light at the end of the runway

202 3 2

pairing: kaspbrough

bill could feel his chest tightening, and he was blinking rapidly, as the world moved around him. his eyes played tricks on him, he swore the ground was sinking in, but he knew he wasn't moving anywhere. 

"okay, c'mon hotshot," the man behind him, mike, pushed him forward a little, bill staggering the smallest amount as the entire world spun back upright. he could hear once more, and the world was screaming at him.

okay, maybe not the world, but enough photographers to make it seem like the world. bill wasn't, and he suspected he never would be, accustomed to the call of paparazzi and photographers, able to turn like an actor or bow like a singer. that wasn't his damn forte. 

bill began to walk, awkwardly, like a fish out of water, past the people yelling his name until he got to the edge of the carpet. as mike opened the door for him to go inside, bill gulped and stepped inside. once the door closed behind him, the sound subsided, and he felt tears forming in his eyes. 

but there, sitting at a table not too far in, knee shaking, was eddie. bill felt a warmth in his chest grow as he looked up at eddie. eddie, as nervous as he was, just looked so pretty in his vague innocence, staring at the napkin on the table. almost as if he could sense bill--or maybe he could just hear the door--eddie glanced up and a smile spread across his face.

"there you are!" eddie bounced up from the table and ran over to give bill a hug, bill feeling the tears escape his eyes. eddie made anything feel better. as eddie backed away, he finally noticed the distressed look on bill's face, and he pulled him along the room, mike following behind. as they got to a separate room, mike gave them space.

"what happened? jesus, i'll-" eddie started, but bill leaned in and kissed him softly, shutting him up for a moment. eddie relaxed, and when they broke away, eddie wiped a tear from bill's eyes.

"i-it's fine, i juh-juh-just..." he inhaled shakily, feeling a shiver up his spine. "i c-couldn't breathe, and..." he scratched the back of his neck. eddie cupped his face, stroking his thumb across bill's cheek. 

"do you need my inhaler? is it better now? are you okay?" eddie badgered him with questions, bill not being able to help the little smile on his face. eddie was just cute when he was confused. bill kissed him again, not unable to help himself. eddie blinked a couple times in confusion. 

then, he peppered bill's face with kisses, and bill laughed. his chest wasn't tight anymore, and he felt the world come back to him as him and eddie stood there.

"okay, we do have an event to get to, if you don't mind," mike announced his presence, slowly walking over from the other side of the room. bill nodded several times, taking eddie's hand as they began to walk side-by-side with mike. 

"yeah, yeah, s-suh-sorry." bill said, eddie leaning onto the arm they were connected by. eddie left a kiss on bill's forearm.

"if it helps, bill, you look great. beverly absolutely killed it." eddie told him, bill laughing under his breath. beverly was his stylist, the same way mike was his security guard. eddie left a second kiss on bill's forearm. bill leaned over to kiss his forehead, and mike pushed the two forward a little more.

"we get it, you're in love, c'mon," mike said, the two smiling stupidly as they couldn't break eye contact. mike sighed jokingly and passed them, opening the door to the next room. 

quickly, bill left a sweet kiss on eddie's lips, and eddie flushed pink as the door opened in front of him. bill could breathe. if eddie was always waiting for him at the end of the road like this, bill would be willing to walk the distance.

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