loud and obnoxious pt. 2

649 16 5

pairing: stozier

part 2/2

au: you have a timer on your wrist that counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate

dear journal,

i said yes. i don't know what happened but i realized something. i have a childlike, immature, crush on richie tozier. i don't know why but now when i see him butterflies swell up in my stomach and i feel more pleasant. i've been having him over more lately because i've been lonely and i wanted to see him, to cuddle him, to hold his hand. so when he asked me if i wanted to be his boyfriend, i said yes. it was almost automatic reflex. he may be abrupt and a bit obnoxious, but it's funny and also kind of... cute? i don't know what's up with me. i haven't felt this way since high school.
maybe he really is my soulmate.


richie couldn't stop himself from letting out a laugh as stanley told his story.

 "okay, maybe it's funny now, but it was not funny when all of the kids in my class called me "bird-shitter" for the rest of the year." stanley huffed, mike wheezing as he remembered the story. 

stanley and richie and decided it was time for their friends to meet. and thus, stanley's friends: mike, bill, and ben met richie's friends: beverly and eddie. they all got along really well, and were now telling embarrassing stories from their childhood. 

beverly took a sip of her wine, "richie can't laugh, he was called—"she was cut off by richie jumping in her direction as she put her wine glass down. narrowly avoiding spilling the drink, he tackled her. they all broke out into laughter and screams.

 "you wanna hear a creative nickname? try new kid on for size. he really took some creative liberties with that one." ben added, earning a chuckle from eddie.


richie: i told you beverly and eddie were great!! oh they loved u and ur friends

stanley: ben, mike, and bill had a good time too

richie: see? i'm lovely

stanley: sure sweetheart

richie: hey! do i detect sarcasm

stanley: what???? noooooo

richie: i see how it is. you wound me stanley uris.

stanley: good.

richie: tough crowd.

richie: so i'm thinking... movie night on friday?

stanley: i was actually thinking you could come over and we could unwrap my timer

stanley: if you want to, of course

richie: yeah i'd love to! i'm excited to see u

stanley: cool


dear journal,

why am i so nervous? it's going to be stopped, richie is my soulmate. his stopped when he met me, therefore we have to be. unless i'm an anomaly. no. could i be? god, i'm so inexplicably nervous and i hate it! richie is beginning to grow on me each day and he's just... well, he's lovely. he's a prick sometimes, but he's still my prick. i'm so glad our friends got along. beverly seems fun, and eddie is so sweet. ben hasn't shut up about how pretty beverly is since he saw her. he's infatuated. so that's interesting. and new. ben hasn't been like this in the entire time that i've known him.


"so, unwrapping the timer. what if it hasn't stopped?" richie paced the apartment, almost more nervous than stanley.

"shut up, of course its stopped. i'm not any different from the system." stanley said, more to himself than richie.

"well, you're gay, so, there's that!" richie exclaimed, making stanley laugh. he nodded jokingly, sitting down on the couch.

richie joined him on the couch, calming down from his pacing. he scratched the undersides of his nails to stay calm. stanley looked up at him and they both nodded slowly. it went silent.

stanley slowly—dramatically, even—unwrapped the gauze he'd kept around his wrist for so many years. the moment the final piece came off, he breathed a sigh of relief. richie also let out a whisper, "thank god".

stanley looked up at richie, so glad for the stupid timer on his wrist. and for the first time, stanley leaned in, and he kissed richie. he kissed him gently, taking a hand up to his cheek. richie's hands moved around stanley's neck, stan pushing richie onto a horizontal position on the couch. they parted and richie smiled, stanley burying his face into richie's neck.

"i love you" stan muttered, richie taking one of stan's hands in his own.


stanley: i love you

richie:  i know i love you too baby

stanley: i just thought i'd remind you


dear journal,

i love richie tozier. that's it, that's the tweet. 

okay, seriously, i am in love with this boy. shout out to my therapist for recommending i write in a journal. it's been helpful in figuring this out. richie is the love of my life. he's beautiful, he's so loveable, he's so sweet. i love this kid FUCK! okay yeah we're both adults but he makes me feel like i'm back in high school i love him so much.

okay i'll sign off before i hurt my wrist talking about how much i love him,



richie: hey baby

stanley: hi rich

richie: like... how much would you say you love me

stanley: did you do something?

richie: absolutely not!1!

richie: jkjk i actually didn't i'm just wondering

stanley: i love you a fuckton.

richie: just in case time travel is ever invented i'm going to take these texts and shove them in past you's face

stanley: oh shut up

stanley: i love you now, don't i?

richie: yeah but sweets i've loved you since the beginning

stanley: you're my number one fan, what can i say?

richie: yeah... 

richie: come over?

stanley: come live with me?


stanley: yeah

richie: YES I LOVE YOU

stanley: i love you too and i can't wait for you to move in. but in the meantime, yes i'll come over.


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