oh, it's your party?

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pairing: reddie

"c-c-come on eddie. it'll b-be fun." bill whined, shoving eddie lightly. eddie sighed. bill was trying to get eddie to go to a party, something eddie did not do.

"you're gonna hang out with stan the whole time and you guys are gonna start making out and soon enough you'll be up in the guest room fu-" eddie argued back, getting cut off by bill shoving eddie off of his bed. eddie might've been slightly hurt, but he was still smirking. bill's eyebrows curved upwards as he tried to persuade eddie once more.

"p-please?" bill slid off the bed and gave eddie puppy eyes.

"oh my god fine." eddie gave in, preparing himself for torture.

later that night, eddie gave his mom a kiss as he left with stan and bill to 'study'. eddie walked down the streets, rolling his eyes, as he listened to stan and bill talk about how good the party was gonna be. they arrived at the house, stan and bill moving ahead to enter the party. the party was already in full swing, music blasting. eddie walked in and headed straight for the kitchen. people were everywhere, dancing, making out, and doing drugs.

eddie noticed bill standing in the kitchen talking to somebody eddie had never seen. this boy was shorter than bill, but probably still way taller than eddie, had dark, curly, brown hair, freckles, thick coke glasses, and the cutest smile. eddie was used to seeing strangers and thinking they were cute but this guy. this guy was adorable, but also edgy to some degree. eddie noticed a cigarette in this boy's hand, unlit, but still there. did he smoke? eddie hoped not. he wanted to meet this boy before he died of lung cancer.

suddenly, bill waved at eddie and motioned for him to come over to where they were standing. eddie walked over, still entranced by this handsome boy.

"eddie, t-this is r-richie. richie, ed-ddie." bill smiled lightly as the two shook hands. richie. it fit him so well. eddie blushed at the hand contact but just kept smiling.

richie adjusted his glasses, "nice to meet you." he said, with that beautiful smile still on his face. eddie coughed before looking back at richie.

"nice to meet you too" he replied, though to eddie it sounded more like a squeak. great job eddie. ten out of ten.

eddie had been staring at richie, he didn't notice bill get pulled away by stan. richie and eddie continued conversing, and richie learned that eddie was a germaphobe, and richie didn't actually smoke, he just liked the feeling of a cigarette in his hand. somehow it got to the topic of the party.

"yeah. bill made me come. i hate parties. they're really boring and i don't like them. maybe because i'm not into crack you know? and plus, you can't trust any food, like ever, because any of them could have drugs, or worse, some dirty kid's probably taken a bite. yuck, oh yuck." eddie continued to rant about how boring parties were for another five minutes as richie's smirk got bigger.

soon enough, stan and bill made their way back to the kitchen. stan was smirking, and bill looked flustered. bill's top button of his shirt was undone and both their hair were quite unkempt compared to their norm.

"hey guys." stan said, walking up to them. bill soon appeared by his side, still blushing profusely. eddie simply smiled.

"oh, eddie, i see you've met richie. by the way richie, you should throw more parties, they're cool." stan said, catching eddie off guard. richie was hosting the party. eddie looked over at richie to see him grinning at eddie.

"oh my god. i'm so sorry." eddie began to apologize when richie put a finger to his lips.

"it's okay eds." he said, chuckling. eddie rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"don't call me that." he whined, richie simply still grinning.

"okay. i will."

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