blushing brightly

757 10 0

pairing: reddie

prompt: requirings on tumblr

"alright, circle up, everyone!" greta announces, not meaning everyone, but saying it anyways. everyone at the party sits down in a circle, although there aren't that many people there to begin with. the circle consists of maybe 10 people at most. 

"spin the bottle?" someone asks, and greta shakes her head. there is a bottle in the middle, but the game is not spin the bottle. similar, though. 

"no, no, 7 minutes in heaven," she says, pointing to the closet behind her. there are cheers and groans in the room, and she takes that as a positive sign. 

"let's start with... bill." she scans the circle and lands on bill. she's aware now that the circle is mostly boys, and wonders how that pans out for them. 

nervously, bill spins the bottle, and it lands on one of his friends, mike. they both laugh a little and end up in the closet, the rest of the kids chatting and drinking while they're in there. richie wonders what they're doing in there. 

"think they're fucking?" he asks eddie, who sighs and shakes his head. 

"no. they're both far too shy. they could never." eddie replies, pinching his nose. a bit more agreeable of a response than richie had expected, but he's not complaining. 

"would you fuck me if we went in there?" richie teases, stepping a little farther than normal. eddie goes red and puts his head in his hands. 

looking up for a moment, "that is a beep beep moment, richie." richie laughs obnoxiously, and eddie sits back up, his face now only pink. richie takes a sip of the can he's holding, putting his other hand on eddie's shoulder. 

"it's alright, eds. as long as we don't go in there together. if we do, i might not be able to keep my hands off you," richie continues to tease eddie, who is now lying flat on his back again. eddie waves his hands at richie, telling him to shut his mouth. 

bill and mike come out, looking the same as before. maybe bill has a little redder face. 

next is beverly, who goes into the closet with some kid named glenn. they don't really know each other, so there's nothing heard from there. instead, they are still talking and drinking like normal. 

finally, going round and round and round, it's richie's turn to spin the bottle (but not really. but really.) he gives the bottle a good spin and sits back, prepared to sit in silence or fake moans from inside a closet, but the bottle slows and richie's heart races. 

oh fuck.

it lands on eddie, right next to richie himself. richie turns to eddie, and despite his burning ears, he smirks. eddie rolls his eyes, the both of them thinking of what richie had said earlier. someone, beverly probably, yells out an, "ooo!" as they get up and walk into the closet. 

inside the closet, richie shrugs. 

"we don't have to do anything. y'know i'm just messing with you," richie clarifies, a little softer than normal. eddie nods and looks down. he's tempted. 

he's glad it's dark in here, because his blush feels fluorescent. there's a giant heat between them, keeping them apart. richie is standing still, leaning a little against the wall. 

and eddie says, "fuck it though," under his breath, and gets up on his tippy-toes.

immediately, he attaches his lips to richie's, who heats up and his shoulders go up, despite being the furthest from uncomfortable possible. it starts out chaste and sweet, their lips resting on each others. it's eddie's first kiss, honestly. but he doesn't want richie to make fun of him, so he kisses him more aggressively, getting bolder and bolder. eddie keeps kissing him, but his hands don't dare touch richie. and richie's hands stay off of eddie, despite the need to run them up and down his side. the opposite magnetism is still there, keeping richie from attaching himself to eddie and never letting him go. their lips, however, are stuck together, needing more and more and more and more. 

richie's never kissed someone like this, so he follows along, incredibly pleased at eddie making the first move. he never wants to leave. man. his heart is beating out of his chest. he feels incredible. 

eventually, around what one can assume would be 7 minutes, they come out. back into the real world. no words are spoken at first, and everyone looks at them expectantly. 

"never kissing him again"/"absolutely gross, man" they speak at the same time, expressing their distaste towards kissing each other. they make eye contact. 

no one has to know for now. 

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