are you wasted again?

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pairing: stozier

hi richie.

hi staniel my love, my life, my absolute—

richie, it's three am

did i wake you up? m'sorry babe

why are you slurring?

m'not slurring. i don't use bad words


what's going on my homeslice, hot daga, babe?

are you wasted?



m'sorry staniel. but hey! it's okay babe because m'at home so i can't die

that's not the point.

anyway babe,

stop that.


calling me babe. i'm not your boyfriend.

maybe i want you to be...

rich, you're drunk. you don't mean that.

drunk statements are sober thoughts.


do you love me?


you heard me.

i... i don't know.

that's not possible. you either do, or y'don't.

it's not that easy.

yes it is. i love you. boom. simple.

do you mean that?


but you're drunk.

stanley, if i was at your house right now, i would kissing the shit out of your soft, pretty lips.

then come over.


come over. nobody is home.

what about you not being my boyfriend? why should i kiss you if you don't love me?

because i never said i didn't love you.

... what?

we're teens, so i don't expect that either of us actually know what love is like, so whether you think you love me or not, i'm taking advantage of your offer to kiss.


so kiss me richie, kiss me like there's no tomorrow, because maybe there won't be.


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