beer bottles and bare chests

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"let's go!!" richie announced, opening the door to stanley sitting on the bed, reading. stanley looked over in joking distaste. 

"oh god, my least favourite camper," stanley said, looking back to his novel. richie smiled, walking up to stanley and threatening to pull him off the bed. 

"you act like you're older than me just because you're a better counsellor," richie shook stanley, who put his book down and looked to richie. his eyes flickered to richie's lips and back to his eyes. stanley took time to put his bookmark in between the book's pages. 

"what do you want?" stanley asked, getting off the bed. richie jabbed him in the side, incredibly full of energy. stanley leaned into him, shocking richie so much that he stumbled backwards.

"we're going to our campers room, hurry, i heard some of them snuck something in. i want to steal it from them." richie grabbed stanley's hands and pulled him to the door. stanley swore he flushed red. his face felt warm.

richie opened the door and pulled him into the sun. 

richie let go of stanley's hand and stanley had to slightly jog to keep up with richie.

"okay, we're sneaking up, shush," richie said, as if stanley had been saying anything. rather theatrically, richie tiptoed next to the cabin. they could hear the teenagers inside giggling and whispering. 

richie winked at stanley and rapped on the door twice, immediately opening the door. they came across teenagers pushing packs of shitty quality beer under the bed. 

"hello friends, i will be taking those, thank you very much," richie entered the room and stole the beer out of their hands, stanley following behind silently. 

"you guys should know better," stanley said, the kids looking ashamed as they had the majority of their alcohol confiscated from them. they really didn't say anything, in complete silence as their camp counsellors took the drinks.

as they left, richie giggled as he shut the door. 

"so what, you're going to keep it?" stanley asked, richie nodding. the two walked back quickly to their own cabin.

"don't tell steven. we can share if you don't tell steven," richie raised his eyebrows. stanley sighed.

"i wasn't going to tell steven anyway, but now you owe me some," stanley's hand gripped the cold doorknob as he opened the door. they stepped onto the carpeted floor and stanley made a beeline for his book to put it back into his shelf.

richie walked in behind him, shutting the door with his foot and placing the cans and bottles on his bed, "how the fuck are these kids getting this much fucking booze anyway?" he asked. stanley laughed dryly.

"rich kids, richer boots." stanley said, helping richie offload the alcohol. he grabbed a tote bag to put it all in and began placing it in there, the cans clinking heavily as they met. 

"yeah, but for summer camp? are they alcoholics?" richie hung the bag up on the post of his bed frame. then, for safety, he placed a shirt on top of it. he gave stanley a thumbs up.


"okay, i stole the iced tea and a bunch of cookies," richie returned later from the cantine, after the sun had set. stanley hopped off of his bed and took the bag off of richie's. the two sat down in the middle. 

it wasn't like stanley could lie, he did like drunk richie a lot because he became very touchy, more so than in normal life. and stanley liked that. he liked it a lot.

"you are a health nightmare," stanley took a can and opened it, it fizzing under his touch. he sipped the excess bubbles that floated on the top of the can. richie took a can of his own and followed suit. richie giggled maliciously before taking a drink.

"do you wanna do shots?" richie asked, and stanley groaned, but he also nodded. richie retrieved two glasses he'd taken from the cantine as well and took a bottle of absolut vodka, pouring a bit in each cup. he passed one to stanley, their hands touching as the cup moved to stanley's hand. stanley let his fingers linger on richie's. 

richie grinned. immediately, he smacked the cup to the ground and downed the shot, stanley following. stanley hissed at the burn travelling down his throat, but richie seemed relatively unaffected. 

about an hour later, the two were relatively drunk, richie lying down in stanley's lap. stanley's one hand was in richie's hair while the other was holding a cup of iced tea mixed with vodka. he swirled it in his cup, watching the whirlpool appear.

richie reached his arms over, forgetting the beer to the left of him standing upright on the ground. instead, his arms wrapped around stanley's waist. he gasped suddenly, scaring stanley out of his whirlpool trance.

"we should go swimming!" richie said, stanley immediately shaking his head no. 

"rich, are you stupid?" stanley laughed, richie burrowing his head in stanley's stomach, as if to prove a point. richie scratched at stanley's back in protest.

"yes. let's go." richie whined, getting up and pulling stanley up with him. stanley, to keep the cup from spilling, drank the rest of his drink as he was pulled up, and richie suddenly had the beer can from the ground in his hand. stanley wasn't sure when richie picked that up.

richie fiddled with the lock of the door, stanley standing close behind him. when richie turned around, the door pulled open just an inch, he found stanley, also an inch from richie's face.

almost instinctually, richie's eyes flickered to stanley's lips. 

stanley smiled, and richie kissed stanley.

richie then scampered out of the cabin, giggling to himself. stanley followed after him, his face bright red. he closed the door quietly and followed after richie, the two breaking into sprints, a race to see who could reach the water first. the beer in richie's hand threatened to spill, but he kept most of it in his hand.

stanley ran straight for the water and stripped his shirt off as he ran, jumping right into the water. richie cheered, and slowed down to put his beer down. he took his shirt off as well and jumped in, yelping at how cold it was. stanley laughed as he resurfaced. 

richie swam towards him, exclaiming how cold it was. stanley told him to shut up, for fear of other campers hearing them.

"they're going to think somebody is fucking dying," stanley laughed, pushing at richie as he floated on the surface of the water. richie quieted himself, and the two enjoyed the refreshing water.

stanley forgot he was drunk for a moment, and caught himself staring at richie.

"rich, why'd you kiss me?" stanley said, richie giggling. he swam to the edge of the water, by the grass and dirt. stanley followed after him.

" 'cuz i felt like it," richie's grin was ginormous, and he reached out his arms to stanley. stanley swam into his arms, lying over him like a mermaid to an unsuspecting beach visitor. the two stayed there, stanley hovering over richie.

stanley snickered, "cool." and he kissed richie this time. the two made out for a while on the shore, just them and the quiet moonlight. crickets made noise around them, as well as owls in the trees. 

when they finally broke away, stanley collapsed to lie on top of richie, richie laughing as stanley put his entire weight on richie. stanley sniffled, "can we do this again tomorrow? we don't have to be drunk."

"make out or go swimming?" richie asked.

"both." stanley smiled.

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