loud and obnoxious pt 1

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pairing: stozier

part 1/2

au: you have a timer on your wrist that counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate

"hi." richie walked up to stanley smoothly, despite his heart beating violently in his chest. he saw the incessant changing of his timer stop as he spoke, and his heart skipped a beat.

"um.. hi" the curly blond spoke, his long sleeves pulled over his wrists revealing nothing.

the blond was taken aback at richie. he'd never seen someone so abrupt and out there. he was a bit taller, stanley at 6"3, and richie at 6"1. richie had raven black hair, not matched by his bright clothes. wacky, that's the word richie would use to describe it. at the moment he was wearing high waisted black skinny jeans, but a bright neon orange shirt with a colour block windbreaker. stanley looked away, the colours hurting his eyes.

"i-i'm richie." richie smiled, knowing that this pretty boy in front of his was his soulmate.

"i'm stanley." at this point stanley was only being polite. he didn't see anything in this boy and he didn't plan on seeing anything. "stanley uris." he replied blankly, playing with his left sleeve.

"do you... do you wanna go out sometime?" stanley looked up in confusion. he wasn't opposed to dating boys, but he wasn't expecting to be asked randomly by this kid he didn't even know. he had a moment of realization as he glanced at the boys counter. no way. there was no way this loud, obnoxious, annoying boy was his soulmate. he had always kept his counter covered. could it be?

"uh... sure." he panicked, disoriented and a bit weirded out. richie seemed to breathe out a sigh of relief.

"okay. um, can i have your phone number so i can text you details?" richie spoke with a smile but his feet tapping on the ground showed his nervousness.

"yea... yeah." stanley was trying to be nice. if this kid was his soulmate he might as well give him a chance. maybe he wasn't as obnoxious as he seemed.


richie: monday at 7?

stanley: sure but you're picking me up

richie: only the best for you ;)

stanley: kid you're like 17, calm down

richie: i'm 21 😤

stanley: i bet that's what your fake id says

richie: well maybe i need a sugar daddy

stanley: jesus christ


dear journal,

he was just obnoxious as he seemed. loud, annoying, and he never stops talking. to be frank, i never have much to say, but he is just over the top. he took me to dairy queen. what a gentleman. there was nobody there except us, and on a different day i might have found that that made it more romantic, but it was with richie. i mean, i didn't mind the date itself. it was raining, my favourite weather, he really was a gentleman, he paid for my ice cream, and we went walking through the town. he never stopped talking, so i got to know him pretty well. i don't think he knows all that much about me, but i think i'm okay with that. he doesn't need to know me.


richie: so why is it covered

stanley: what?

richie: you know what i mean. why do you cover it?

stanley: i don't want it to be forced. i don't want an awkward meeting because i can see this ticking of a fucking counter in the corner of my eye. i don't need to know when i'm going to meet them. as long as i do.

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