snail mail

352 5 0

pairing: stozier

dearest my boy billiam,

i showed up yesterday and have now officially been in stanley's house for twenty-four hours, so i feel as though i can make a testament as to his state: he's alright. 

also, i still love him. i'll come back to that. 

nonetheless: he's not doing fantastic, because who would be? i'm not an expert in terms of attempting suicide and failing, but it's not an easy recovery, i imagine. anyway, he does seem to be better than he had been doing. obviously. 

i think, and i don't mean this in a ego-centric way, but i think having me around is good for stan. i know he's an introvert, but company is good for the guy. i keep him from thinking about horrible things, at least for the time being. i hope i can keep it up. 

i can't stop looking at him. i don't mean to be like, creepy, but seriously, i just... he is so pretty. still! he's not allowed to do that. okay, that's all i'll say.

sincerely, ur mom (richie tozier)

hi richie,

i'm glad he's at least doing better. that's good to hear. mike was worried sick, so i'm glad you got to send me a letter so soon. i hope it gets better for him. has he looked into any sort of counselling and/or therapy? i don't know if he wants that, and i don't know that they'd believe him anyway, but it's worth a shot, maybe. medication? only tell me if he is okay with me knowing. 

we all miss him and are hoping the literal speediest recovery. obviously, if he doesn't want to leave his house, he probably won't want to fly out to come see us, but, you know. 

i'm so glad he survived.

you are definitely good for him. you're not only an obnoxious person who is unafraid to leave people alone (in a good way i promise), but you're also his best friend. when we were kids, once, stan and i got drunk and were talking and he couldn't stop talking about you. he admitted you were his favourite person. so i'm glad you're there.

i also can't for the life of me conceive why or how, but you understand him in a way i don't think anyone else does. and he adores you for it.

so, you love him. i know. no offense, but everyone knows. in a way, i'm thankful you love him. it makes me believe in love. 

maybe i'll write you two in my next book. in love forever, together never.

that is the most pretentious thing i've ever fucking said. 

okay, well, i love you and stan and i hope you're both well.

talk soon, bill


bill i'm going to kill you. how could you say that. together never???????? you absolute dickweed now i HAVE TO TELL HIM HOW I FEEL OR I'LL DIE KNOWING BILL'S GOING TO WRITE A BOOK WITH A SHITTY ENDING WHERE THE GUY DOES NOT GET THE OTHER GUY!!!!! I CAN'T BE THAT DUDE, MAN!!!!!

fuck. anyway, he is starting medication and therapy and is doing a lot better. we've been going out recently. not like that, i just mean he accompanies me when i buy him groceries, and we even went to see a movie the other day. 

so i don't think telling him i love him would be completely life shattering right now. i think you're right, i think he knows. god, bill, he's so gorgeous. i'm so fucking thankful for him.

is that story of you guys drunk true because if so that is literally the cutest thing i have ever heard. i really hope you're right.

okay. well.

richie tozier


of course the story's true, i'm not that bad of a writer. if i was making it up, i'd tell you a tale of woe where he professed his love to you secretly by complaining to me about how stunning you were everyday and praying to let you two be together. or something. i don't know.

nevertheless, i hope you do tell him. both of you deserve something good. you deserve to have each other in that way.

he's leaving the house! woohoo! very exciting. i'm inconceivably happy to hear it. tell stanley i love him. and while you're at it, tell him you love him too. 

don't tell him this, but mike and i are trying to plan a trip so all of us can come visit him. let me know if you think he'd be happy or anxious about that. don't tell him, though. we want it to be a surprise. just let me know what you think. 

oh, speaking of, mike and i are now... well, mike and i. we're together. that's what i'm trying to say. so... you know. i'm very happy. i like to think he is too. you always say mike is a beautiful man, richie. i wholeheartedly agree.

anyway, talk soon i hope, bill


HE LOVES ME TOO!!!!!!!! 

happy for you and mike but you don't have shit on us

i think a surprise would be really nice

that was a shit story. have you considered giving up writing?



richie tozier

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