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pairing: reddie

a/n: i really like writing dialogue without description i'm so sorry

"come with me eds" richie stringed eddie behind with their hands intertwined. eddie wanted to question where they were going, but richie had said it was a surprise.

"rich," they approached a small divot in the forest that eddie recognized, "are we really going to go down into the hut?"

"yeah, i thought maybe we could sit and read comics on the hammock?" eddie shook his head at richie, there was no way both of them could fit on it. the hammock was attached with two nails from bill's garage and was made out of a material just a bit thicker than bed sheet.

"c'mon, we'll make it just like a home down there. fuck mrs. kaspbrak. we live here now." richie smiled brightly as he spoke, making his way down the ladder into the small cave ben had made. eddie joined in after him, richie picking him up halfway. eddie screeched. richie laughed and carried him to the hammock.

"put me down!" eddie shrieked, richie letting go of eddie onto the hammock, which flipped back and forth. richie couldn't help but snort. eddie was wrapped. richie unwrapped him and tried to get in next to him.

"you stupid fuck-" eddie and richie both fell off the hammock as it flipped them onto the ground. they giggled a bit before standing up.

"sit across from me." eddie suggested. he sat down on one end. with quite a struggle, richie moved into the other end, and they sat opposite each other. richie pulled up two comic books from the floor.

"m'sir," richie passed the comic to eddie, "i present thee with a token of my love" he said, pretending to bow his upper half. eddie smiled lovingly and took the book.

richie slowly moved his right arm out of the uncomfortable wrench it was in. he didn't know where to place it. he glanced at eddie. eddie was already reading his book, face covered by the pages. richie sighed lightly. he placed his hand on the side of eddie's calf.

"chee?" eddie moved the comic for a second.

"is this okay?" richie asked, picking up his comic with his other hand.

there was a silence for a second.

"yeah. i like it." eddie replied, bringing the comic back up to his face. richie smiled at how red eddie's face was. richie was absentmindedly tapping his fingers along eddie's calf. eddie found it cute, and he wanted nothing more than to hold that tapping hand.

richie wanted so badly to just lean forward, push the comic book out of eddie's hands and kiss him. holy shit he loved eddie kaspbrak.

what the fuck, he'd fallen in love with eddie.



"you spoke out loud."

"oh fuck. did i?"


"and what did i say?"

"um... something about..."




"you're rather close to me right now."

"i moved for that reason. is it a problem?"

"not for me. i think we might fall off this hammock, but i think that's okay as long as you stay this close to me."



"can i kiss you?"


"i'm sorry."

"no that's fine, i..."


"stop! i mean, don't leave. stay here."


"i love you."

"that's good."


"because i love you too."

"i want you to kiss me."

"are you sure?"

"yes. please just fucking kiss me richie."

so he did. and god, did he.

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