highway to hell

993 12 0

pairing: reddie

this one is disgustingly angsty and short i'm so sorry

tw attempted suicide

"don't get in my car, eddie." richie warned him, his nostrils flaring incidentally. eddie backed up for just a moment, taking in the beat up car and its wear and tear. but he shook his head, putting his foot on the step into the car.

"eddie! please" richie was starting to cry, and eddie wasn't sure why. richie's eyes brimmed with tears and eddie wanted to get in richie's car simply to wipe away the tears. richie put his head against the steering wheel, sighing through his nose.

eddie ignored his pleads, stepping into the passenger seat. he sat down, closing the door. he took the keys out of the ignition and put them on his side of the car.

"tell me what's wrong, bubs." eddie soothed, reaching a hand out for richie. richie didn't turn to face eddie, but placed one of his hands in eddie's. richie started to sob, his head still resting on the steering wheel. eddie rubbed his thumb over the callouses covering richie's hands.

"it's not worth it anymore. i've been waiting for so long for someone to try and stop me and i finally decide to commit and you won't back away from my fucking car." richie muttered, smacking his head lightly into the wheel over and over again. eddie placed his other hand in front of where richie's head landed. richie felt his hand, and sat up.

 his head hit the car headrest and he mumbled an, "ouch! fuck" at his neck cracking. 

"try and stop you from doing what? what were you going to do today, richie?" eddie was afraid he knew the answer, but he asked the question anyway. richie didn't answer for a while, instead looking over at eddie. eddie could tell richie was staring at his lips, and his face burned crimson, but he stared intensely, awaiting an answer.

"i was gonna go for a drive... that's all..." eddie knew the insinuation richie was making but he needed richie to say it. no matter how hard that was going to be.

"please, rich." now eddie was pleading, begging him to say it aloud. eddie wanted richie to get help, but he needed to realize he had a problem.

"was gonna drive off the bridge," richie finally said, his voice a hushed whisper. he began to sob again, this time his face visible to eddie. eddie squeezed his hand, and richie squeezed back.

"richie, i'm so glad you didn't. you'll be glad you didn't. i love you. the losers club loves you. you have a future, richie." eddie responded cautiously, moving more off the passenger seat and closer to the middle. 

"do i have a future? can you promise me that if i don't go drive off of there i'll be happy?" richie asked, his tears leaving streaks down his face. eddie wanted to cry seeing richie like this.

"i can't promise you that... but i can promise that you won't be alone." eddie took a while to respond, unsure of what the right thing to say was. richie looked down before bringing eddie and his intertwined hands to his lips, kissing eddie's fingers, and dropping them back down.

"okay, eds" he mumbled, eddie smiling weakly. 

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