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pairing: hanbrough


it's not that bill doesn't want to get back out there. since him and audra broke up, he just hasn't really had a chance to. in between georgie graduating high school, stanley and patty getting engaged, working freelance and at the record shop, and richie finally booking bigger gigs, he hadn't really had time to think about it. 

i mean, there is the cute mailman. there's always the cute mailman. it started about two months after bill moved into his new house. he biked by, and bill happened to get a glance at him. he was cute, yes, but he was built, too. bill had immediately phoned richie, watching him bike away after leaving a package on his doorstep (the mailman had knocked, but bill was too intimidated to answer). he'd essentially drooled into the phone to richie about how cute the mailman was.

richie found it quite funny, and continuously requested updates.

a month into observing the cute mailman, bill decided to answer the door.

"oh! you answered," the mailman said, looking down at the clipboard in his hands. he held it out to bill, "might as well sign." the guy's voice was deep, and it made bill feel insecure. but it was warm, and bill looked down to the pen and clipboard.

"w-wuh-was i always sup-puh-posed to be signing for these?" bill asked, the mailman suddenly looking embarrassed. he scratched behind his ear.

"well, i would always see you hiding behind the curtain, so i figured you had anxiety, or something. so... i was signing them for you. i know that's forgery, um, please don't sue me-" now it was bill's turn to be embarrassed. all this time, cute mailman had seen him? oh richie was going to get one hell of a phone call.

"oh. that's kuh-kind. thanks." bill scribbled his signature onto the paper and took the package from the man. their hands touched briefly as bill handed back the pen, and bill felt like he was burning up.

"well, see you around," the mailman winked and turned back to his bike. wait, he winked?!? bill didn't know how to respond, completely flabbergasted.

richie had laughed obnoxiously into the phone, and bill had very angrily told him to shut up, which in turn, only made richie laugh more.

anyway, bill wants to get back out there. it's just hard. he can't exactly just ask out the cute mailman. so instead, he sits at bars, lonely. or with stanley and patty. or richie. but mostly, lonely. 

but stanley is kind, and he's given bill the number of a guy who used to work with stanley that he thinks bill might like. so bill is holding his phone, his fingers hovering over the keyboard as he tries to figure out what to say. he types a sentence and adds an emoticon smiley-face. after a moment of reflection, he deletes the emoticon.

bill: hi is this mike? stan gave me ur number, this is bill!

mike: omg i've heard so much about you hi! how are you?


mike: LMFAO don't worry he seems mean but he's actually said good things about you

bill: i... can't even picture it. but i'll trust you. anyway i'm good hru?

mike: i'm alright i'm doing schoolwork rn

bill: oh you're in school?

mike: yeah i'm majoring in tourism rn it's a funny thing but i'm really enjoying it!! and then i work on the side

bill: cool! i do not have that work ethic 

bill: do you wanna go out sometime? ummm i have no idea where but. do you wanna do something soon?

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