could you hold me?

889 19 7

pairing: reddie

a/n: i never explicitly said this but please leave prompts with ships or anything you want to read! here's a short little reddie drabble.  

richie woke up in the early hours of the morning to a face pressed into his chest. his hand hovered over the other boy's head, taking a second to realize it was eddie.

of course it was eddie. the smaller boy was breathing softly, his hand clutching the shirt on richie's chest. richie was surprised, he remembered going to sleep next to eddie, with quite the distance between them. this wasn't the first time either of them had cuddled up to each other, but it might have been the first time they had done it in front of others. 

they had never said it out loud, but both of them knew.

eddie murmured, catching richie's attention. richie waited a moment, seeing if his best friend really was asleep or not.

"you awake?" richie muttered, his hand no longer hovering and now sitting on the back of eddie's hand. eddie's fist loosened on richie's shirt, his leg reaching over richie's.

"mmhmm," eddie whispered back, shifting his face to fit in the nape of richie's neck. he hummed more when he felt richie's other hand rest at the bottom of his back.

"why?" richie asked, his voice barely a whisper. the boys were trying to be as quiet as possible, hearing beverly shuffle in the other bed. eddie breathed out on richie's neck, richie feeling his arm hair stand up. richie's fingers scratched around the small of eddie's back.

"huh..." eddie breathed out at the touch, and richie could tell he was still half-asleep. slowly, eddie brought his head up, and then his chest. richie watched as eddie sat up. he moved his leg, softly muttering under his breath. still moving slowly, he crawled onto richie, his legs on either side of richie's waist.

richie was heating up, hoping to god no one woke up. they would never stop getting teased. the room was silent aside from eddie moving around under the covers.

eddie shuffled a little further down richie's legs, and then lied down, his head once again falling into richie's neck.

"i couldn't sleep, i missed your touch," eddie slurred, his voice soft and raspy in richie's ear. richie blushed, and his fingers dug into eddie's hair.

"that's sweet of you, eds," richie murmured, going silent upon hearing another person shuffle nearby. was it bill?

"can you put your hand on m'back," eddie asked, richie sliding one of his hands back on eddie's back. eddie hummed happily. richie smiled at the noise. 

"goodnight again, baby," richie whispered, tracing circles on his back. 


"thank fucking guh-god," bill mumbled from across the room. 

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