last night's 'trip to the store'

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pairing: bichie

a/n: this is so slutty gross it's the closest i'll ever come to writing smut cuz i don't like writing smut. anyway here's a little drabble.

bill's kissed most of the losers, but never like this;

he's not sure he remembers how he got here, honestly. it involved a lot of alcohol, he thinks.

they were going to stanley's, for a party with just the seven losers. bill had been innocent, not bringing anything. he didn't think he had to, honestly. he figured it was just a time for them to hang out. he was horribly mistaken, he found out. they were all planning on getting absolutely wasted, and wasted they got. now, in retrospect, of course they were going to get absolutely wasted. 

bill is drunk, either way, and he's kissing an equally drunk richie sloppily in the long backseat of richie's car. he thinks the keys to the car are in the front seat cupholder. there's no one else in the car, it's just the two of them, having disappeared from stan's. he thinks he told stanley that the two of them were going on a midnight adventure.

bill's hands are climbing up underneath richie's shirt whilst richie leans closer and closer to bill. richie making out with him is sloppy and new, but he's okay with it. god, he's okay with it. his tongue is really all over bill's lips. he even playfully nibbles at bill's bottom lip, making the two of them laugh subtly. richie detaches himself from bill for a moment but only to explore downwards, his mouth sucking needfully on bill's neck. 

bill has to wipe richie's saliva off of his mouth for a moment, but he gets cut off when richie creates more friction, and bill accidentally moans against his own hand. richie laughs drunkenly, excited he can make bill let out such noises.

bill's hands finally reach the peak of richie's shirt and richie backs away for a moment to help him get it off of him. bill's cold hands now explore richie's bare skin, his nails accidentally scratching richie every time that richie grinds down on him. richie is not complaining, and he may or may not do it more often to feel bill leave marks on him. richie is leaving his own marks on bill, his hands still around bill's neck. 

slowly, his hands travel down to bill's hips. the windows are fogged up, it's cold and the only noises in the car are their heavy breathing and bill's whimpers and moans. richie finally finishes his masterpiece of art on bill's neck and backs away, drowsily tugging at bill's shirt. bill takes the shirt off for richie, and invites him to expand the space for his canvas.

feverishly, richie grabs at the buttons on bill's jeans. bill laughs hotly, and richie pulls bill's jeans down his thighs with surprising efficiency.

"cuh-come here first," bill pulls richie up him, and kisses him again on the lips. it starts a second round of making out, and bill feels lightheaded as richie's tongue circles his. richie's hand palms bill, resulting in bill exhaling heavily between each kiss. 

richie pulls back, licking his lips with anticipation, "can i?" his eyes, glossy and filled with lust, flicker down to bill's boxers. bill smiles, not being able to help a bit of spit trailing out of his mouth.

"yeah, please,"

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