitting on the bed towards the wall. 

it was now dark outside, and time to go to sleep. the rest of the losers were downstairs, having fallen asleep on the couches and the floor. richie and bill, however, were still awake and decided to share bill's bed. bill had been quiet for a while, thinking about saying the words he had spoken. 

"oh-okay. cool." bill replied, grinning. 

"why would i give up the chance to cuddle with the most beautiful boy in the world?" richie teased, like always. 

bill shoved richie lightly, used to the constant teasing. richie simply laughed along, leaning towards bill. bill bumped him off and slipped under the bedsheets, richie trying to tackle him. he failed in tackling him and fell off the bed, bill giggling. 

"you're g-guh-gonna wake them up, dummy," bill said, shuffling a little over to the right. 

richie absolutely took this as an invite to get into the bed and shuffled under, bill reddening a little. he welcomed richie, though. he put out an arm and richie pulled it towards him, tucking himself underneath. 

"now isn't this sweet of you, doll," richie slipped out the nickname on purpose, feeling bill giggle at it. bill's hand tightened onto richie's shoulder. richie fit his head into the crook of bill's neck. 

they lied there in silence for a while, attempting to fall asleep. richie eventually shuffled, little-spooning next to bill. bill only pulled richie closer. richie's head ended up on bill's chest. bill wasn't arguing. 

they drifted to sleep, or at least, bill did, richie thinking far too much. richie listened to bill's breathing, him softly snoring. richie's hand reached over bill's stomach, resting there. 

he found himself falling into one pothole of a thought, and it went on far too long, until he felt himself sniffling, and his eyes watering. he suddenly got nervous bill would notice, and his breath hitched. god, he was actually crying, and there were tears reaching bill's t shirt. 

"fuck," richie mumbled, disconnecting himself from bill's arm to move out of the bed. he snuck out of the bed and sat down in a chair next to bill's dresser. he put his head down, his face in his hands.

"hey, richie?" bill's voice was soft and comforting, and he hadn't moved until he spoke, sitting up and pushing the cover down to his waist. richie gasped, and he froze. 

"hi," richie mutters, his voice extremely high pitched. bill sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. richie let out a sob, and bill stood up and walked over to richie. his hands went on richie's shoulders. 

"rich, what's wr-wruh-wrong, baby?" bill asked softly, using one of his nighttime nicknames. all the losers knew him for using soft nicknames the later it got in the night. he wasn't really sure where it came from. 

richie hiccuped, and turned around to face bill. he sat sideways on the chair, and bill moved around to be in front of him. bill kneeled down, looking richie in the face. richie was sobbing, it wasn't very subtle anymore. tears were streaming down his face and his breath was hitching horribly. 

"bill-i-bi-fuck-bill," richie started babbling, stuttering far more than bill. bill kept the comment to himself. instead, he cupped richie's face, his thumb rubbing up and down bill's cheekbones. 

"hey, hey, it's okay, breathe," bill coed, richie nodding but still babbling. richie quieted himself, and bill took one hand and combed it through richie's hair. "tell me what's wrong, baby, br-breathe." bill coached him softly, richie slowly breathing calmly. his hiccups faded, and he finally looked up to bill. 

richie sniffled, "i'm in love with you, okay?!" he cried, tears running down his face viciously. bill's eyebrows curved upwards and richie shut his eyes, not wanting to see bill's response. 

bill sighed through his nose, "open your eyes, ruh-richie," richie slowly opened them, and bill smiled sadly, "i know," he rubbed his thumb. 

"you... know?" richie batted his eyelashes, coated and stuck together with tears. bill wiped away his tears. he even laughed a little. 

"yes, i know. of c-cuh-course i know. at first i always thuh-thought the flirting meant nothing bu-but i soon understood. a-and also, who wouldn't want all this?" bill joked, a small smile on his face. richie smiled for the first time, and bill slunk his hands off of richie's face to rest on his neck. "can i kiss you?" bill asked, richie humming a soft agreement. 

"god, yes," richie mumbles, leaning in. bill leaned in too, smiling. 

their lips met, and bill laughed a little at the fact  that richie's were wet from tears. a little salty, too. don't get him wrong, bill took immense pleasure in kissing richie. richie did too, his hands all over bill. bill's hands just pulled richie closer and closer. their noses smashed against each other, soft giggles as bill turned his head to kiss richie from a different angle. 

eventually, they separated, and richie exhaled happily. bill smiled. 

"i'm in love w-with you too, rich," bill breathed out, richie now cupping bill's face. bill's hands ended up on richie's shoulders. they slowly made their way back to the bed. getting back into the bed, and hoping no one downstairs had heard them, bill pulled richie closer to him than richie thought humanly possible. bill hummed a goodnight, richie kissing bill's neck once to reply back. 

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