The secrets inside the reliquarry! The Akatsuki on the move!

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They made their way down to find their mother on the couch with her head in her hands "Mom?" Banri called out, making Kushina snap her head towards him, tears coming out of her eyes.

        She ran towards and hugged them while kneeling down "I'm sorry, I know that you think I will abandon you, but I won't, I promise, Naruto's situation is complicated so the both of you don't have to worry about anything" Kushina claimed while kissing them and caressing them, which in turn made the twins start crying and hug their mother. Closure, a small and little thing, but it can cause the biggest of heartbreaks or mend the most shattered of hearts.

            They stayed like that for a few minutes before Suki remembered why they came down "ah right, mom, can you check this mark on Banri's shoulder? He got bit by something and it just appeared" She said making Kushina's eyes widen and start checking on Banri, like every mother would if they heard that their child got bit by something.

       She calmed down when he told her that it wasn't venomous and that he already got checked out. Knowing this, Kushina's worries went away and she went to check the mark that they were talking about.

           Her worries skyrocketed when he showed her the mark, her heart dropped and her face paled "WE HAVE TO GO SEE THE HOKAGE NOW!!!" She exclaimed while pulling Banri towards the door, which only brought fear to Banri and Suki's heart, it had to be something big for their mother to be pTHIS panicked.


In a clearing in the middle of the Forrest, two boys stood across from each other, both of them stood ready for a battle that was to commence.

"I'm going to kick your ass Neji" Naruto said smirking while getting into his storm stance, looking at Neji dead in the eyes and cackling a bit.

Neji just smirked back and got into the Gentle fist style "oh yeah? Bring it you blonde porcupine" Neji shot back, his eyes turning into that of the byakugan, having an cackle of his own while staring at Naruto.

On the side, Rava was sitting down with her legs crossed , waiting patiently for the fight to begin while Kai stood since he was proctoring the spar "alright, you both ready?" Kai asked as he looked at both of them, getting a nod in return.

"alright then, now, remember Naruto, only use your domains, and Neji, only use your new technique" Kai told the boys, making the two friends nod at the elder Hyuga as they both tensed, ready for the fight to come.

Kai nodded back and raised his arm "Hajime!!!" Kai exclaimed bringing his arm down, signaling the start of the spar between friends. As soon as he did that both Naruto and Neji blurred out of existence, one minute they were there and in the next second they reappeared, Fist and palm clashing.

A crater appeared below them from the force of their clash and a burst of wind pressure blew everywhere. Seeing the destruction they caused made them both smirk and jump straight back into it.

Naruto jumped up, doing a front flip, dropping an axe kick at Neji, who sidestepped to the left, sending a palm towards Naruto's rib.

Naruto saw the palm coming and grabbed onto Neji's arm, and using his super strength, Naruto pulled Neji up and sent him flying. Neji flew through the air for a bit before Neji crashed into a tree, and when he landed back on the ground, he was forced to kneel from the pain.

On the other side of the clearing, Naruto was smirking for a second before he felt a pain in his stomach, making him fall down onto one knee.

"You bitch...." Naruto grunted as he felt like he had a palm sized hole on his stomach. Struggling to stand up, Naruto growled out a grunt of pain, when did Neji hit him? Naruto swore he managed to dodge the palm strike.

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