The apprenticeship

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Nobodies P.O.V.

( a weak later)

Naruto happily walked into the classroom, everyone turned to him all at once, they were about to call him out on him not supposed to be here, mostly the uchiha twins and the Namikaze twins plus kiba, but they saw his headband and scowled 'how did he even get one?!?! He's an idiot!!!' They thought , but kept to themselves, a certain pink banshee on the other hand, not so much "HEY YOU IDIOT, WHY DO YOU HAVE A HEADBAND?!?! DID YOU STEAL IT?!?! COME HERE SO I CAN BEAT SOME SENSE INTO YOU!!!" She screamed, running at him about to punch him but her fist was caught before she could reach him, she looked up and saw Iruka Umino, their teacher, holding her fist, Sakura paled she always hit him and he'd complain to Iruka but there was no proof, now there was.

Iruka looked at her with a cold look "Graduate Sakura, I'll revoke your Graduate status if you do that again, seeing as I can't punish you anymore, are we clear?" He asked in a deadly calm voice, Sakura nodded and speed walked back to her seat, Iruka then turned to naruto and smiled "get to your seat naruto, your in for a treat today actually , I'm proud of you" he said making Naruto beam at him, he ran to his seat and waited.

After about ten minutes of waiting for everyone to be in class Iruka started naming out the teams "team 1..." naruto zoned out the unimportant people team and perked up to the people that were considered "prodigies" as he put it " 7 Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and-" he cut off by sakura screaming "HA take that Ino-Pig, LOVE PREVAILS!!!" As she screamed that, naruto's eyes seem to clear and it turned into disgust, what did he see in her?

        Anyways Iruka ignored her and continued "- and the last member is Sai, your sensei is Kakashi Hatake" he finished, Sai was a boy who Naruto didn't really pay attention too, he was average and was sometimes weird, but level headed, he was nice too, so naruto didn't have a problem with him though, Sasuke though he hated with the utmost passion, he was annoying arrogant and he had a 30 foot pole up his ass, the Uchiha are all arrogant in Naruto's  opinion , but he gave them the benefit of the doubt as he liked itachi and shisui, they were the only ones who at least protected him from the mobs of people that wanted to torment him, they were good people, plus Mikoto too, she was like an aunt to him.

       Anyways back to the teams "team 8, Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka , and Shino Abarume, sensei is Kurenai Yuhi," he called out as all the members of team 8 nodded, Honestly Naruto only liked shino in that group, Hinata was a good friend, until someone told her something he doesn't even know about, and she stopped talking to him, Kiba on the other hand, Naruto hates him so much, he's just like Sasuke but without any real talent!

        "Alright team 9 is currently operating, Team 10 , Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka , sensei Asuma Sarutobi"Naruto perked up at hearing his jiji's last name, now he saw what he called Uncle Asu, they took care of him, he looked at the team 10, honestly he only disliked ino, but it's more of a ' I tolerate you' kind of way, Choji and Shikamaru were his friends .

        "Team 11 , Banri and Suki Namikaze , and Megumi Uchiha, also because Naruto is a special case, Rava Senju will be added to this team" he said making everyone question why naruto is a special case, someone raised a hand , Iruka nodded at the person and the person spoke "why is the idiot a special case?" They said as everyone nodded, Iruka looked at naruto who was as confused as they were "because Naruto Uzumaki , you have been taken by the recent sannin, his name is Kai Hyuga, as an apprentice, he wants you to be there in 30 minutes so chop chop, go Naruto" he said while Naruto was so exited, Kai Hyuga was his hero, and he now gets to be his apprentice , he bolted out the classroom, everyone was dumbstruck, until Banri and Sasuke both screamed "WHY IS HE HIS APPRENTICE?!?!" That was the same question running through everyone's minds, even iruka's, why was he chosen to be the apprentice of the person who could've been hokage at 17 but refused not to....

(Forest of death)

When Naruto got there he was so exited, then he saw him, the legendary Ghost of The Hyuga, the man who, wiped out 3 battalions from kumo,Iwa, and Kiri, the man who alongside the fourth hokage, killed the kyubi, and saved Konoha, this man was his Idle, and now he gets to learn from him!!!

Kai turned to him and smiled "why hello there, before we get started, let's introduce ourselves, my name is Kai Hyuga, I like my summons,ice cream, training, and my friends, , my hobbies are to train and eat ice cream, my dislikes are people who kill for fun, rapists, bad parents and sometimes the fourth hokage" he said smiling, he was wearing vambraces with what looked like kunai pockets , a sword on the back his waist , daggers on the outside of his calves , and two tantos on his back, he looked pretty badass.

Naruto wondered why he didn't like the fourth hokage sometimes but didn't push it "h-hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, being with my friends , and I would like training but no on gives me" he said looking down, Kai smiled and patted his head "don't worry, that's why I'm here" he said with a smile, Naruto beamed at him "ok my dislikes are people who hate me for no reason and the ones who make fun of me, my hobbies are eating ramen and fun pranks" he said sniggering at what he did to the hyuga once.

Kai smiled at the kid, knowing what he remembered,the spiked drinks that made people need to go to the bathroom to the hyuga men made him laugh for hours, that's what they get!

"So Naruto, today we are going to start with your mistakes and problems in you tactics and skills by sparring, we are going to try and fix the holes in your skilled and your chakra control will sky rocket when we're done ok?" Kai asked as naruto nodded exited, and at that they went to different places, and naruto charged.

I've been honestly thinking of writing this book for a while now so ima write it until I'm tired

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