i wish i was her

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pairing: reddie


okay, i know it's stupid that i like you. because yeah, you go and you date every girl in existence without a second thought. your relationships last... maybe a week? at most? which normally, i would say must suck for you, but it really sucks for them. because here you are, perfectly unharmed, introducing me to ellie, someone you met in the food court of the mall yesterday. i know this because you told me over the phone, directly after you came home. she's another one of your conquests (poor girl), and you're going to break up with her in a couple days. i don't know what it is with you, it's not like you're in it for sex, you never get that far. in fact, you've given me the impression you don't wanna go that far. so what is it you want? physical affection? do you want love but you can never find it? because i may not be an expert (i don't know whether i like you or love you) in the love department, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be. when i go to bed, i'll dream that you date these girls, trying to get over your romantic feelings for me, but i know that's bullshit. these girls are so nice, too! i genuinely liked dara, but you two do not get along anymore, so, yikes. and it's not like you're a bad guy, you just seem to get caught up in stuff that takes you from these week-long excursions. anyway, back to ellie. she's sweet, she's blonde, and she dresses the way i imagine somebody who works at a bookstore works. not. a bad thing, just for clarification. anyways, that's all i have to say today.

see ya,




so i was right, ellie's gone. but now you're dating jodi. jodi (jodie? maybe i'll never get a chance to find out) is so sweet, and i can't believe that you got her. you really gushed about her on the phone too. that's a normal thing for you, by the way. to pick up the phone after you ask these girls out and break my heart (over and over again) to tell me about these "smoking babes" you pick up. but she was different. you seem really whipped for her, and it was honestly kind of cute. if i didn't like you, i might've made fun of you for how much you like this girl. of course, i don't expect her to last much longer than the others, but yeah. and i can see why you like her, she's gorgeous. and you two make a rather cute couple. the hand holding and sitting on laps and "mmloveyou" that you guys mumble into each other's necks and UGH! why do you do this to me? i'm trying to be nice but fuck, man.




who was right? fucking me, thank you very much. jodi was a bit longer than normal, two weeks, and while it killed me, you guys are broken up now! i assume it was you who did the dumping, but i have no clue why. you haven't found a new girlfriend. or boyfriend, i guess. you came out to me as bi the day after you two broke up. not that it would affect me, because when it comes down to it i am still your bro. that's okay, i suppose, because you're still in my life. anyway, you don't have a new s/o. which is good for me, because i don't have to deal with your constant gushing. although i feel bad for you, because jodi really hurt your heart apparently. still don't know why you broke up with her, i'll have to ask, but oh well. but i've been there for you while you're going through this, and it's not because i want you to realize what a catch i am and date me. it's because you're genuinely torn up, and i hate to see you like that. i want you to be happy, so i'll be by your side until you can find happiness again. i think that's why i haven't died yet. because i care too much about your happiness.

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