school project

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pairing: bichie

a/n: this one short sorry lads

"richie, what d-did you do f-f-f-did you do for your p-puh-project?" bill asks, looking back and forth from his phone to his laptop. sitting on bill's red and grey bedspread, the two were on a homework grind. they had gotten through science and math, and were currently on english.

"which one?" richie replies, as they have many. he's not wrong, they had the romeo and juliet project, the romeo and juliet writing project, the metaphor assignment, and the future project.

"the f-fuh-fuh-fuh-future one, duh." bill states as if it's common knowledge. damn, that's the one   richie hoped bill wouldn't say. richie really didn't know if he wanted to share his at this point in time. 

"oh. i uh, mine is pretty long and boring, i don't know if you want to hear it." richie says, hopefully brushing the topic out of bill's mind.

it doesn't work. 

"i can't think of shit! help me, p-puh-puh-please." bill sighs, looking up from his laptop. his eyes beg, and how is richie supposed to say no to that? you're right, he can't.

"god, fine." richie took a big breath,

"when i am old, i would like to have led a successful and good life. so what is that? well, success means different things to different people. some people define success by wealth, or status, or power. i don't see that. i mean yeah, money sounds nice. on a material level, money sounds great. to buy whatever i want, travel wherever i want, that sounds amazing. however, money does not equal happiness. a popular saying, for a reason. money isn't what i see in success. success is finally finding the source of what makes you happy. success is finally seeing yourself in the place you want and achieving your goals, even if that goal was just to get out of bed in the morning. so, when i am old, i would like to have lived a life i deemed successful. to live in a nice house, one that does not have to be free of bugs or spiders or spirits, as long as i know i'm not alone. a house that stands alone, but feels like the embodiment of love when multiple people stand within it. i would like to have a nice job. maybe something i'm passionate in, where i can go to work everyday and feel just a little excited for the future. one that pays well enough for me to survive, one i can see myself growing old working for. but it's more than that. i've already been living a successful life. dear future me, you have one thing to keep in order to keep living successfully. bill. keep him with you, because he's all the success you need. he is the source of your happiness. you love him, and you will continue to love him for the rest of time or i will invent time travel to come over there and kick your ass (sorry mrs. bord). so don't lose him. live the successful live you deserve, and keep bill in it." richie looks up from his phone, hoping for bill to still be there. bill is looking right at richie, eyes wide.

"richie... i love you too but that is a horrible english project." bill moves his laptop, richie breathing a sigh of relief and sitting next to bill.

"shut up," richie starts about to make a joke, but he hesitates, "you know i mean it romantically, right? like i love love you. i'm in love with you."

"yeah yeah, me too." bill laughs, richie in awe at his nonchalance. bill smiles warmly, leaning in, almost. 

richie leans in too.

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