valentine's day for the (not so) lovers

972 21 10

pairing: stozier

"happy valentine's day, baby!" richie was standing in stanley's doorway, holding a bouquet of roses. stanley immediately flushed red and his eyebrows shot upwards. taking in richie, it was rather funny how much effort he had put into this. he was wearing dress pants and a a white shirt, about as fancy as richie got. he was also wearing a blazer, holding his bouquet, and he had his hair combed out.

"richie, what the fuck is this? we're not dating." stanley replied finally, when he had gathered his bearings. stanley looked the opposite of richie's formality. he was still wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt, and his hair was incredibly frizzy. he felt embarrassed, looking so messy when richie was neat. god, what was happening?

"first of all, you don't know that we're not dating, for sure. just saying. i could have asked you out while you were in a hypnotic state and now we're dating. second of all: no we aren't. third of all: i'm taking you out today on a valentine's day date. and first comes breakfast." richie explained, stanley subconsciously trying to comb his fingers through his hair. stanley nodded slowly, 

"it's 12. also, i don't get a choice?" stanley asked, richie nodding. stanley sighed, that was the normal kind of thing from richie, not that he was complaining.  he had always loved how richie made him do stuff, mostly because he would never agree to do it without him. 

"alright. let me change first, alright?" stanley turned around and went to leave, but richie grabbed him by the wrist, stan stopping in his tracks. 

"no, wear the pajamas. you're fine how you are, stan. just, tell your parents and come with me." something in richie's voice changed, and his face softened. richie let go of stan's arm.

"they're in new york this week, it's fine. but... i look like a mess... and you look like that." stanley replied, looking up and down at richie. richie winked and stanley rolled his eyes.

"c'mon stanny, have some fun and don't give a shit about what you look like. and it's not like you ever look bad." richie offered his hand out again, and stanley thought about it. maybe richie was right, maybe richie had a point. 

"fine." stanley backed up for a second and slipped on his shoes, taking his phone and keys from the table in the hall. richie grinned and handed the bouquet to stanley, who ran inside to put them in a vase. aftewards, he left the house quickly. 

"so, where are we going?" stanley asked, stepping into richie's truck on the passenger side. richie clicked his tongue and turned the radio on, starting up the truck.

"ihop. is that okay?" richie asked, tapping his fingers to the beat of the song. he pulled out of where he was parked in front of stanley's house. stanley took his fingers out of his hair (where he had been ferociously combing his hair to neaten it a bit) and cuffed his pajama pants, to make them look slightly less like pajamas. 

"yeah, yeah, of course." stanley hesitated, "is this a real date, rich?" stanley had always gotten used to richie's flirting. he did it with everyone, for the most part, but richie especially flirted with stanley. stanley was used to it, but this seemed different. it was valentine's day, and richie sure seemed like he was taking this one differently. richie looked a little downwards, but not at stanley, and still looking out into the road. 

"if you want it to be, sure. if not, that's also fine." richie responded, stanley nodding. he didn't answer richie as to what he thought about it. instead, stanley just sat back in the chair and tucked his shirt in. "gotta say though, you've tucked in a shirt and you've cuffed your pants. this very well could be" richie chuckled, stanley laughing a little as well.

"cool. i'm sorry i don't have cash, i'll pay you back for breakfast." stanley said, fumbling with his fingers in his hands. richie tutted and shook his head,

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