invasion pt.4: when the world stood still

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"Sensei...."he croaked out, he felt really weak, weaker than ever before. Naruto felt cold , extremely cold. He heard his sensei say something, but he couldn't understand.

        Then, the world went black. So this was it? He was dying here? Well at least he managed to find out who his parents are......deadbeat fuckers.

             But he opened his eyes to see he was in a void with water coming from the floor, he didn't know where he was.

           He turned and saw that there was a man , sitting in a lotus position. Now this wouldn't be classified as weird, but the weird part is that the man had horns and three eyes, along with a black staff and a white robe with 6 tomoe going along the neckline.

         Weirdest part though? The man was floating in the air  "Naruto Uzumaki? We need to talk" the man said as he stared deep into Naruto's blue eyes.

             Naruto could only say one thing. Was a smart thing? No, was it cool? Absolutely not, did make sense? Not even a little, but was it something? Yes , yes it was.

            "Am I dead?"


              Minato was busy fighting Tobirama , going toe to toe against said Kage. Both Kage were teleporting everywhere, Fire vs Water were fighting a furious battle against each other.

            "Water style: Flood of God" Tobirama called out as the world above turned dark and it rained down hard while water bursted out of the ground , flooding the roof, giving Tobirama an infinite amount of water to work with.

          'Ah shit' Minato thought as he thought as he threw a kunai in the air ,having enough time to flash away before a Tsunami like wave past below him, courtesy of Tobirama.

           Looking at all that water, and Tobirama standing in it, Minato smirked , sometimes, the little things were overlooked in the heat of battle. Or Tobirama knew about and didn't do anything about it since Tobirama was on their side.

          "Lightning style: Hand of God" Minato called out as he raised his hands up mid air still. The storm clouds that were already there from Tobirama's jutsu started to thunder, lights flashing around.

          And then in a second, a bolt of Lighting the size of a house fell into Minato's hands, making a ball of lighting in between his hands.

               Once the lighting was fully absorbed by the ball of lighting in Minato's hands that was the size of three human beings standing side to side in width. Minato threw the ball of lighting down , which turned into a giant bolt of lighting again, striking the water , electrocuting Tobirama , and by the looks of it, Orochimaru  too.

            As Minato was falling, he threw a Kunai at Tobirama and flashed right behind him, grabbing his arms in a lock, using all the strength of Senjutsu to keep Tobirama in place.

           "I see you have defeated me fourth,it does make me question though, if we were to fight when I was alive, just the two of us, in our primes, who do you think would win?" Tobirama asked as he looked towards his brother, who was in the same predicament.

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